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Keynote - Mobile in the Modern Age: Connecting ...

Keynote - Mobile in the Modern Age: Connecting Intelligence

Akshay Agarwal is the Ecosystem Director Americas and is responsible for Graphics Ecosystem Development and Strategic Marketing with specialization in Software: Mobile Operating Systems, Gaming, User Interfaces and Web browsers

AndroidTO 2013

October 17, 2013

More Decks by AndroidTO 2013

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  1. Today is a Mobile Computing World § Over 1 billion smartphones

    to ship in 2013* § Smartphones from <$50 to tablets >$800 § Tablets out-ship notebook PCs *Bank of America Merrill Lynch 3
  2. ***comScore Device Essentials, Dec 2012, Europe- Share of browser based

    page views **http://royal.pingdom.com/2012/05/08/mobile-web-traffic-asia-tripled/, May 2012 Nearly 1/3 of UK page views are from mobiles and tablets*** 25% Of YouTube views come from mobile* >48% of web traffic is mobile in India** 192% 2010-2012 Increase in mobile share of web traffic in Asia** 60% Facebook users access from mobile 36% Chinese Android users spend 2+ hours a day on mobile apps *http://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html 200 Million Active Twitter users, 60% via mobile Mobile: A Growing Part of Everyday Life, Globally!
  3. Growth Pushing Boundaries of Mobile Devices 6 Multi tasking and

    multi window productivity Facial recognition and unlock 2.5k displays; multiple simultaneous displays Intuitive gesture and natural language input Live image and scene recognition Video & image editing; manipulation, and rendering
  4. Growth Driving Demand for Graphics 7 Our world is visual

    Our world is graphical >220M tablets expected in 2013**** 64B app downloads in 2017* >1.5B smartphones sold in 2017*** Mobile gaming worth $17B by 2017** 8K4K resolutions 240FPS 3D 12B app downloads in 2012* 1080p & 2K resolutions 120FPS >150M tablets sold in 2012**** * http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-04-30-mobile-to-be-primary-hardware-for-gaming-by-2016 **http://www.inc.com/best-industries-2012/john-mcdermott/mobile-and-social-gaming.html ***http://thenextweb.com/insider/2013/03/04/idc-smartphone-shipments-to-overtake-feature-phones-worldwide-in-2013/ ****ARM estimate
  5. Diverse & Scalable SoC Technologies 8 Physical IP Mali-300 Mali-400

    Mali-450 Mali-T622 Mali-T624 Mali-T628 Mali-T678 Mali-V500 Cortex-A5 Cortex-A7 Cortex-A8 Cortex-A9 Cortex-A12 Cortex-A15 Cortex-A53 Cortex-A57 Cortex-R4 Cortex-R5 Cortex-R7 Cortex-M0 Cortex-M0+ Cortex-M3 Cortex-M4 Graphics And GPU Compute Graphics Only
  6. The Right Processor for the Task Cost effective, efficient, great

    floating point performance 2D/3D graphics Advanced Image Processing Accelerate/Complement ISP functionality Offload video codec blocks Accelerate physics computation Operating System Most application processing Programmable through C-like languages and APIs GPU can be used as computational accelerators or companion processor
  7. Right SoC For the Right Task 4k Video Android Apps

    Energy Star Tiny OS Weeks Battery All Day Computing Connectivity Mixed signal uWs High Data Throughput Customized I/O 11 Scalable, Diverse, Flexible, Deployable
  8. Endless Opportunities for Developers... •  Android driving this convergence: Smartphones

    to Automotive •  New Opportunities: Smart Cameras, Wearables – Glass, SmartWatches •  Reuse of Software Assets and Applications Opportunity
  9. Software Building Blocks Firmware Standards Tools Compilers Drivers Operating Systems

    Hypervisors Applications Middleware Embedded IoT Mobile Client Enterprise
  10. Key Ingredient Technologies In Google Platforms §  ARM and Partners

    focus on optimizing Common Ingredient Technologies across Android §  Deep technical engagements with many industry shaping companies including Google §  GCC, Kernel, V8 JavaScript Engine, Skia, Blink, LLVM, Chromium Browser, VP8/VP9, WebP §  Ongoing contributions to many upstream open source projects Linux Kernel Android Middleware Chrome Browser Webkit V8 JavaScript Engine Mobile AIR Flash LLVM VP8 Dalvik LLVM Linux Kernel Android Middleware Chrome Browser Webkit V8 JavaScript Engine Tablet Flash LLVM LLVM Dalvik VP8 Linux Kernel Android Middleware Chrome Browser Webkit V8 JavaScript Engine Google TV Flash LLVM LLVM Dalvik VP8 SKIA 2D SKIA 2D SKIA 2D
  11. RenderScript: High Performance GP/GPU Compute § Android’s RenderScript Compute is the

    first computation platform ported to run directly on a mobile device GPU Compute API LLVM RenderScript Code (C99 Like Language) RenderScript “binary” (LLVM Intermediary) OpenGL ES 2.0 Driver & (Native) Compute (Native Code) ARMv7 CPU (VFP, NEON) Mali GPU §  SW parallelization across all cores §  ARM directly sponsoring LLVM activity §  ARM LLVM CPU code-generation §  ARM optimizing LLVM code Gen §  All work delivered upstream §  Nexus 10 supports RenderScript Compute directly on ARM Mali-T604
  12. § DS-5 Advanced Native Development Tools §  Detailed Profiling of ARM

    CPU and GPU §  Free Community Edition § androidtools.org site §  Aggregate website showing Android App development methodologies Test and review of available Android tools § Blogs §  NEON Coding §  Tools Setup §  V8 JavaScript Activity § projectNe10.org open source library project §  Lets developers get the most out of ARMv7/NEON coding §  Open Source Project suggestions/contributions welcome § http://malideveloper.arm.com/: Mali Dev Resources ARM Engaging with Android Developers
  13. DS-5 Streamline Profiler for Android § Find hotspots, system glitches, critical

    conditions at a glance Select from 40+ CPU counters, OS level and custom metrics Accumulate counters, measure time and find instant hotspots Select one or more processes to visualize their instant load on CPU Combined task switch trace and sampled profile for all threads
  14. NEON and Project Ne10 §  NEON™ is a wide SIMD

    data processing architecture §  Extension of the ARM® instruction set §  32 registers, 64-bits wide (dual view as 16 registers, 128-bits wide) §  Dozens of Android™ subsystems & thousands of applications use NEON §  NEON optimizations improve execution and battery performance §  VP8 codec contains >11K lines of NEON code §  Some Skia routines >500% improvement §  HTML5 SVG filters improved by up to 400% §  Ne10 is a library of highly optimized common functions callable from C §  Lets you get the most out of ARMv7/NEON without arduous coding §  Free as in both beer and speech (Apache License) §  Easy to use out-of-the-box §  Project Ne10 is an open source project hosted by ARM §  Hosted on github, suggestions/contributions welcome github.com/projectNe10
  15. NEON in Open Source Today §  Google WebM – 11,000

    lines NEON assembler! §  Bluez – official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack §  Pixman (part of cairo 2D graphics library) §  ffmpeg (libav) – libavcodec §  LGPL media player used in many Linux distros and products §  Extensive NEON optimizations §  x264 – Google Summer Of Code 2009 §  GPL H.264 encoder – e.g. for video conferencing §  Android – NEON optimizations §  Skia library, S32A_D565_Opaque 5x faster using NEON §  Available in Google Skia tree from 03-Aug-2009 §  LLVM – code generation backend used by Android RenderScript §  Eigen2 – C++ vector math / linear algebra template library §  TheorARM – libtheora NEON version (optimized by Google) §  libjpeg / libjpeg-turbo – optimized JPEG decode §  libpng – optimized PNG decode §  FFTW – NEON enabled FFT library §  Liboil / liborc – runtime compiler for SIMD processing §  webkit – used by Chrome Browser
  16. ARM Continues to Grow the Android Ecosystem § Technology Investment –

    Hardware, Software and Tools § Architecture for the 21st Century: Delivering Performance and Efficiency § Enabling New Markets and Expanding developer opportunities § Tools and Hardware Ref Designs to get the best from Processor Architecture
  17. Collaborate and Learn at the ARM Developer Summit from Oct

    29-Oct 31, Santa Clara, CA Register Today! For More Details: http://is.gd/ARMDevSummit 22