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Cascades on Online Social Networks: A Chronolog...

Nora Alrajebah
November 24, 2017

Cascades on Online Social Networks: A Chronological Account

A paper presented at the 4th Internet Science Conference (INSCI2017).
Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2017

Nora Alrajebah

November 24, 2017

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  1. cascades are considered as an artefact to study information diffusion

    on OSN They are the manifestation of the information diffusion process
  2. The two facets of a cascade Structural Temporal Who influenced

    whom to spread the content How many shares are there at any point in time (Day/Hour) 0! 6! 12! 18! 24! 30! 0! 2! 4! 6! 8! 10! Number of shares! Days after publishing!
  3. Paper TOC Our paper answers the following questions about cascades:

    1. What are they? definitions .. 2. What is their significance? 3. How cascade networks are constructed? 4. What are the effects of the content type and the available data on cascade construction approaches? 5. What features we can use to analyse cascades? i.e., how can we quantify cascades?
  4. Paper TOC Our paper answers the following questions about cascades:

    1. What are they? definitions .. 2. What is their significance? 3. How cascade networks are constructed? 4. What are the effects of the content type and the available data on cascade construction approaches? 5. What features we can use to analyse cascades? i.e., how can we quantify cascades?
  5. Why analysing cascades is important? 1. A proxy to unravel

    the way information is spread on the Web 2. Estimate influence and homophily between users 3. Estimate the value of the content 4.They are better indicators of users’ interest and trust networks 5.Explain social network evolution
  6. Constructing a ‘Cascade’ Network Cascades construction approaches Collective cascades Single

    cascade Platform- defined Forest Generic Tree/ Forest Forest Content type Network topology Platform- defined Generic
  7. Wrapping up .. • Cascades matter! • Platforms & content

    types matter! • They affect how data about cascades can be collected, prepared and analysed • Research tasks are affected (challenged!) by them