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Version control with Git and Github v1

Version control with Git and Github v1

Iqube tech talk

Nnabueze Uhiara

September 15, 2017

More Decks by Nnabueze Uhiara

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  1. Main points What is version control? Why version control? Why

    Git? Why github? Git (proposed) workflow
  2. What is Version control? A system that records changes to

    a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.
  3. Why Version control? • Collaboration • Storing versions properly •

    Knowing what changed and why it changed(commit messages) • Ability to switch between versions • Backup
  4. Why Git? • It is a distributed VCS • Enables

    offline work • Immunity to explore/try out new things • Large community
  5. Why GitHub? • Large community of fellow devs • Integrates

    seamlessly with other dev platforms • Helps to boost your CV • Show your work to the dev world. PS: Git != GitHub
  6. Proposed git workflow Clone,checkout,branch,merge,rebase,commit,push,pull - What are these?? When Do

    you use them?? How to collaborate with others to avoid merge conflicts?? How to fix merge conflicts?? (you cant avoid them all )