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Paul M
June 30, 2021


Paul M

June 30, 2021


  1. CONTEXT & UNDERSTANDING High level description of a problem statement.

    Include • Context (such as trends, things they are already attempting, impetus for hiring a consultant) • Complications(what changed?, what is the big decision they need to make?, what are the stakes?) UNDERSTANDING OF THE OPPORTUNITY APPROACH Phase 1 High level overeview of process Phase 2 High level overeview of process Phase 3 High level overeview of process TEAM The project will consist of the following team members: • Consultant: • Client Contact: • Additional Members: DELIVERABLES • List of deliverables
  2. DEFINED PROJECT OUTCOMES Consultant will deliver: • Xxx • X

    • X We will co-develop: • Sadf • Sdf • Dsdf Workshop on DATE DETAILED DELIVERABLES & OUTCOMES Screenshots of samples or mockups Screenshots of samples or mockups
  3. Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Dates Dates Dates •

    Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps • Process Steps PROCESS SLIDE