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The Illusion of Speed

Paul Bakaus
June 02, 2017

The Illusion of Speed

or: How to improve the speed of your site without making it faster.

Paul Bakaus

June 02, 2017

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  1. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus The Illusion of

    Speed or: How you can fix the speed of your site without making it faster.
  2. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus ? 1. Time

    to first paint (automatic) 2. Time to first useful paint (manual) 3. Time to first viewport (semi-manual) 4. Time to interactive 5. Page load
  3. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Illusion of Motion

    13 The Illusion of Motion https://paulbakaus.com/tutorials/performance/the-illusion-of-motion/
  4. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus –Apple “The perception

    of performance is just as effective as actual performance in many cases.”
  5. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus –David Eagleman “we

    are all living in the past: Our consciousness lags 80 milliseconds behind actual events. When you think an event occurs it has already happened,”
  6. 30m

  7. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Never let the

    memories of the past define your view of the future.
  8. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Never let the

    memories of the past define your view of the future.
  9. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus No future without

    the past. 26 Our whole concept of future is dependent upon being able to draw from memory and visualize the past. People who cannot recall long term memories cannot envision the future.
  10. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Remembered as long.

    28 Remembered as short. Lots of moments in a short activity One long continuous activity
  11. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus < 200ms <

    1s < 5s < 10s Instant Immediate Part of user flow Attention span
  12. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus < 200ms <

    1s < 5s Instant Immediate Part of user flow Attention span < 8.25s!
  13. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Train station 10s

    Context Wait time + = Home console 1m Context Wait time + =
  14. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus 47 Picture via

  15. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus 1. “If something

    is fast, it must be easy” 2. “If something is easy, it must be cheap”
  16. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Time is perceived

    as much longer in the passive phase. 52 on average, people in passive wait mode overestimate their waiting time by about 36%
  17. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus One way to

    improved perception:
 Shorten the passive phase, and lengthen the active phase. 53
  18. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Preemptive start -

    Start work before the user realizes it Total duration of task / wait time Perceived by user
  19. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Early completion -

    Show stuff before all of it is ready Total duration of task / wait time Perceived by user
  20. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus • Preemptive start

    • Early completion • Optimistic UI – Showing an action as completed that really hasn’t. • Precognition – Visualising the future before it happens. • Visual illusion – sometimes enough to change time perception
  21. 59 Early completion Static layout IN AMP) AMP always knows

    how big any element on the page will be.
  22. 61 Preemptive start Multi-page forms Email Password Preload all of

    this (minus user data)! While user spends time here…
  23. 62 Preemptive Start Viewport Prefetching AMP can preload the first

    viewport (for multiple AMP docs at once)! This is why the Google Search AMP Carousel feels instant.
  24. 64 Optimistic UI Instagram Instagram always pretends to work. Clicking

    the like button always “works”, even when you’re temporarily offline or a server request is pending. Instagram just gives you a promise that what you intended to do will happen, eventually.
  25. 66 Precognition Time to Glass No matter what, touch events

    are always delayed due to hardware limitations (sensor, display refresh).
  26. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Browsers only unload

    the current page after the new page has started rendering. 71 More: http://www.stevesouders.com/ blog/2012/12/03/the-perception-of-speed/
  27. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus A.It makes the

    load of the next page feel faster than it actually is B.But regresses responsiveness, in that we don’t get an immediate reaction upon link click
  28. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus But when we

    reverse, we reverse the benefits and regressions! 73
  29. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Potential solution •

    Animate seamlessly from previous page to new page • Originally proposed as Navigation Transitions in 2014, but no progress has been made (help me revive it!)
  30. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus Potential solution •

    Animate seamlessly from previous page to new page • Originally proposed as Navigation Transitions in 2014, but no progress has been made (help me revive it!)
  31. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus 77 A.Smart skeleton

    UIs B.Viewport pre-rendering C.Service Worker caching D.Seamless transitions
  32. The Illusion of Speed http://paulbakaus.com | @pbakaus 77 A.Smart skeleton

    UIs B.Viewport pre-rendering C.Service Worker caching D.Seamless transitions