code, running on your own machines (you pick instances) ◦ Can run multiple workers per machine (think of it as a thread) • with client library, designed to work with AutoScaling
INFO: Worker saw 1 total leases, 1 available leases, 1 workers. Target is 1 leases, I have 0 leases, I will take 1 leases
Key) "shardId-000000000000" checkpoint "21269322407426698664519200225895317504" leaseCounter 40 leaseOwner "" ownerSwitchesSinceCheckpoint 8 INFO: With failover time 10000ms and epsilon 25ms, LeaseCoordinator will renew leases every 3308ms and take leases every 20050ms
log files to S3 (json). ◦ including API class from Console, SDK, command- line tools, higher-level services • Includes response data for Create, Update, Delete operations (not read) • Includes errors, including auth errors
Actually partitioned within s3! ◦ /<prefix>/AWSLogs/<AccountID>/CloudTrail/ <region>/<year>/<month>/<day>/<file>.json.gz • SNS notification available on new file deliver