you! I was deeply unhappy in a full-time on-site job as an industrial engineer, and after reading some of your work and thinking about it for a while, decided to quit cold turkey and take 6 months of a break. I'm ending my break now and although I didn't "do" much, I explored hobbies, worked on my house, started journaling, exercised regularly, slept in, and overall feel like a new person. I'm ready and excited to get back to work, and was able to know exactly what I was looking for in my next employer-- a company that values flexibility, remote options, and benefits for mental health. I spent 2 months looking for new roles, and start in two weeks. I turned down 3 jobs that gave me red flags regarding my clear priorities before finding the one I'm going to start with. All of my friends are stuck in the work/eat/sleep/hustle cycle and thought I was absolutely insane for decided to do nothing for a while. So thank you!!!!!!! • Thank you for sharing what you do and why you do it. It’s inspiring and encouraging and your impact stretches well beyond what you’ll likely ever really know. Hats off to you for that, and for creating this survey. • Your book is awesome. It was inspirational, as I recently decided to go on my own pathless path after I finish my degree and very few people in my life (actually only my boyfriend) has understood/100% fully supported my decision.