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Simple strategies to cut through the noise and ...

Simple strategies to cut through the noise and engage sales


  1. 3 Simple Strategies to Engage a Distracted Sales Force with

    Consistency Anthony Larkin Cut Through the Noise
  2. Who am I? Dad, husband, marketing nerd, tech geek, golf

    nut, ski fanatic … @alrkn /in/anthonylarkin
  3. The Challenges We all know what the real problem is

    … Salespeople. AMIRIGHT!?! I mean … c’mon. No but really … put yourself in their shoes and you’ll start to understand the real challenges.
  4. The Real Challenges Why is it so hard to get

    your messages heard … and repeated • Broad portfolios • Information overload • Distractions • Market context • Fragmented messages • Lack of trust in message • “Telephone”
  5. Get in the Jump Seat Get first-hand perspective from the

    field and customers Training at the point of sale • Spend ½ day with sales and presales teams • 1 – 2 days meeting with customers • ½ day debrief in the office • Synthesize the best of tribal knowledge with institutional knowledge
  6. Get in the Jump Seat Help your customers get hands

    on • Validate your messaging with customers • Build a see-try process and value confirmation model • Show sales what’s in it for them – sample oppty
  7. Consistency, Consistency Less is often more, help create focus Foundational

    positioning & messaging All downstream messaging stems from this. Web copy, product briefs, videos, social, PPT, video Authoritative Sales Tool Kits Prune regularly, only keep what is needed Organize simply (by use case/asset type/sales stage)
  8. Consistency, Consistency Don’t just tell, but show them the way

    Showcase differentiation and align to trends in market releases with more unified messaging Align Go To Market Enable sales and marketing conversations around customers’ business and IT initiatives Solutions and Ref Archs Document and train on who what and how to sell solutions with specific tools and guidance Sales Plays
  9. Video killed the PowerPoint star Cheap, easy, DIY video to

    get your messages out to the field Don’t be afraid to have some fun with it “Much more engaging than slides and voiceover!” "This section is incredibly good, thank you, Anthony, and thanks to all the speakers! Very useful, waiting for more videos to become available." "Love this approach guys, great work!"
  10. Video killed the PowerPoint star The basic video tool kit

    • Zoom/Hangouts/FaceTime • QuickTime (optional) • iMovie • Handbrake • Samson Go-mic • HD Web Cam
  11. THANK YOU 1. Get in the Jump Seat 2. Consistency,

    Consistency 3. Video Killed the PPT Star @alrkn /in/anthonylarkin