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An introduction to the European Grid Infrastruc...

Nuno L Ferreira
May 19, 2014

An introduction to the European Grid Infrastructure

EGI Community Forum 2014, 19-23 May
Helsinki, Finland

This presentation was part of a session which introduces the concepts of grid and cloud-based distributed computing, the architecture, components and user-facing services of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). It consists of a set of tutorials composed of short talks and demonstrations that will introduce to the audience:

+ Main services of the European Grid Infrastructure
+ How to get access to the EGI production system
+ Federated Cloud service from EGI
+High level tools for application development, sharing and access

For further details: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/contributionDisplay.py?contribId=21&confId=1994

Nuno L Ferreira

May 19, 2014


  1. www.egi.eu Do you like acronyms? 2 Acronym What it stands

    for EGI European Grid Infrastructure AppDB Applications Data Base VO Virtual Organization NGI National Grid Infrastructure NIL NGI International Liaison VRC Virtual Research Community VM Virtual Machine SG Science Gateway Check: EGI Glossary
  2. www.egi.eu A dream called … the Grid 3 • Grid

    computing is a concept which takes distributing computing a step forward • The name ‘Grid’ is chosen by analogy with the electric power grid: ─ Transparent plug-in to obtain computing power without worrying where it comes from ─ Permanent and available everywhere • Grids are computing infrastructures providing seamless access to computing power and data storage all over the globe Taken from a recent intro grid tutorial by NGI_PT
  3. www.egi.eu Our world … and one step further! 4 Network

    infrastructure: ON Global sharing resources: ON ‘Coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations.’ Foster, I. et al., Int. J. Superc. Appli. (2000)15:3 Network infrastructure: ON Global sharing resources: ‘OFF’ The Grid
  4. www.egi.eu Accelerating Excellent Science 5 EGI MISSION To support researchers

    from all disciplines with the reliable and innovative ICT services they need to accelerate excellent science. • Natural sciences • Physical sciences • Medical and health sciences • Engineering and technology • Any research activity within the European Research Area http://www.egi.eu/case-studies/ ’
  5. www.egi.eu European Grid Infrastructure 6 EGI.eu • European Over 30

    countries • Grid Secure sharing of IT resources • Infrastructure Computers (clusters) Data Applications …. • Built by European projects
  6. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 7 Production Infrastructure : 2014.03 • Distributed

    and federated data/computing facilities • Grid, Cloud & Desktop compute platform • 340 resource centres in 34 NGI / EIROs • 435,000 logical CPU cores • Supporting science for over 10 years • 190 PB disk, 180 PB tape • 1.6 10^6 jobs/day • > 99.6% reliability
  7. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Distributed computing landscape Supercomp. grid Cluster grids

    and clouds Massively parallel (e.g. MPI HPC) PRACE (in Europe) XSEDE (in US) EGI Desktop grids Massively parallel (e.g. MPI) Embarassingly parallel (HTC) Workflows Embarassingly parallel (HTC) Workflows 8
  8. www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 9 Resource allocation via VOs User User

    User User User User VO VO VO Virtual Research Community (VRC) Virtual Research Community (VRC) Members Virtual Organisations Research communities VO most active High Energy Physics Astronomy & Astrophysics Life Sciences Earth Sciences Sites Sites Sites VRCs wLCG : High Energy Physics WeNMR : Structural biology LSGC : Life sciences HMRC : Hydro-Meteorology CLARIN: Humanities Sites Sites VO Some numbers + 20*10^3 users + 200 VOs