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SQL to NoSQL to NewSQL and the rise of polyglot...

SQL to NoSQL to NewSQL and the rise of polyglot persistence

A quick walk through database history up to NewSQL and new database models. Presented at GORUCO 2017.

Paul Dix

June 24, 2017

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  1. SQL to NoSQL to NewSQL and the rise of polyglot

    persistence Paul Dix @pauldix paul@influxdb.com
  2. 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s “A Relational Model of Data

    for Large Shared Data Banks” 1970 1986
  3. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1970 1986
  4. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  5. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  6. SQL

  7. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  8. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1979 - IBM System/38 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  9. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1979 - IBM System/38 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  10. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1981 - IBM SQL/DS 1979 - IBM System/38 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  11. 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 - Edgar F. Codd’s

    “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1982 - IBM DB2 1981 - IBM SQL/DS 1979 - IBM System/38 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  12. 1986 - SQL-86 1970’s - IBM System R 1970 -

    Edgar F. Codd’s “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” 1982 - IBM DB2 1981 - IBM SQL/DS 1979 - IBM System/38 1979 - Relational Software Oracle V2 1970 1986
  13. QUEL range of E is EMPLOYEE retrieve into W (COMP

    = E.Salary / (E.Age - 18)) where E.Name = "Jones"
  14. QUEL range of E is EMPLOYEE retrieve into W (COMP

    = E.Salary / (E.Age - 18)) where E.Name = "Jones" select (e.salary / (e.age - 18)) as comp from employee as e where e.name = "Jones" SQL
  15. SQL isn’t fixed! • 1986 - first ANSI standard •

    1989 - minor revision, integrity constraints • 1992 - major revision • 1999 - regexes, triggers, procedural statements, arrays • 2003 - XML
  16. SQL isn’t fixed! • 1986 - first ANSI standard •

    1989 - minor revision, integrity constraints • 1992 - major revision • 1999 - regexes, triggers, procedural statements, arrays • 2003 - XML WTF?!!
  17. SQL isn’t fixed! • 1986 - first ANSI standard •

    1989 - minor revision, integrity constraints • 1992 - major revision • 1999 - regexes, triggers, procedural statements, arrays • 2003 - XML • 2006 - moar XML, XQuery • 2008 - ORDER BY outside of cursor, INSTEAD OF triggers, TRUNCATE, FETCH • 2011 - Temporal data • 2016 - JSON, more
  18. NoSQL • 2006 - “Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for

    Structured Data” • 2007 - “Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store” • 2008 - Cassandra Open Sourced, paper in 2010 • 2008 - Basho, creators of Riak, founded • 2008 - HBase started out of Powerset • 2009 - first “NoSQL” event organized by Johan Oskarsson
  19. NoSQL • 2006 - “Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for

    Structured Data” • 2007 - “Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store” • 2007 - 10Gen founded, starting MongoDB • 2008 - Cassandra Open Sourced, paper in 2010 • 2008 - Basho, creators of Riak, founded • 2008 - HBase started out of Powerset
  20. NoSQL • 2006 - “Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for

    Structured Data” • 2007 - “Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store” • 2007 - 10Gen founded, starting MongoDB • 2008 - Cassandra Open Sourced, paper in 2010 • 2008 - Basho, creators of Riak, founded • 2008 - HBase started out of Powerset • 2009 - Redis started
  21. NewSQL history • 2008 - NuoDB founded • 2009 -

    VoltDB spun out of Vertica • 2010 - “Dremel, Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets” • 2010 - CitusData founded • 2011 - NewSQL coined by 451 analyst Matthew Assets • 2012 - Cloudera releases Impala • 2012 - “Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database” • 2014 - Cockroach Labs founded
  22. –Henry Ford? “If I had asked people what they wanted,

    they would have said faster horses”
  23. –Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs “Whoever said the customer is

    always right was, I promise you, a customer.”
  24. Incremental Innovation • 1986 - first ANSI standard • 1989

    - minor revision, integrity constraints • 1992 - major revision • 1999 - regexes, triggers, procedural statements, arrays • 2003 - XML?! • 2006 - moar XML, XQuery • 2008 - ORDER BY outside of cursor, INSTEAD OF triggers, TRUNCATE, FETCH • 2011 - Temporal data • 2016 - JSON, more
  25. Sorted Set (redis) redis> zadd pset 5 "foo" (integer) 1

    redis> zadd pset 3 "bar" (integer) 1
  26. Sorted Set (redis) redis> zadd pset 5 "foo" (integer) 1

    redis> zadd pset 3 "bar" (integer) 1 redis> zadd pset 6 "asdf" (integer) 1
  27. Sorted Set (redis) redis> zadd pset 5 "foo" (integer) 1

    redis> zadd pset 3 "bar" (integer) 1 redis> zadd pset 6 "asdf" (integer) 1 redis> zrank pset “bar" (integer) 0
  28. Sorted Set (redis) redis> zadd pset 5 "foo" (integer) 1

    redis> zadd pset 3 "bar" (integer) 1 redis> zadd pset 6 "asdf" (integer) 1 redis> zrank pset “bar" (integer) 0 redis> zrank pset "asdf" (integer) 2
  29. Sorted Set (redis) redis> zadd pset 5 "foo" (integer) 1

    redis> zadd pset 3 "bar" (integer) 1 redis> zadd pset 6 "asdf" (integer) 1 redis> zrank pset “bar" (integer) 0 redis> zrank pset "asdf" (integer) 2 redis> zincrby pset -2 "asdf" "4"
  30. Sorted Set (redis) redis> zadd pset 5 "foo" (integer) 1

    redis> zadd pset 3 "bar" (integer) 1 redis> zadd pset 6 "asdf" (integer) 1 redis> zrank pset “bar" (integer) 0 redis> zrank pset "asdf" (integer) 2 redis> zincrby pset -2 "asdf" "4" redis> zrank pset "asdf" (integer) 1 redis>
  31. Sorted Set (PostgreSQL) CREATE TABLE ssets ( name varchar(255), key

    varchar(255), score int, PRIMARY KEY (name, key) );
  32. Sorted Set ZADD(PostgreSQL) INSERT INTO ssets (name, key, score) VALUES

    ("pset", "foo", 5) ON CONFLICT (name, key) DO UPDATE SET score = excluded.score;
  33. Sorted Set (PostgreSQL) SELECT ranked.* FROM ( SELECT name, key,

    score, rank() over (ORDER BY pub_date ASC) AS rank from ssets where name = 'pset' ) as ranked where key = 'asdf';
  34. Sorted Set ZINCRBY(PostgreSQL) INSERT INTO ssets (name, key, score) VALUES

    ("pset", "asdf", -2) ON CONFLICT (name, key) DO UPDATE SET score = score + excluded.score;
  35. InfluxDB data T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 cpu, host=A, usage_user

    1.2 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.0 cpu, host=B, usage_user 2.1 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 cpu, host=C, usage_user 4.5 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.0
  36. InfluxDB data T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 cpu, host=A, usage_user

    1.2 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.0 cpu, host=B, usage_user 2.1 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 cpu, host=C, usage_user 4.5 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.0 Time Series
  37. InfluxQL 2.0? select(where: { host = 'serverA' AND metric =

    'usage_user' AND system = 'cpu' }) .range(start:-24h) .window(every:10m) .mean()
  38. fill nulls? T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 cpu, host=A, usage_user

    1.2 null 1.1 1.1 1.0 cpu, host=B, usage_user 2.1 1.8 1.9 2.0 null cpu, host=C, usage_user 4.5 4.8 null 5.0 5.0
  39. select(where: { host = 'serverA' AND metric = 'usage_user' AND

    system = 'cpu' }) .range(start:-5m) .fill(f:mean($))
  40. interpolate? T1 T1.5 T3 T3.2 T3.6 cpu, host=A, usage_user 1.2

    1.1 cpu, host=B, usage_user 1.8 1.9 cpu, host=C, usage_user 4.5 5.0
  41. interpolate? T1 T1.5 T3 T3.2 T3.6 cpu, host=A, usage_user 1.2

    1.1 cpu, host=B, usage_user 1.8 1.9 cpu, host=C, usage_user 4.5 5.0 T1 T3 cpu, host=A, usage_user 1.2 1.1 cpu, host=B, usage_user 1.8 1.9 cpu, host=C, usage_user 4.5 5.0
  42. select(where: { host = 'serverA' AND metric = 'usage_user' AND

    system = 'cpu' }) .range(start:-5m) .interpolate()
  43. Innovation in waves Relational Revolution 1970 2020 2004 2005 NoSQL

    2009 2008 NewSQL 2016 Polyglot Persistence