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Boundless Reader Survey - September 2022

Paul M
June 04, 2022

Boundless Reader Survey - September 2022

Paul M

June 04, 2022


  1. Boundless Survey: May 2022 N = 144 0-6 Months 6-12

    Months 12+ Months 2+ Years How Long Have You Been Subscribed?
  2. Industry, Function & Experience 3 7 7 13 13 14

    41 46 VC / Investing Industrial Services / Retail Not Applicable Education Banking or Consulting Other Professional Services Technology Industry 1 15 14 54 60 Board C-Level / Founder / CEO Executive Level Manager / Director Entry level / Individual Contributor Level Of Responsibility 3 5 6 7 10 15 17 20 21 40 Manufacturing /. Supply Chain Finance / Accounting Sales Data & Insights Tech Operations Marketing Strategy Leadership Engineering Other Function
  3. 20 Most Common Titles From Newsletter (Most To Least) 1.

    Founder 2. Director 3. Managing Director 4. President 5. CEO 6. Co-Founder 7. Principal 8. Software Engineer 9. Principal Consultant 10.Partner 11.Senior Software Engineer 12.Product Manager 13.Managing Partner 14.Founder & CEO 15.Senior Product Manager 16.Vice President 17.Chief Executive Officer 18.Consultant 19.Co-Founder & CEO 20.Regional Sales Manager
  4. Over-educated group of curious humans 66.30% 33.70% Men Women Gender

    5% 36% 54% 10% PhD / MD / JD & Other terminal degrees Masters University / College Grad None or some college 95% College+ and 41% Masters+
  5. Popular Topics: Reflections, Creating Online & Self- Employment 114 112

    83 74 70 65 61 54 38 Personal reflections & essays Self-Employment Experiments Creating online & sharing online Remote Working & Tech Travel & digital nomad The Creator Economy Modern Organizations & Leadership Longform & Book Recommendations News On Current Events In Work Which topics that I've written about do you gravitate towards ?
  6. 73% were ready for or or made changes in their

    life 11% 16% 13% 31% 29% No major disruption It made me question a lot, but likely will keep doing what I'm doing I was ready for something like this shift, I had built my life around it I've decided to make bold changes to my worklife I've made some changes in my life because of the pandemic How did the pandemic impact your work life?
  7. How optimistic are you about your future of work? 3

    4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Only 58% said 8 or higher
  8. Q: Are you hoping to leave your job and do

    your own thing in the next five years? 2 25 1 2 3 1 42 4 Company founder / owner Full-time employee Part-time employee Maybe No Yes 95% of Full-Time Employees want maybe or yes to wanting to leave job
  9. 49% > $100k income + Majority FTE 1% 6% 42%

    29% 22% $500k+ $250k-$500k $100k-$250k $50-$100k <$50k Current Income 6 70 19 5 44 Company founder / owner Full-time employee Not working right now Part-time employee Self-employed Employment By Type
  10. People like it! (Testimonials) “Paul's writing articulates so clearly what

    I've always secretly suspected about work & life but have never had the words (or courage) to say. Unlike other newsletters, I come away from his writings not just with some answers, but also deep QUESTIONS for my own self-discovery journey. Reading his writing is like having a conversation with that mentor friend you didn't know you needed. If you've ever experienced insecurity or second-guessing when it comes to work and decision-making, or feel "Is it just me?" in your work and life choices, I recommend reading Paul's newsletter!” Lucy Liang, Founder of Meet Yourself Podcast & Co-Founder of Coach Viva (If that's too long, use just the Coach Viva one) “I always look forward to the Boundless weekly newsletter, in it Paul shares insightful stories of how people around the world are reimagining their lives, connecting with each other and creating new ways of working and doing life” Graham Mitchell, Founder GROW Business Coaching “Albeit I am employed full-time at a large Consulting firm, and I do not plan to make significant shifts in my lifestyle, I find Paul's writing very thought provoking. It has led me to run several experiments both inside and outside my full-time role that have helped me feed my curiosity and slowly move towards a path that is more aligned to my values.” Dimitar Milanov, Senior Manager, Big 4 Consulting Firm “For a new way of working and living your life, Paul is a leading source of inspiration.” Mads Phikamphon
  11. People like it! (Testimonials) “I met Paul while studying Chinese

    at Taiwan National University in Taipei. He was courageous and chilled - qualities I admired and qualities that he translates into thoughts and actions via his online and creator ecosystems. Always thoughtful and regularly actionable. I welcome his "hello" into my inbox each Saturday night here in Australia.” Andrew “Understanding modern work often means standing outside it. From his vantage point as a former corporate warrior, Paul is able to parse the evolving culture of work and thoughtfully integrate the experience into books, art, and music you can relate to and use to improve your mental state and wellbeing. “Jen Adams, Director, Professional Writers Alliance “Paul's main subject is to chart a new conception of how we think about work — but his ultimate goal is similar to mine: exploring what it means to have a life well-lived.” Russell, author of What Really Matters “Every week Paul’s newsletter illuminates the path less traveled, making it seem possible to navigate for the rest of us.” Chris Donohoe, Founder, Uncommonly “Paul's content is transparent and honest about the unconventional route. Important to read if you're starting to wake up to alternative ideas about work.” Lawrence - The Self Improvement Project Podcast
  12. People like it! (Testimonials) “If you have a fuzzy feeling

    of discontent about life in a corporate job, and want a peek into what life could look like beyond the cubicles, Paul does a great job of putting that fuzziness into words and sharing what an alternative relationship with work could look like.” -Anonymous “Paul unpacks emerging trends in the future of work relevant for those seeking alternative work paths.” Diego, Grant Manager “I look forward to receiving the newsletters every week as they are thought provoking and the insight I need before I make the big leap into the unknown!” Kim “It’s not an exaggeration to say reading Paul’s newsletter changed my life. I’ve found Paul’s analysis on the future of work to be uniquely valuable, and his ideas about how to find meaningful work through experimentation gave m the confidence to start freelancing, publish more writing online, and even move countries for a new job. It’s not an exaggeration to say reading Paul’s newsletter changed my life. “ Tom, Digital Strategist “Paul has been on an amazing journey through the traditional corporate life, and then abandoning all that to find his own path. If you've ever thought there was more to life than what we've been taught about work, that there must be a better way, then Paul's newsletters and posts are a great place to start.” Steve Odell, MBA
  13. People like it! (Testimonials) "Paul is one of the most

    genuine and interesting persons I have come across, who is willing to be open and sharing his views on experimentation. Life is one big experiment and Paul is willing and unafraid to showcase this as he moves along with figuring what is doing at a particular time“ -Naveen, fellow digital reader of Paul's works “If you’re curious about the future of work, how to redesign work and life on your own terms, or generally enjoy thoughtful and thought-provoking writing then Boundless is for you” Jeff, Management Consultant “Boundless forces me to think outside of the traditional lanes and to ask questions about the status quo. Why am I doing this? Why should I do this? There are no answers but there are possibilities to be explored.” Jenny Kim, non-profit attorney
  14. Reader Testimonials • Just want to say an enormous thank

    you! I was deeply unhappy in a full-time on-site job as an industrial engineer, and after reading some of your work and thinking about it for a while, decided to quit cold turkey and take 6 months of a break. I'm ending my break now and although I didn't "do" much, I explored hobbies, worked on my house, started journaling, exercised regularly, slept in, and overall feel like a new person. I'm ready and excited to get back to work, and was able to know exactly what I was looking for in my next employer-- a company that values flexibility, remote options, and benefits for mental health. I spent 2 months looking for new roles, and start in two weeks. I turned down 3 jobs that gave me red flags regarding my clear priorities before finding the one I'm going to start with. All of my friends are stuck in the work/eat/sleep/hustle cycle and thought I was absolutely insane for decided to do nothing for a while. So thank you!!!!!!! • Thank you for sharing what you do and why you do it. It’s inspiring and encouraging and your impact stretches well beyond what you’ll likely ever really know. Hats off to you for that, and for creating this survey. • Your book is awesome. It was inspirational, as I recently decided to go on my own pathless path after I finish my degree and very few people in my life (actually only my boyfriend) has understood/100% fully supported my decision.