-_ In/PE 18 an enhanceaent to In which reduces overhead for the I=R virtual nachine, priaarily by allowing it to run in real supervi- sor state, thereby eliminating the siaulation or lost privileged operations. Another advantage oi In/P2 is the ability to with- stand CP crashes: In/PE gives control to the I=R virtual nachine when CP crashes; the V=R aachine can later restart CP without disrupting its own operation, there are a nuwber of aajor problems with running under VB/PE, Since real storage is consumed in I=R operation, it would still he necessary to iapleaeut paging, llso, since lu would run in real supervisor state, a kernel error in Au could crash the entire Uh systen. Two problems arise because bu under In/PE would have to continue to run if CP crashes, One, aachine check recovery and recording would be necessary (more on this later), Two, all oi Lu's devices would have to be real devices, so sane l/0 tleribility would be lost (no ninidisk I/0, no virtual CPCA coswunication, etc,). finally, I!/PE itselt nay need slight wodiiications, since it was designed only to support IVS. 5-“ §I£!2'£LQ!§ The advantages of running Lu on its own are fairly obvious: the control oi the resources oi an entire nachine and the indepen- dence ot operation iron other systems. the disadvantages are not all so obvious, As with In/PE, paging and machine check handling would have to he inplewented, But the big problen arising tron stand-alone operation is the loss oi coawunication with other systess. Cowwunications drivers andlor shared disk access tech- niques would need to he developed to regain access to these foreign systews, Ot course, an obvious deterrent to stand-alone operation is the hardware, maintenance, and operations cost, 5-5 2l§£&A£EE§!Z 2! !!§ II Au runs as the V=B virtual nachine (including In/PE), then the nvs system currently running there will be displaced. In normal operation, the only purpose or this SIS systen is to allow the other virtual aachines to coawunicate with BVS on the other real nachines, This function could be replaced by BVS running in a normal virtual machine, or, aore likely, by the V! RSCS program product. However, when either systen C or D is down, the CCS backup plan calls for running both va and production BIS (under In/FE) on the reaaining CPU, In this situation, it seess unlikely that Au would be allowed to reaain in the V=R area; it would revert to running as a normal virtual aachine. __ _._ _.-__f___v__7__ _ _ __ -p*_—@@____ __@ _—_—:_ __~ @;_:_@::_—¢@@ a n d a h 1 Software P/I 510511-700 Rev A Page 7 Specilication