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Who’s on First? A Practical Guide to Evolving S...

Who’s on First? A Practical Guide to Evolving SAFe Roles To Fit Your Context

“WHO’'s on first, WHAT’s on second, I DON'T’ KNOW is on third…”
Does your SAFe implementation read like an Abbott and Costello script? Are people stepping into each other's dance space? Are the PMO threatening to reintroduce RACIs?!
With every SAFe implementation comes a new vocabulary, new roles, with funny names that no one understands. Then there is work that just needs to be done, but there is no “SAFe Role” to do it…. Can you invent your own? Could you? Should you? What are others doing? Who IS on first?!
If you are struggling with role delineation or looking to plug role gaps in your SAFe implementation, then you are going to want to put on your best baseball cap and join us for a little banter about where WHO should be and WHAT they should be doing instead of saying I DON'T KNOW.

Learning Objectives
1. Attendees will be able to differentiate between related SAFe roles, such as Business Owner, Epic Owner and Product Management.
2. Attendees will be able to resolve role clarity debates between key SAFe roles like the RTE, Product Manager and System Architect.
3. Attendees will be able to evaluate the need for additional roles to support specific contexts such as complex government environments and heavily regulated financial institutions.

Em Campbell-Pretty

August 16, 2023

More Decks by Em Campbell-Pretty

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 1 Who’s on First? A Practical Guide to Evolving SAFe

    Roles To Fit Your Context © Scaled Agile, Inc. - 1 -
  2. 2 Em Campbell-Pretty CEO & SAFe® Fellow Pretty Agile Adrienne

    Wilson COO & SAFe® Fellow Pretty Agile
  3. © Scaled Agile, Inc. - 3 - WHO is on

    first? WHAT is on second? I DON’T KNOW is on Third
  4. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 We tried baseball, and

    it didn’t work. “The fanatical proponents of baseball tell us that it is a very exciting game, fun to play and fun to watch. They are clearly either stupid or evil or both, because we tried baseball and it didn’t work.” –Ron Jefferies https://ronjeffries.com/xprog/articles/jatbaseball/
  5. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 “Without theory, experience has

    no meaning. Without theory, one has no questions to ask. Hence, without theory, there is no learning.” –W. Edwards Deming Essential SAFe Roles
  6. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 •Does every team need

    a Product Owner? •What if the team works on more than one “product”? •What if more than one team works on the “product”? •What if the team is a component team not a product team? •Is Product Owner a full-time role? Product Owner
  7. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 The SAFe Product Owner

    is a Team Centric Role One per team is ideal. However, less time from the right person is better than more time from the wrong person. Good Product Owners are subject matter experts and/or know who to ask to quickly get answers to team questions. Products Owners must be empowered to make decisions.
  8. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 Watch out for foul

    balls! Product Owners that are new to your business will need to be full time on one team while they learn.
  9. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 •Does Scrum Master have

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  10. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 The SAFe Scrum Master

    is a Team Coach & Facilitator Facilitate • PI Planning • Iteration Planning • Team Sync • ART Sync • Backlog Refinement • Feature Disco/Definition • Iteration Review • Iteration Retrospective • Inspect & Adapt Coach • Flow • Collaboration • Teamwork • Estimation • Feature Breakdown • Story Splitting • Acceptance Criteria • PI Objectives • Definition of Done Enable • Continuous Improvement • Discipline • Team Flow • Predictability • Built-in Quality • Transparency • Real Teams • Business Results • Business Agility For more information check out: https://prettyagile.co/ScrumMaster
  11. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 Don’t get caught off

    base! A Scrum Master shared across two teams is the perfect example of “Who’s on first?”, especially at PI Planning!
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    you swing. Three strikes and you’re out! More than one Product Manager or System Architect is ok, but more than three is a recipe for chaos!
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    role) Epic Owners ART Centric Hat (not role) Business Owners ART Centric ART Role Product Manager Team Centric Team Role Product Owner AGILE RELEAS E TRAIN A GILE R ELEAS E TR A IN Agile Teams
  16. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 “Epic Owners are responsible

    for coordinating Epics through the Portfolio Kanban system. They collaboratively define the epic, its Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and Lean business case, and when approved, facilitate implementation.” © Scaled Agile, Inc From Epic Owner to Epic Shepherd & Epic Sponsor ?
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    small family of people having similar skills and working within the same general competency area, within the same tribe.” “The chapter lead is line manager for his chapter members, with all the traditional responsibilities such as developing people, setting salaries, etc. However, the chapter lead is also part of a squad and is involved in the day-to-day work, which helps him stay in touch with reality” –Henrik Kniberg & Anders Ivarsson Chapter Lead For more information check out: https://prettyagile.co/Chapters
  18. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 Technical Lead/Lead Engineer A

    dedicated member of the agile team and trusted source of technical guidance. A member of the Tech Lead/Architecture Chapter. Helps foster T-shaped skills and technical agility.
  19. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 ART Coordinator Larger ARTs

    require a lot of coordination. Prevent the trifecta from drowning by providing some logistical support.
  20. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 Two Kinds of Shared

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  21. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 Project Managers “I have

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  22. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 A backlog centric hat

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  23. © Pretty Agile Pty Ltd 2023 Full time role for

    an ART with no logical Product Manager. Provides a single coordination point across an enterprise-wide stakeholder group. Ensuring the ART has: •a ready and prioritised Feature Backlog for PI Planning; and, • the right stakeholders engaged in refinement, planning and implementation. Pipeline Manager For more information check out: https://prettyagile.co/PipelineMgr
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    when the Enterprise Executives are insisting on being Business Owners and follow through?! Creating a Product Advisory Group is a way to give voice to senior leaders, while, allowing the Enterprise Executives to be more actively involved with the ARTs. Product Advisory Group (PAG) Business Owners WSJF WSJF Product Advisory &
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