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Programming Languages x Blockchains

Programming Languages x Blockchains

Are you sure you still want smart contracts? Presented on iForum 2018

Volodymyr Kyrylov

April 25, 2018

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  1. function createGen0Auction(uint256 _genes) public onlyCOO { require(gen0CreatedCount < gen0CreationLimit); uint256

    kittyId = _createKitty(0, 0, 0, _genes, address(this)); _approve(kittyId, saleAuction); saleAuction.createAuction(kittyId, _computeNextGen0Price(), 0, gen0AuctionDuration, address(this)); gen0CreatedCount++; } function _computeNextGen0Price() internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 avePrice = saleAuction.averageGen0SalePrice(); require(avePrice < 340282366920938463463374607431768211455); uint256 nextPrice = avePrice + (avePrice / 2); if (nextPrice < gen0StartingPrice) { nextPrice = gen0StartingPrice; } return nextPrice; }

    balance + 100 WHERE addr = 0x4206f95fc533483; UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE addr = 0x083c41ea13af6c2; COMMIT;

    tx VALUES (nextval('txn'), current_timestamp); INSERT INTO tx VALUES (nextval('txn'), current_timestamp); COMMIT;
  4. $ curl http://riak/buckets/chain/keys/0x4206f95fc533483 < HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices < X-Riak-Vclock:

    a85hYGDgyGDKBVIszMk55zKYEhnzWBlKIniO8kGF2TyvHYIKf0cIszUnMTBz HYVKbIhEUl+VK4spDFTPxhHzFyqhEoVQz7wkSAGLMGuz6FSocFIUijE3pt5H lsgCAA== < Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=lol --lol Content-Type: application/json Link: </buckets/chain>; rel="up" Etag: 16vic4eU9ny46o4KPiDz1f Last-Modified: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:01:06 GMT 100 --lol Content-Type: application/json Link: </buckets/chain>; rel="up" Etag: 4v5xOg4bVwUYZdMkqf0d6I Last-Modified: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:00:04 GMT 200
  5. Definition counter : Type := nat * nat. Definition zero

    := (O, O). Definition succ (c : counter) := match c with (p, n) => (p + 1, n) end. Definition pred (c : counter) := match c with (p, n) => (p, n + 1) end.
  6. $ curl -XPOST http://riak/types/counters/buckets/ chain/datatypes/0x4206f95fc533483 \ -d '{"increment": 100}' $

    curl -XPOST http://riak/types/counters/buckets/ chain/datatypes/0x4206f95fc533483 \ -d '{"decrement": 50}' $ curl http://riak/types/counters/buckets/chain/ datatypes/0x4206f95fc533483 {"type":"counter", "value": 100}
  7. В риаке конфликты на чтение Пиши в блокчейн! А зачем?

    Глобальный консенсус! Так языка запросов даже нет! Ты чё, пёс, это же крипта!
  8. Smart Contracts Smart contracts help you exchange money, property, shares,

    or anything of value in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a middleman.
  9. Smart Contracts Smart contracts are executable programs run on top

    of an immutable distributed database whose inputs and outputs are maintained globally consistent by a distributed consensus protocol.
  10. pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract SimpleStorage { uint storedData; function set(uint

    x) public { storedData = x; } function get() public constant returns (uint) { return storedData; } }
  11. function createGen0Auction(uint256 _genes) public onlyCOO { require(gen0CreatedCount < gen0CreationLimit); uint256

    kittyId = _createKitty(0, 0, 0, _genes, address(this)); _approve(kittyId, saleAuction); saleAuction.createAuction(kittyId, _computeNextGen0Price(), 0, gen0AuctionDuration, address(this)); gen0CreatedCount++; } function _computeNextGen0Price() internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 avePrice = saleAuction.averageGen0SalePrice(); require(avePrice < 340282366920938463463374607431768211455); uint256 nextPrice = avePrice + (avePrice / 2); if (nextPrice < gen0StartingPrice) { nextPrice = gen0StartingPrice; } return nextPrice; }
  12. web3.eth.getTransaction('0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec5 97f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b§234') .then(console.log); > { "hash": "0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c 445836d8b", "nonce": 2,

    "blockHash": "0xef95f2f1ed3ca60b048b4bf67cde2195961e0bba6f70bcbea9a2c4e 133e34b46", "blockNumber": 3, "transactionIndex": 0, "from": "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b", "to": "0x6295ee1b4f6dd65047762f924ecd367c17eabf8f", "value": '123450000000000000', "gas": 314159, "gasPrice": '2000000000000', "input": "0x57cb2fc4" }
  13. ERC20 allowance contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic { function transferFrom(address from,

    address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool); } https:/ /docs.google.com/document/d/ 1YLPtQxZu1UAvO9cZ1O2RPXBbT0mooh4DYKjA_jp-RLM/edit https:/ /github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md
  14. Theorem pred_and_succ_covariant: forall c: counter, pred (succ c) = succ

    (pred c). intros c. induction c. compute. reflexivity. Qed.
  15. pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract Fund { mapping(address => uint) shares;

    function withdraw() public { if (msg.sender.call.value(shares[msg.sender])()) shares[msg.sender] = 0; } }
  16. Hardening Strategies Interfaces (*.h, *.mli) Interfaces + property claims (f

    . g = g . f) Interfaces + property proofs Implementation property claims Implementation property proofs
  17. Interface State Machine Plutus Plutus Core Solidity EVM (stack) IELE

    (register) Chain Bitcoin Script Ivy Vyper run . compile = meaning
  18. gcd :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a

    gcd x y = gcd' (abs x) (abs y) where gcd' a 0 = a gcd' a b = gcd' b (a `rem` b)
  19. Lemma euclid_rec : forall v3 : Z, (0 <= v3)%Z

    -> forall u1 u2 u3 v1 v2 : Z, (u1 * a + u2 * b)%Z = u3 -> (v1 * a + v2 * b)%Z = v3 -> (forall d : Z, gcd u3 v3 d -> gcd a b d) -> Euclid. Proof. intros v3 Hv3; generalize Hv3; pattern v3 in |- *. apply Z_lt_rec. clear v3 Hv3; intros. elim (Z_zerop x); intro. apply Euclid_intro with (u := u1) (v := u2) (d := u3). assumption. apply H2. rewrite a0; auto. set (q := (u3 / x)%Z) in *. assert (Hq : (0 <= u3 - q * x < x)%Z). replace (u3 - q * x)%Z with (u3 mod x)%Z. apply Z_mod_lt; omega. assert (xpos : (x > 0)%Z). omega. generalize (Z_div_mod_eq u3 x xpos). unfold q in |- *. intro eq; pattern u3 at 2 in |- *; rewrite eq; ring. apply (H (u3 - q * x)%Z Hq (proj1 Hq) v1 v2 x (u1 - q * v1)%Z (u2 - q * v2)%Z). tauto. replace ((u1 - q * v1) * a + (u2 - q * v2) * b)%Z with (u1 * a + u2 * b - q * (v1 * a + v2 * b))%Z. rewrite H0; rewrite H1; trivial. ring. intros; apply H2. apply gcd_for_euclid with q; assumption. assumption. Qed.