fix the API, might've broken the site, CAN'T HANDLE THE HEAT, Lex Luther, Lex Luthor, dabesssss, gives zero ☐'s, trusted, wynning - DUH, rolls in his api rapper mobile, definitely not in Los Angeles, plays dependency dominoes, ".
set :application, "project-name" set :domain, "project-domain" set :extra_domains, %w() # Add something like role :app, domain role :web, domain role :db, domain, :primary => true ! # set :user, "user" ! # Deployment Settings set :repository, "repository url" set :deploy_to, "/absolute/path/to/location/your/server" set :deploy_via, :checkout set :config_files, %w() ! # SSH Keys for caching (you must generate these first.) ssh_options[:keys] = %w(~/.ssh/mykey1 ~/.ssh/mykey2) ! # Change this to :thin if you want to use Thin instead. set :app_server, :mongrel ! # Change this to :merb if you want to use Merb instead. (experimental) set :app_framework, :rails ! # ============================================================= # Application Server Settings (Thin or Mongrel) # ============================================================= set :app_servers, 1 set :app_server_port, 7007 set :app_environment, 'production' set :app_server_address, '' set :app_server_conf, "#{shared_path}/config/thin.yml" ! # ============================================================= # Nginx Settings
- enable or disable autodeploys to <app>'s <env> on successul builds /deploy - show detailed deploy usage, including apps and environments /deploy <app>/<branch> to <env>/<roles> - deploy <app>'s <branch> to the <env> environment's <roles> servers /deployed [app/env] - List all recent deploys or deploys to an app/env /haystack-notify <options> - notify Haystack that an app was deployed. /lock <app> on <env> - prevent deployments to <app>'s <env> /migrate <app>/<branch> to <env> - deploy branch to aux1 and run migrations /sha show the currently deployed SHA1 /undeployed <on <branch>> - see what's undeployed on .com /unlock <app> on <env> - re-enable deployments to <app>'s <env> /where can I deploy <app> - see what environments you can deploy app /where can I release <app> - see what environments you can deploy app