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) and (kaeidoscope or eyes) 1st( kaeidoscope or eyes)= 87,009+213,312 2nd (tangerine or trees ) = 46,653+316,812 3rd and (marmalade or skies )= 107,913+271,658 eyes 213,312 kaleidoscope 87,009 marmalade 107,913 skies 271,658 tangerine 46,653 trees 316,812
2 . . .wn ] is w 1 AND w 2 AND . . .AND wn) §Cases where you get hits that do not contain one of the wi : §anchor text §page contains variant of wi (morphology, spelling correction, synonym) §long queries (n large) §boolean expression generates very few hits §Simple Boolean vs. Ranking of result set §Simple Boolean retrieval returns matching documents in no particular order. §Google (and most well designed Boolean engines) rank the result set – they rank good hits (according to some estimator of relevance) higher than bad hits. 30 YES,