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April 05, 2012


Lecture given Thursday April 5, 2012


April 05, 2012

More Decks by nichsara

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  1. !"#$%&'()*'+,*-.)'/#%0.(12,)' !"#$%&'() *+,-.+#$3'4564745683' 45947459:' ' !#&'"() 1;'4<5574<4=' /01%.2) ' 3"42.5/,&6"7+.()

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    erns and brothels in late-19th century Barcelona is clearly marked by strong thick brushstrokes, as separated, placing itself precisely to the fore and e nude which is to mark out the venue’s brothel ar again in Picasso's work - La Celestina (The n the sofa, it is the old inquisitive-looking procuress >(#C,'>$1(%%,3'NB-'O$?()3'4L<<;' >(#C,'>$1(%%,3'+,"C$)'*-'C('I(C-P-3' 4<55;'