A talk by Dot Dotter (@d0tdotter) about increasing your design skills & efficiency by pairing with a partner. Continue the conversation @PairDesignCo with the hashtag #pairdesign.
decisions in that finishing work, a small interaction or press down state, seeing the gaps that you have, or iterating on copy.” @loudawg, David Louie, UI Designer
new project or hackathon: Product, front-end developer, ux or visual designers. ex. UX Designer + Viz Designer pairing on a design problem together. or, a UX Designer + Developer. TRY PAIR DESIGNING.
less • have an attitude of action (think, make, check) • communicate better • let go of your design ego and say “I don’t know how, show me.” what if you could ...
the time?” A: You don’t have to pair 100% the time. Just try to make pairing a good habit. Q: “What design stages are best to pair in?” A: This is tricky. Ask the question: Can we test our hypothesis with what we’re working on? A tangible artifact could be a wireframe, rough mockup, interactive prototype, high-fidelity visual design or front-end code. Q: “What if I can’t pair every day?” A: Try online design tools to fill gaps in feedback & communication. (ex. Pixelapse.com: a GitHub for saving & sharing design work and Easel.io: a high-fidelity html/ css design tool in the browser)