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Golden Age: Comics and Graphic Novel Resources...

Golden Age: Comics and Graphic Novel Resources in Libraries

Lisa Rabey

March 02, 2013

More Decks by Lisa Rabey

Other Decks in Education


  1. Golden Age: Comics and Graphic Novel Resources in Libraries Presented

     by  Lisa  Rabey  /  Kris1n  LaLonde  /  Andrew  McBride   h9p://bit.ly/goldenageofcomics  
  2. Why Comics in Libraries •  Collec&ng  comics  is  expensive,  the

     library  is  free   •  Improves  literacy   •  Popularity  -­‐  From  2001-­‐2006,  graphic  novels  grew   from  a  $75  million  to  $330  million  industry.   –  Graphic  Novels  up  38%  this  year   •  Unique  perspec&ve  on  pop  culture  and  life   •  Can  be  a  gateway  to  learning  new  or  introducing   difficult  topics   •  Different  types  of  libraries  have  different  types  of   collec&ons  
  3. Grand Rapids Community College •  Located  in  Grand  Rapids,  MI

      •  Serves  city  of  Grand  Rapids  and  Kent  County   •  Established  in  1914   •  Total  full  &me  student:  10,000     •  Total  student  popula&on:  Over  20,000   •  Conveniently  located  next  door  to  Grand   Rapids  Public  Library   •  Grand  Rapids  has  at  least  6  comic  book  stores  
  4. Graphic Novel History and Stats •  Bookstore  connec&on   • 

    Collec&on  started  (seriously)  in  2012   •  Current  number  of  &tles:  220   •  More  than  75%  of  the  collec&on  has  been   checked  out  at  least  once   •  50%  of  the  items  purchased  in  2012  have   been  circulated  out  via  ILL/MeL  for  
  5. What/How I Collect •  Titles  that  support  our  curriculum:  History,

      biography,  literature,  etc   •  Mainly  indie  and  stand  alone   •  Age:  16+     •  Peripheral  materials  such  as  technique,  history,   ar&st,  and  other  subject  &tles  to  &e  in   •  Requests  /  Word  of  Mouth  /  Recommenda&ons   •  Blogs,  Journals,  Websites  
  6. Outreach / Programming •  Outreach  to  student  groups  such  as

     the  Anime   Student  Group  and  Gamers  Student  Group   •  Social  Media   – Blog,  Facebook,  Twiger,  Pinterest,  Tumblr,  etc   •  Collabora&on  with  local  library  system  /  LCS   for  Free  Comic  Book  Day  and  other  events   •  Volunteer  at  up  and  coming  local  conven&ons   •  Present  at  non-­‐librarian  confernces  
  7. About My Library and Community •  Small  town  &  Rural

     Area  ~  30,000  permanent  residents   •  Central  Michigan  University   •  Rural  Townships:  Winn,  Blanchard,  Shepherd  &   Rosebush   •  2012   –  Total  Ac&ve  Users:    6700   –  Total  Number  of  Checkouts:  254,495   –  Yearly  Visitors:  272,023    
  8. By The Numbers •  Holding:  3,100  graphic  novels   • 

    Circulate:  2,100  a  year   •  ~  100  GNs  per  month  via  MeL   •  ~  20  GNs  per  month  via  WorldCat  
  9. •  Non-­‐Profit  Organiza&on  started  by   ar&st  Jerzy  Drozd;  Ann

     Arbor,   Librarian  Edith  Burney;  Chelsea,   Writer  Dan  Mishkin;  East  Lansing   and  Dan  Merrig,  owner  of  Green   Brain  Comics;  Dearborn.   •  Ann  Arbor  District  Library   •  Chelsea  District  Library   •  Hands  on  Workshops   •  Annual  Comics  Conven&on   •  Ar&sts  Alley   •  Demonstra&ons   •  Panels  with  renowned  ar&sts  &  writers  
  10. •  Libraries  work  with   vendors  &  comic  book  

    stores   •  Distribute  free  comics  that   correspond  to  the   collec&ons   •  Workshops,   demonstra&ons,  ar&st’s   alley,  displays,  etc   •  MSU’s  Randall  Scog,   pupng  rare  comics  on   display   •  May  The  Fourth  Be  With   You   •  Local  ar&sts,  photos,  etc  
  11. Arab American National Museum •  Museum  Mission  and  Facts  

    – Only  museum  of  its  kind  in  the  world   – Documents  and  presents  Arab  American  life   •  Library  and  Resource  Center   – Largest  collec&on  of  its  kind   – Arab  American  Book  Award  
  12. •  Comic  books  in  a  museum?  Why   •  Collabora&ons:

     Green  Brain  Comics   •  Events:  Geoff  Johns  Extravaganza   •  Audience:  Youth,  Staff  Members,  and   More!   Graphic Novels at AANM