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Cyan Deployments @ Betterment w/ Ansible

Cyan Deployments @ Betterment w/ Ansible

Blue/Green deployments have been an important, if rarely implemented, technique in the Continuous Delivery playbook for years. Their aim is simple: provision, deploy, test — and optionally roll-back — your application before it's served to the public. Betterment's deployment architecture takes a similar, but more straightforward approach, accomplishing the important goals sought out by Blue/Green practitioners. Dubbed 'Cyan' (a mixture of Blue/Green), Betterment uses Ansible to provision new instances, push the latest artifacts to them, and ensure that they're healthy before marking them ready for production. All this ensures fast, stable, zero-downtime rollout with minimal human interaction. We'll discuss Betterment's philosophical approach to shipping new code and then dive into the nitty-gritty Ansible that powers the whole thing.

Alan Norton

June 04, 2015

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  1. Techcrunch Disrupt May 2010 90,000 customers, more every minute. Fastest

    growing automated investing service $2B+ Who are we?
  2. A Better Migration: From Snowflakes to Stormtroopers Wednesday, July 22,

    6:30p - 8:00p @ AWS Pop-up Loft | NYC Shameless Plug:
  3. • Predictable • Repeatable • Minimal Human Interaction • Zero

    User Interruption • Contained Failure Dream Delivery
  4. Wait. Two Databases? “There's still the issue of dealing with

    missed transactions while the green environment was live, but depending on your design you may be able to... • feed transactions to both environments in such a way as to keep the blue environment as a backup when the green is live. Or you may be able to... • put the application in read-only mode before cut-over, run it for a while in read-only mode, and then switch it to read-write mode.” http://martinfowler.com/bliki/BlueGreenDeployment.html
  5. Jenkins’ Job 1. Build 2. Test 3. Package 4. Publish

    5. Run Migrations 6. Invoke Ansible 7. Cull Zombies
  6. Ansible’s Job 1. Check for S3 deliverables 2. Spin up

    new EC2 Instance(s) 3. Apply role(s) to instance(s) 4. Find instance(s) in ELB 5. Add new instance(s) to ELB & tag ◦ status: in-use 6. Remove & tag instances ◦ status: zombie
  7. Bootstrapping Ansible ./exec/ directory contains Jenkins entry points Ansible code

    lives in the repo it provisions. Publish it like an app.
  8. • Predictable • Repeatable • Minimal Human Interaction • Zero

    User Interruption • Contained Failure Dream Delivery Achieved
  9. The Future • Long Running Instances + Docker ◦ Huge

    speed improvement • Post Monolith, Abandon Jenkins? ◦ Travis CI for Build/Test ◦ Tower for Deployment Orchestration • Ansible Galaxy?
  10. [email protected] All code snippets & diagrams contained in this presentation

    are property of Betterment, but please learn from them. All photographs / GIFs used in this presentation are someone else’s. Street Fighter, Back To The Future, Indiana Jones, Futurama, and Arrested Development are someone else’s property too.