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EGI support services. Science Gateway community.

Nuno L Ferreira
September 17, 2013

EGI support services. Science Gateway community.

EGI Technical Forum 2013, 16-20 September
Madrid, Spain

Science gateways (SGs) are an emerging interface for communities to engage more actively with the European Grid Infrastructure. The complexity of accessing distributed resources is hidden from researchers, and therefore several communities are building customized gateways for their members.

The presentation will provide an overview of the support provided by EGI to the SG community, both users and technology providers. The experiences of reaching new communities will also be highlighted.


Nuno L Ferreira

September 17, 2013


  1. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI support services

    Science gateway community 1 Nuno Ferreira User Community Support Team EGI.eu, Amsterdam [email protected]
  2. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Overview  Science Gateways & EGI 

    Services to cover:  EGI dedicated webpage  Applications Database  Training Marketplace  Webinars  Virtual teams  Engagement with communities 2
  3. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Science Gateways @ EGI 3 Primer Primer

    Primer Primer Today !  TF.2010. Amsterdam No dedicated session: here, there, more, …  UF.2011.Vilnius User Environments  TF.2011.Lyon Portal technologies for EGI communities  CF.2012.Garching Portals and Gateways  TF.2012.Prague Science Gateways  CF.2013.Manchester Science Gateways Workshop  TF.2013.Madrid Science Gateways Frameworks
  4. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Science Gateway Primer  General project info

     Virtual Team: 34 individuals, 15 countries, 5 NILs  Lifetime: May/Dec 2012  Wiki : http://go.egi.eu/sgp-vt  Goals 1. Provide a comprehensive document, an 'EGI science gateway primer‘, that collects information about technologies, policies, solutions that exist from the EGI community for gateway developers. 2. Up to date and complete information in the EGI Application Database about EGI science gateways and science gateway enabling technologies, 3. Recommendations on how to improve the data structure of the EGI Application Database and the EGI website to better support science gateway developers.  Status  Document produced … but is not sustainable!  White paper 4
  5. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 AppDB – a software entry 7 Software

    entry profile • Profile • Publications • Software releases • Comments & Ratings
  6. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Webinar Programme 9  General project info

     Start: March 2013  Wiki: http://go.egi.eu/webinars  Process: Recorded  EGI DocDB  Training Marketplace  Past webinars  Catania Science Gateway Framework  …  Upcoming webinar  VOMS support, MyProxy Tool and Globus Online Tool in GSI-SSHTerm [20131009@14CET]
  7. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Virtual Team Framework 10  Context 

    EGI-InSPIRE project revised its user engagement (2011)  Goals: improve efficiency/flexibility of intercation NGI’s, EGI.eu, ...  Virtual team as a key element (along with the NGI International Liaisons)  Processes to establish/run a VT are in place  Finished VT’s  Scientific Discipline classification  Science gateway primer  …  Running VT’s  Technology study for CTA  …
  8. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Project info • Social network • Requirements

    • Solutions • InSilicoLab • gUSE/WS-PGRADE • Roadmap High Throughput Data Analysis for CTA 11 EGI HTC and data facilities CTA resources Computation CTA science gateway ... App. 1 App. 2 Applications Authentiation, Authorization App. porting tools Support services
  9. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI / XSEDE Envisaged setup 12 Science

    gateway (In Europe or US) UMD User Interface gLite sites (CEs and SEs) gLite sites (CEs and SEs) gLite sites HTC Browser or desktop app. Browser or desktop app. Browser or desktop app. Robot cert. VOMS server Robot certificate DNs IGTF CA Provides via WMS broker BDII information system Pre-defined and endorsed executables Robot cert. ... XSEDE science gateway interfaces gLite sites (CEs and SEs) gLite sites (CEs and SEs) XSEDE sites HPC Unicore 6 UMD (gLite, Unicore, Arc?) Project info Candidates: •Ab Initio Elasticity Workflow in the VLab (US) •Wasp platform (US) •Neuroscience Gateway (US) •GEMS Computational Chemistry (EU)
  10. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 What’s in all this for me? 13

    Service Provides EGI SG webpage Single point of access for relevant information AppDB Register SG’s and their enabling technologies, … TM Promote SG related events and training material Virtual Team Bring experts and communities with common goals together Webinars Promote, learn, teach ? Suggestions are welcome
  11. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI support services

    Science gateway community 14 Nuno Ferreira User Community Support Team EGI.eu, Amsterdam [email protected]