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European Grid Infrastructure: computing and dat...

Nuno L Ferreira
September 02, 2014

European Grid Infrastructure: computing and data services for atmospheric research

CLM Community Assembly 2014, 2-5 September
Frankfurt / Main, Germany

Poster: European Grid Infrastructure


The European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) is a federation of over 340 resource
centres, set up to provide computing services and resources to European
researchers and their international collaborators [1]. EGI supports research
collaborations of all sizes: from the large teams behind the Large Hadron Collider
at CERN and Research Infrastructures in the ESFRI roadmap, to the individuals
and small research groups that equally contribute to innovation in Europe.
Multinational scientific communities can draw many benefits from having a
partnership with EGI: uniform access to the massive computation and storage
resources, consultancy and support from the National Grid Initiatives, benefit from
the workshops and forums organised by EGI, receive support on resolving specific
technical issues, become involved in the user-focused evolution of EGI’s
production infrastructure incorporating various storage and computing services,
among others.

This poster will provide an overview of the EGI infrastructure platform [2]. Available
resources can serve a large variety of scientific data processing and data mining
algorithms, high-performance computing simulations, data transfer and repository
applications. Relevant information on how CLM community members can profit
from the EGI service catalogue will be provided, while showcasing the ongoing
climate modelling work done by your peers at the EGI e-infrastructure [3,4].

[1] European Grid Infrastructure: http://www.egi.eu
[2] EGI Federated Cloud: http://go.egi.eu/cloud
[3] Climate change and ozone: http://www.egi.eu/case-studies/physical-sciences/ozone.html
[4] The importance of grid computing in the investigation of climate: http://www.hellasgrid.gr/?p=1830

Nuno L Ferreira

September 02, 2014


  1. More Capacity, Faster Results The European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) and

    its partners provide solutions to accelerate data-intensive research built through a mature service catalogue. High-throughput data analysis: EGI offers large- scale computing (590,000 CPU cores), storage (370 PB) and data management facilities to handle big data, speed up results and enable collaborations. Atmosphere researchers have access to resources through a number of Virtual Organisations that can help you to get started. Federated cloud: EGI provides virtualised compute and storage capabilities for your research, to enable you to run any environment and calculation in the form of Virtual Machine images. Do you need to analyse large datasets? Do you need to execute thousands of computational tasks? The European Grid Infrastructure delivers computing services to researchers. EGI has applications, services and communities already enabled for use You can find more software tools already integrated with the EGI infrastructure on the EGI Applications Database http://appdb.egi.eu. EGI federates national resources and solutions to create a European and global infrastructure WRF - The Weather Research and Forecasting Model is a numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both atmospheric research and operational forecasting needs. Atmospheric Modelling and Services - AMoS is a Virtual Team aiming to support and assist the networking of research groups and EGI stakeholders involved in atmospheric modeling, by identifying technical issues of common interest and investigating for joint solutions within the EGI framework. DRIHM (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorology) are producing an e-Science environment for predicting, managing and mitigating the risks related to extreme weather phenomena. VERCE (Virtual Earthquake and Seismology) who are developing a data-intensive e-science environment for earthquake and seismology research to enable innovative data analysis and data modelling methods that fully exploit the data generated by this community. Coordinating body: EGI.eu, Amsterdam Whether you are an individual scientist or research group, the European Grid Infrastructure has the answer for you EGI Associate Member EGI Council Member CERN EMBL EIROS EGI receives funding from EGI-InSPIRE, a project co-funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no RI-261323 GET STARTED WITH EGI http://go.egi.eu/CLMCA2014QR EUROPEAN GRID INFRASTRUCTURE COMPUTING AND DATA SERVICES FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH