given by Mark Wubben at LondonJS School Trip in London, UK, on June 30th 2012. Photo by Vox Efx,, CC-BY 2.0.
application architecture. Who here has seen the new direction Twitter is taking with their website? They’re now rendering an HTML page on the server, and even shipping HTML snippets to dynamically update the pages. No more hashbangs, no more showing the homepage whilst the client fetches the tweet you really wanted to see. It’s a similar approach 37signals is taking with their new version of Basecamp. In fact, DHH tweeted this: Photo by David DeHetre, <>, CC- BY-2.0.
HTML fragments instead of JSON is somehow dirty. It's simple, clean, and fast.” Personally I don’t like shipping HTML snippets, and that’s because I have a different view of how web applications should function. Now, I work at a startup named State, and this talk is about how we view web applications and how we’re trying to build them. <>
we build a web application that is also a website? What do we need out of our front- end architecture? EyebrowJS is the framework we have under development that aims to solve these challenges. When it’s ready we’ll open source it. For now, let’s discuss! At State, your opinion counts ;-) Photo by Katelyn Kenderdine,, CC- BY-2.0.
all the things What do we mean by website or -application? I feel as if an application can put demands on the browser – require, say, JavaScript – and pretty much runs in the browser without going to the server at all. A website has to cater to all kinds of browsers and does use server round-trips to render new pages. So if we want our web application to be like a website we need to find a way of merging these properties.
is build on The most obvious property is that websites ship static HTML to the client. This ensures that search engine crawlers and semantic web parsers can actually understand your site, I mean, application.
when possible Sites rely on progressive enhancement. They don’t assume JavaScript is present, or that the browser is of May 2010 vintage. Of course we’ve known this for about 10 years now. These days we have extra challenges.
control And finally we need websites with interactive widgets. This shouldn’t be bolted on to your application but be an integral part of it. You need to architect the widgets and the code that drives them, neglect this and your application simply spirals out of control.
balance between site and application? How do we make things real-time, responsive and interactive? What does all this mean for the application stack? Photo by Anssi Koskinen,, CC-BY 2.0.
Coined by Dion Almaer What we want is for the server to render a website, but for the client to be an application. Dion Almaer calls this [conditional-tier rendering][1]. [1]: innerhtml-vs-js-mvc-json
the client Depending on browser support When requests hit the server we’ll ship static HTML. However navigation within the browser can be handled there, rendering the new pages purely via client-side code. The URL can be updated using pushState. Of course if the browser does not support this we’ll fall back to doing a server page fetch.
and Twitter update the client-side view by sending HTML snippets. This means the server renders the templates. I prefer doing the rendering on the client-side, which means the templates should be isomorphic: they need to render both on the server *and* on the client. Isomorphism doesn’t extend just to the views. Routes and controllers also need to be isomorphic.
With traditional websites the server often talks directly to the database. This isn’t possible on the client-side, so you need a different way of getting the data needed to render a new view. You need an API. Having APIs is cool anyway, since it makes it easier to replace parts of your backend, and surely you’ll want other people to consume your API as well. Instead of talking to a database, the server talks to the API. So does the client. At State we’re building everything on top of our API. We’re eating our own dog food, so to speak.
stream endpoint Let’s assume the client uses XHR to request JSON documents from the server. You could just as easily stream those same documents via WebSockets or Server-Sent Events. The stream endpoint itself can be generic: it only needs to ship JSON documents, not HTML snippets tailored to the specific client.
support Users may have different needs from your application based on the device they’re using to interact with it. The supported input device may also lead to differences in the UI. A search menu on desktops may rely on mouse scrolling for pagination, but should have a button on touch devices where finger scrolling is obscured in the UI. Different UI elements will work differently between a phone, tablet, laptop and 27” iMac. A search menu can’t just be a drop-down on a phone, it needs to take over the whole screen. But it can’t take over the screen on a tablet, it must be a drop-down. Different browsers support different features. The experience may therefore be different between browsers. Your application must respond to all these scenarios. Can a framework provide the tools?
different facets of State’s application stack and see where EyebrowJS fits in. Photo by Evan Blaser,, CC-BY-2.0.
a webserver written in Node.js. It renders the views into an HTML string for each request. This means the views are ephemeral, they only exist for as long as it takes to ship them down the wire.
Data-binding for automatic updates The story is different on the client-side. We need to create and maintain a DOM tree, making changes when navigating between pages or when the underlying data changes. The views are persistent, not ephemeral. We use data-binding from the view to the model so model changes are automatically reflected in the DOM.
easier by server-side JavaScript The same template renders on the server and on the client. Server-side we compile into a Node-module, just straight JavaScript that renders the view when it’s executed. For the client-side we compile into an instruction-set that can efficiently create the DOM tree. Of course having server-side JavaScript makes this a lot easier, since the Eyebrow parser/ compiler as well as both runtimes are written in the same language.
inition for rendering in multiple scenarios I don’t get why people want logic-less templates. Sure, we shouldn’t write programs in our views but supporting if-statements or even variable assignment makes it easier to present the model without having separate helper code. This is especially important when rendering a view in different scenarios, like server and client. You express the UI logic only once: in your views. Let’s look at an example of “heavy views” in EyebrowJS. Note that the syntax here is pseudo- code, this talk isn’t about specifics, it’s about architecture and solutions.
</p> {{/if}} </aside> HTML and template tags are mixed. Here we use double mustaches to read values from the model. An if-statement (not actual syntax!) is used to conditionally render the paragraph: only if the user we’re looking at is following us.
If he isn’t, the ASIDE is empty. If this were client-side and we got a real-time update that Arran stopped following us, the UI would have changed automatically.
behind our approach is that EyebrowJS will parse, compile and optimize these views to run in specific environments. UI code that is needed on the server may not be needed on the client and vice versa. The render implementation on the server may indeed be radically different from the client implementation. The templates behind the views are still the same though!
the client On the server the models are instantiated for each request and destroyed as soon as the request has finished. Like the server views they’re ephemeral. On the client they are persistent and may survive for as long as the page is open in the user’s browser.
models on the client, manipulated and synced with server The server resources then are thin, essentially read-only. On the client however they are fat. They’ll contain business logic for how to update or manipulate their data.
each unique resource we keep one object in memory. Wherever in the models this resource appears it’ll be the same object. Because views bind to the model instances we can’t simply remove them from the local datastore. Over time the application takes up more and more memory. Cache invalidation really is one of the hardest problems! Part of the solution will be to track whether a particular model (or field) is currently bound to by the view. Combined with expiry rules we should be able to keep memory under control.
resource is stored with only one object you need to take care when modeling them. Resources should not contain fields that rely on a particular context, say via which API method they were returned, as those fields will survive when users navigate your application.
"arran", "has_organized": true } In this example a User resource is returned by both endpoitns. However the second API call returns an `has_organized` field which is specific to the Schooltrip event.
required API calls Prepare data for rendering in the view Isomorphic views only make sense if the application routing can be isomorphic as well. But what’s a route? In essence it maps a URL to both a view and the required API calls to construct the model context. The way we solved this at State is to define our routes in a Node-module. We then have a development-time endpoint in the server which can compile the routes into an AMD-module we can use in the browser. When we deploy to production we compile the routes directly into the application code.
exposed as an API, or don’t want to do on the client-side Not all pages can be rendered client-side. Some form POSTs, like signup or logout are managed via server-side controllers. Same for the about page. Basically everything you don’t want exposed to the client via your API you keep to the server.
model One remaining question is how we provide interactions between the view and model layers. Of course these can only happen in the browser. My JavaScript toolkit of choice is Dojo, to which I'm a committer. Dojo has a widget library called Dijit. It uses markup to declare widgets and event bindings. Here's an example adapted from the official reference guide:
this is just rubbish. One problem with Dijit is that it’s old. IE6 old, if not older. It’d be much nicer to build a menu using the MENU tag. Because it's based on custom DOM attributes Dijit is overly verbose and really not very flexible. That said, declarative widgets make a lot of sense! You can define them where you need them, instead of writing class names and separate code that tries to find the elements that need to become interactive.
heavier Control interaction with (parts of) the view via JavaScript We’ve already got heavy views so adding declarative interactions isn’t that big of a step. We can define components and behavior, as well as bind DOM nodes into the component instances and wire up event handling. The behavior of components is kept separate from the views they affect.
example. Within the context of a particular user model we render the FollowButton component. It has a view defined elsewhere that is rendered in the DOM tree where the component is declared.
followed by us}} Stop following {{else}} Follow {{/if}} </button> {{/behavior}} {{/with}} </aside> In this example we directly apply behavior from a separate JavaScript file to a view. In this case the UserRelationship behavior, with an event hooked up to the button to toggle the following state. Assuming the underlying user model is updated to reflect the current relationship, the button text will automatically change.
followed by us}} Stop following {{else}} Follow {{/if}} </button> {{/behavior}} {{/with}} </aside> In this example we directly apply behavior from a separate JavaScript file to a view. In this case the UserRelationship behavior, with an event hooked up to the button to toggle the following state. Assuming the underlying user model is updated to reflect the current relationship, the button text will automatically change.
the models and component states, the views can respond to changes. Rather than having your component manipulate the DOM directly, it can set a state value and the UI logic in the view will update automatically.
{{/if}} > {{if followed by us}} Stop following {{else}} Follow {{/if}} </button> {{/behavior}} In this example the UserRelationship behavior sets a value on its own widget model that is exposed to the view. We can now disable the button while the relationship is modified on the server.
Test view rendering given (static) view models This decoupling makes it easier to test and develop the components, since they themselves know nothing about the DOM tree they’re controlling other than what the view decides to tell the component. Similarly all permutations of the view models can be set in a controlled environment to make sure the view responds appropriately and the correct DOM tree is rendered.
& client, and responsive scenarios It’s not just that we want to declare interactions in our views. We also want to declare snippets that should only be rendered in particular circumstances. The view becomes a shared definition for server- and client-side rendering, as well as the various responsive scenarios we have to deal with.
the server…}} {{behavior UserRelationship}} ! ! ! ! <button>…</button> ! {{/behavior}} ! ! {{/if}} {{/with}} </aside> We should only render the follow button if the view isn’t being rendered on the server. This would be because the button requires JavaScript to function, and we can’t guarantee that the users who see the server output have JavaScript enabled.
<li> <a href="" {{event loadMore}}> Load more </a> </li> {{/if}} </menu> {{/behavior}} Or here for a Menu behavior, if we’re on a tablet device we can render a button to load more items.
action="/search/users"> <input name="q"> <button type="submit">Search</button> </form> {{/component}} With this markup we can render a fallback in case the component itself couldn’t be rendered.
to render parts of the view into the markup itself we can optimize the views for different platforms. For example we could compile optimized JavaScript just for an iPhone so we don’t have to ship any code that would normally run on a desktop.
particular part of your application behaves differently in different scenarios, you can still write those variations in one place. You don’t need to build four different implementations with lots of duplication between them.
the various patterns in application design EyebrowJS encourages. Photo by Quinn Dombrowski,, CC- BY-SA 2.0.
historically this talks more about databases than it does about API resources. In fact EyebrowJS encourages business logic around the data to be in the model layer. I’ll follow Charlie Robbins lead and will call models “Resources” instead. Charlie, of Nodejitsu, wrote an excellent article by the way on [isomorphic JavaScript code][sijc]. The link is in the slides. [sijc]:
of EyebrowJS applications. There is actually a pattern called [Presentation-Abstraction-Control][PAC] that somewhat describes having a hierarchical structure of “model”, “view” and “controller” responsibilities which matches widgets in a DOM tree. Nobody uses it though. [PAC]:
Vox Efx David DeHetre Katelyn Kenderdine Anssi Koskinen Evan Blaser Quinn Dombrowski Jeff Kubina Many, many thanks to the wonderful people on Flickr who licensed their photos under Creative Commons. Photo by Jeff Kubina, CC-BY-SA 2.0.