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Head-first into Gutenberg

Head-first into Gutenberg

Presented at WordPress Goa meet-up: https://www.meetup.com/WordPressGoa/events/245275573/

Prateek Saxena

December 01, 2017

More Decks by Prateek Saxena

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Meggs, Philip B. A History of Graphic Design. John Wiley

    & Sons, Inc. 1998. (p 64) commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Printer_in_1568-ce.png Public Domain
  2. Printing form set in chase. Form is the New Testament

    in Scots. Chase is Miller & Richard. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_Testament_in_chase.jpg CC-BY 2.0
  3. Printing form set in chase. Form is the New Testament

    in Scots. Chase is Miller & Richard. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_Testament_in_chase.jpg
  4. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element.
  5. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element. attributes could be: post content
  6. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element. attributes could be: post content, post meta, API
  7. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element. attributes could be: post content, post meta, API
  8. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element, based on the state. attributes could be: post content, post meta, API
  9. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element, based on the state (not really). attributes could be: post content, post meta, API
  10. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element, based on the state (not really). attributes could be: post content, post meta, API states could be: edit, focus, save
  11. Show Editable with the value set to our content and

    event handlers for onFocus and onChange
  12. a block has functions that take attributes as input and

    return simple HTML a React element, based on the state (not really). attributes could be: post content, post meta, API states could be: edit, focus, save
  13. Printing form set in chase. Form is the New Testament

    in Scots. Chase is Miller & Richard. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_Testament_in_chase.jpg
  14. By embracing “the block”, we can potentially unify multiple different

    interfaces into one. Instead of learning how to write shortcodes, custom HTML, or paste URLs to embed, you should do with just learning the block, and all the pieces should fall in place. —Gutenberg Handbook