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CoderDojo 2019 Review @ DojoConJapan 2019

CoderDojo 2019 Review @ DojoConJapan 2019

Nicola Lyons

December 21, 2019

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Who am I? ニコラ・ライソン Nicola Lyons グローバル・コミュニティーマネージャー 世界中の数百・数千とある道場に新しい学習 の機会を提供し、ボランティア・パートナーの 成長を助ける仕事をしています。

    Nicola works to grow our community of volunteers and partners to help us provide new learning opportunities for hundreds of thousands of young people attending Dojos around the world. [email protected] @nicolamlyons
  2. ビジョン Our vision すべての子どもがクリエイティブにテクノロジーを学べる安全でソーシャルな環境になる世界 A world where every child has

    the opportunity to learn about technology and be creative in a safe and social environment. ミッション Our mission 安全でソーシャルな環境を、グローバル・オープンソース・ボランティアのコーディングクラブネットワークとして成 長すること To grow our global, open-source, volunteer-led network of inclusive coding clubs where young people can create technology in a safe and social environment. 目的 Our Purpose
  3. Stats - Over 2, 000 Dojos - Over 100 countries

    - 12,000 volunteers - 58,000 Ninjas 109カ国に 2,069以上の道場。毎週 ・毎月 58,000名以上の若者が世界 中の市町村で参加しています Presently, there are more than 2,069 Dojos spread across 109 countries. These Dojos reach more than 58,000 young people on a weekly or monthly basis in cities, towns, and villages all over the world. グローバルコミュニティOur global community
  4. • What’s new: ◦ 新ブロック・検索、画面中の削除や拡張 New blocks, search, In-line delete,

    extensions ◦ オフラインエディター・タブレットなどの 新デバイス対応 New offline editor and device use (tablets) • Resources updated on the projects site: ◦ coderdojo.com/resources/ • 安全な Eラーニングモジュール New Safeguarding E-learning module ◦ dojo.soy/safeguarding • オンライン「道場を始めよう」コース Online “Start a Dojo” course now running ◦ dojo.soy/course 2019年の新しいリソース New resources in 2019 Scratch 3.0 Online Courses and E-Learning modules
  5. • 数百個のみなさんが自由に改変で きるプロジェクトを作成。 We make hundreds of projects that are

    ready to use, and adapt as you like. Visit our projects site: rpf.io/projects • Scratch, Python, HTML, CSS, Languages include Scratch, Python, HTML/CSS, Raspberry Pi, ハード ウェアなどのプロジェクトも hardware projects and more. • 初心者から上級者まで For all levels from beginner to more advanced • 27言語に対応!Translations into 27 languages! 新作の学習リソースMore learning resources created
  6. Join our translation community - rpf.io/translate 500+ projects have been

    translated into 27 different languages, including French, German and Dutch. 24 more languages are currently being worked on. All supported by an amazing group of over 1000 volunteer translators from across the globe. We never say no to any language, so if you’d like to get involved and help bring our content to even more young people across the globe please click the link above and join our amazing group of translation volunteers. 翻訳コミュニティの成長Our translation community has grown
  7. 2019年新ハンドブック New Handbooks for 2019 チャンピオンハンドブック The Champions’ Handbook -

    dojo.soy/chb The Champions’ Handbook, our essential guide for all new champions, is now available in English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, English and Swedish. ご両親向けハンドブック Parents’ Handbook — dojo.soy/parents Provides an introduction to the CoderDojo movement, an overview of coding and why it is such a useful skill, suggestions for getting involved at your local club, advice on how to support your child’s learning journey アクセシビリティガイド Accessibility Guide — dojo.soy/access How you can make your Dojo more accessible through listening to your participants, making reasonable adjustments so everyone can have the best possible CoderDojo experience.
  8. パッケージを用意しました! Apply for one of our packs CoderDojo スターターパックReceive your

    CoderDojo Starter Pack! To help support you through the early stages of running your Dojo you can apply for a Starter Pack once your Dojo is verified. The pack contains lots of helpful resources and information. Start a Dojo at coderdojo.com/start-a-dojo CoderDojo 誕生日 (記念日) パック Celebrate with your CoderDojo Birthday Pack! Celebrate the milestone of your Dojo’s birthday with our Birthday Pack. Dojo champions can apply for their pack up to two months in advance of their Dojo anniversary (the month it was verified on Zen). Learn more at dojo.soy/birthday CoderDojo イベントパックSpread the word with a CoderDojo Events Pack! Attending or hosting an event in your community? You might qualify for a CoderDojo Events Pack. We launched this pack earlier in the year to help community members to engage with attendees, share information, and spread the word about CoderDojo. Apply for a pack at dojo.soy/events-pack
  9. コミュニティのフィードバックで Zen を改善Thanks to direct community feedback we have continued

    to iterate and improve Zen. 両親・ボランティア向け管理画面 New Dashboard for parents and volunteers チケットをシンプルにSimplified ticketing and setting up events 道場検索の改善Improved finding a Dojo process Zen アップデート Updates to Zen Zen : CoderDojo プラットフォーム
  10. zen.coderdojo.com/home 道場の検索と参加にフォーカス。ボランティアや 保護者がログインできる管理画面をWe’ve recently focused on improving user journeys of

    finding and joining a club. Most recently we have developed a dashboard for volunteers and parents on login. ログインすると情報がすぐ見れる When you sign in you immediately have a page that explains: 1) 直近のイベント your upcoming events 2) おもしろいプロジェクト amazing projects 3) コミュニティニュース community news from around the world 4) 道場の統計 / Dojo stats 新管理画面New Dashboard
  11. • 検索で道場のイベントの露出度を上げる More visibility for your Dojo events in search

    • 両親のチケットを隠す We now hide parent tickets • 予約のグループ化Bookings are now grouped together • 確認画面のビジュアル化 A more visually appealing confirmation screen • メール予約確認をよりビジュアル化 A more visually appealing email confirming your booking More info here 道場検索プロセスの改善Improved finding a Dojo process