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Healing Allies

Healing Allies

“A Silly Boy is Berated by his Moody Friend for Laughing at a Rainstorm outside.”

Senior Capstone Film directed by me.

Peterson H Muldoon

January 13, 2023

More Decks by Peterson H Muldoon

Other Decks in Design


  1. 2 [Sound of Explosion] How could anyone recover from –

    let alone survive – trauma like this?
  2. 3 These men and women suffered trauma as part of

    their work to save life and restore normality. They’re on a special expedition to confront their feelings through professional and practical help.
  3. 4 They are Explosive Ordnance Disposal operators from the UK

    and the US. They don’t want to be called heroes. But their experience and devotion are extraordinary...
  4. 5 ..and they bear the physical and mental scars that

    come from sacrificing your own safety to help others
  5. 6 Now this group are back to a different sort

    of active duty, combining their skills to overcome the challenges of a desert journey...
  6. 7 ...where facing tricky practical tasks will reveal their incredible

    back stories - and help recovery from the trauma of the world’s most dangerous job
  7. 8 This is Healing Allies Sahara Challenge, a unique innovation

    where contemporary challenge drives stories - with therapeutic benefit to the storytellers
  8. 11 This is the Healing Allies bivouac deep in the

    Sahara desert. From this remote base another day’s journey will begin...an odyssey where their past must confront the present
  9. 12 Veteran US Navy EOD operator Greg Johnson is getting

    the vehicle ready for a gruelling desert journey...
  10. 14 Clive and Greg are one of seven Anglo- American

    teams competing to win a huge donation to their chosen charity...
  11. 15 ...but no-one will lose. The healing benefits from their

    challenging journey will be priceless. On the journey they face a series of challenges. The stories the challenges reveal will blow you away. And the banter between teams charged with the competitive spirit will be priceless too!
  12. 19 Greg and Clive arrive in the oasis town of

    Foum Zguid Let’s get some fruit in the market
  13. 21 Clive:
 I saw a bazaar after a suicide bomb...everyday

    life turned upside down. I went into EOD to stop this happening.
  14. 22 Contemporary Morrocco has resurrected Clive’s past trauma. This class

    in Bicester, UK, teaches EOD applicants the utter devastation of an explosion
  15. 23 Instructor:
 Just one kilogram of explosive could obliterate a

    small vehicle...isn’t walking up to a bomb a crazy thing!
  16. 25 Former Army Psychologist Marite Wahrlich has profiled the team

    - she links cast trauma to behaviour and therapy during the episode
  17. 26 Back at Clive and Greg’s 4 x 4 there’s

    a piece of paper on the windscreen What’s the sketch Greg? We’ve got to find a fuckin’ tree! WHAT?!?!?!
  18. 27 Greg:
 It’s not quite that easy Clive. This tree

    is the only one for miles - in the middle of a dried out lake.
  19. 29 All around Lake Iriki seven challenge teams have been

    sent to points equidistant from the tree
  20. 33 And Clive is doing a victory stomp around the

    tree before the next contenders appear
  21. 37 To make explosives safe to handle they need high

    amounts of energy to make them explode. So they’re set off by twig-sized detonators which are highly sensitive
  22. 38 Today’s challenge has triggered a crucial part of Greg’s

    backstory. Greg knows that, despite their size, detonators kill. Even without an explosive charge to set off
  23. 40 ...and traversing huge sand dunes to reach camp by

    sunset. Each challenge has revealed past stories – and today’s trauma safari has also been therapeutic
  24. 44 Clive:
 This desert is so like Afghanistan where I

    lost my legs...war is hell but searching for bombs is worse
  25. 45 Clive:
 I stepped on a bomb and was thrown

    twenty feet into the air – on the way down I hit a tree and landed in the crater.
  26. 47 Clive:
 There was so much dust I couldn’t see

    my hand in front of my face. I got on the radio... “Hello Zero this is 13A. Contact Over…”
  27. 48 Clive:
 I tried to get up but fell over.

    Through the dust I saw my legs ripped apart and blood flowing everywhere... “Hello Zero this is 13A. It’s me I’ve been hit…”
  28. 49 Clive:
 I applied tourniquets...then my team were all around

    me trying to help...a MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team) helicopter took me back to base
  29. 50 Clive:
 I was lucky. There were 74kg of explosive

    in that bomb. It had been buried for months, baked into the ground by the sun. That concealed it and contained the explosion - which saved my life...
  30. 52 Clive:
 No way I should have survived but I

 My life was saved by a pair of glasses
  31. 53 Greg: I found a cache of 105 homemade detonators.

    We didn’t know that the terrorists had changed to a more sensitive explosive and they went off. All 105 of them. Reality isn’t like training...
  32. 54 Greg: It went red in a flash...then black. I

    thought I couldn’t see. The sheer terror of thinking you are blind is indescribable
  33. 55 Greg: I blinked and my sight came back. My

    safety glasses saved my life but I lost some fingers. I wasn’t knocked out – I got to experience every lovely second
  34. 56 Bomb disposal expert Brigadier Gareth Collett explains the different

    types of explosives and their relative volatility
  35. 57 Medics held back the bleeding for 19 hours until

    Greg could be evacuated to hospital.
 Greg: I’d never have got through without my team. But it’s a good story over beers. Cheers!
  36. 58 Cive had to remortgage his home to buy a

    decent set of artificial legs...he is now captain of the Invictus wheelchair rugby team
  37. 59 It’s been a great day for the Healing Allies

    – if trauma has affected your life they hope their experiences will help. This is their favourite therapy: hanging out together...
  38. Next Time on… HEALING ALLIES 60 Next time on… HEALING

    ALLIES SAHARA CHALLENGE Larry and Jane get bogged in a salt lake, face the worse task set by their EOD challengers, whilst the trauma of their past has to confront the present.