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Toward the creation of a related population in ...

Toward the creation of a related population in mid-mountainous areas: Making an original HP and researching the sharing economy

Presentation slides at the 2024 Digital Agropolis Contest, July 27, 2024.
Digital Agropolis Project Kushima/Nichinan Team HP: https://sites.google.com/view/agropolis

Oka Natsuki

July 28, 2024

More Decks by Oka Natsuki

Other Decks in Research


  1. Making an original HP and researching the sharing economy 2024

    DIGITAL AGROPOLIS COMPETITION Nichinan/Kushima Team Motoba, Midori; Maehata, Sumire; Hayase, Riruna; Inada, Haruhito; and Matsuoka, Kosuke.  Toward the creation of a related population in mid- mountainous areas
  2. ①Current Status and Challenges in Mountainous Regions Field survey in

    mountainous regions Analysis, categorization, and contemplation ②Proposal for establishing a "related population" Views from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. ③The initiatives we implemented Building an original website The sharing economy ④ Summary Outline
  3. The current status and sustainability of mountainous areas Fieldwork in

    the Nichinan mountainous region. Marukajiri Strawberry Picking Photo Studio, Tamura Farm Sakamoto Rice Terraces Sakatani Roadside Station Fieldwork in the Kushima mountainous region. Ishigami Farm Onitsuka Farm Agricultural challenges and attractiveness of mountainous areas revealed by fieldwork
  4. Analyzing Challenges in Mountainous Regions CATEGORIZING INTO "ENVIRONMENT/NATURE," "SOCIETY/HUMANITY," AND

    "INDUSTRY/ECONOMY" Global warming, pest and vermin damages, CO2 emissions, pesticides, abandoned farmlands, disasters (climate/earthquakes/volcanic eruptions, etc.), diseases Low income, influence on imported crops, food crisis, soaring fuel and commodity prices, mass waste Population decline, emigration, low fertility rate, aging population, lack of heirs, erosion of traditional culture and history, impact from global circumstances Environment /Nature Industry /Economy Society /Humanity
  5. Urban areas Farmer Fewer relationships Farmer Fundamental Issues FARMER-TO-FARMER AND

    FARMER-TO-URBAN RELATIONSHIPS This challenge cannot be solved by farmers, urban areas alone. Relationships among farmers Relationships between farmers and urban areas

    ITS DEVELOPMENT What is required for sustainable agriculture in mountainous regions? Exchange Alignment Establishing a "Related Population" Economically and socially independent as a region and as farmers. Independence Enhancing business growth through collaborations. Interactions among farmers, other industries, and different regions.
  7. It is neither settled population nor visiting population, but individuals

    who have varied connections with local residents and their communities. Regarding "Related Population" Definition of "related population" by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries promotes the development and growth of the rural-related population. By engaging urban residents in agriculture and rural areas, "rural-related layers" should be created, and then "rural-related population" should be developed, broadened, and deepened. Views from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
  8. Developing a website to showcase agricultural products, farming, and the

    charm of mountainous areas. Research and planning for the mutual utilization of resources within and outside mountainous regions. Website Creation Research on sharing economy Our efforts to establish related population Let's achieve “interaction” via webpage and "collaboration" through sharing economy! https://sites.google.com/view/agropolis
  9. The webpage we crafted The top page Our Thoughts Local

    Crops Our Projets Blog Challenges and Development
  10. Researching the cooking techniques, farming practices, nutritional content, and advantages

    of agricultural goods cultivated in Miyazaki Prefecture. This encompasses details on strawberries, hyuganatsu, hebesu, cucumbers, green peppers, sweet potatoes, and setoka (mandarin oranges). In this blog, each member shares insights on mountainous regions, agriculture, and research findings. (e.g.) Kagura of mountainous regions in Nichinan City. The webpage we crafted Content examples
  11. feedback Knowing the components of the harvest was beneficial. Despite

    its locality, I gained valuable knowledge that was previously unknown to me. There are lots of words, making it difficult to read. Better post detailed activities you’ve done. A synopsis of several remarks
  12. Example of feedback results Did you know about local farmers,

    agricultural products and traditional arts before you visited this website? I was familiar with them Can’t say either Did not know much Knew a little
  13. Example of feedback results Did you learn about local farmers,

    agricultural products, and traditional arts from this website? Very much so Can’t say either Somewhat I agree
  14. An economic model where individuals, organizations, groups, etc., buy, sell,

    rent, or share tangible or intangible resources they own. Regarding the "Sharing Economy" Definition It is anticipated to solve a range of local issues, including disaster prevention, utilization of untapped resources, tourism, population dynamics, SDGs, mobility, work patterns, and child-rearing. Views from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Consumer Affairs Agency Solving local problems
  15. An illustration of the sharing economy Eight feasible examples in

    mountainous regions building mechanical Product Workforce transportation Ideas money land
  16. Farmer's viewpoint on sharing economy Interviews with strawberry farmer Mr

    Minami and mandarin farmer Mr Kono, and discussion of interview findings Benefits Challenges Measures Securing labour through sharing of human resources Cost savings through sharing of agricultural equipments Busy seasons vary from farmer to farmer Difficult to share farmland Sharing economy tailored to farmers' needs
  17. A case study of the sharing economy in the Katagami

    area of Nango Town Local farmers form a team and distribute personnel and machinery to their respective rice paddies. Elimination of staff shortages Increased work efficiency
  18. Customer Journey to Creation of Related Population The milk stew

    was so delicious. I'll use Nobe's sweet potatoes next time too! Website built
  19. Customer Journey to Creation of Related Population The milk stew

    was so delicious. I'll use Nobe's sweet potatoes next time too! Yes, let's go help with the harvest 💛 Website built Sharing economy
  20. In the future, my aspiration is to inherit my family's

    farm. I aim to uphold the traditions of mountainous regions through the practice of "Kagura." Changes in members' attitudes resulting from this project In the future, I would like to work in mountainous regions and agriculture. I am interested in actively purchasing agricultural products from mountainous regions. In the future, I want to inherit my family's farm.
  21. Summary Challenges in the Midlands and Mountainous Areas of Miyazaki

    Prefecture ’Environment / Nature’, ’Society / Humanity,' 'Industry / Economy' By resolving these issues, sustainable agriculture can be realized. In order to solve problems, it is important for mountainous regions and urban areas to be "self-reliant," "interchangeable," and "cooperative.” Therefore, we thought that "creating a related population" as a policy would lead to the solution of issues and the realization of sustainable agriculture. "Creation of an original website" and "Sharing Economy Research" that we have worked for "create a related population. We would like to continue to utilize these experiences to contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture in the mid-mountainous regions.
  22. 2024 Digital Agropolis Contest Thank you for your attention. Members:

    Motoba Aoi, Maehata Sumire, Hayase Riruna, Inada Haruhito and Matsuoka Kosuke Nichinan/Kushima Team