Presents some impacts of social networking sites during arab spring.
This presentation has been made in an university context.
Co-author: Nicolas Dupont (@lowx512)
kind of platforms : Social Networking Sites Beginning of social networking sites Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression
(#IranElection, #Libya...) Youtube channels Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression Sharing
person Recognizes no limits to its authority No freedom of expression Today: Iran, Libya, Syria… Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression
agents who are capable of resisting the world around them.” Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression Censorship and Media Manipulation
Friday, June 12, Iran voted. On Monday, June 15, Tehran erupted” Almost all media forms were blacked out A majority of internet sites were blocked Supply of proxy servers Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression
help spread Moussavi’s message. One Person = One Broadcaster. #IranElection.” Impact on oppressive regimes Iran : “Twitter Revolution” Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression
Moussavi’s fan group page : 180,000 fans Impact on oppressive regimes Iran : “Twitter Revolution” Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression
“undesirable” political web sites High risk of writing something on internet Opponents are killed or jailed Impact on oppressive regimes Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression
@EnoughGaddafi 9,000 followers Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression
internet speed Denounciation Impact on oppressive regimes Definition: Social networking sites Oppressive regimes Impact on oppressive regimes: Censorship and Media Manipulation Repression