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Static analysis - around Java in 60 minutes

Static analysis - around Java in 60 minutes

The PVS-Studio team talks about the use of static analysis in Java projects.
To learn more about the PVS-Studio static code analyzer for Java, click here: https://pvs-studio.com/en/blog/posts/java/0649/


July 06, 2023

More Decks by PVS-Studio

Other Decks in Programming


  1. We’re going to talk about... • Theory • Code quality

    (bugs, vulnerabilities) • Methodologies of code protection against defects • Code Review • Static analysis and everything related to it • Tools • Existing tools of static analysis • SonarQube • PVS-Studio for Java what is it? • Several detected examples of code with defects • More about static analysis • Conclusions 2
  2. Why we need to concern about code quality • Don’t

    let technical debt accrue, if a project is green • Don’t lose users, if a project already has a history 3
  3. Cost of fixing a defect From the book by C.

    McConnell "Code Complete" 4
  4. Pros Cons Detection of defects at the earliest development stage

    Tiring Intensified teamwork Time-consuming Increased degree of code grasping Expensive Learning effect Fresh outside perspective (no matter how cool you are as a programmer, you’ll definitely forget something) Detection of high level errors 7 Code Review
  5. Static code analysis Pros Cons Detects defects before code reviewing

    You cannot detect high level errors The analyser doesn’t get tired and is ready to work anytime False positives You can find some errors not knowing about such patterns You can detect errors that are difficult to notice when reviewing code 8
  6. Pattern-based analysis @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { .... return

    index.equals(other.index) && type.equals(other.type) && version == other.version && found == other.found && tookInMillis == tookInMillis && Objects.equals(terms, other.terms); } 10
  7. Type inference interface Human { ... } class Parent implements

    Human{ ... } class Child extends Parent { ... } ... class Animal { ... } ... boolean someMethod(List<Child> list, Animal animal) { if (list.remove(animal)) return false; ... } 11
  8. Method annotations int test(int a, int b) { Math.max(a, b);

    //1 if (a > 5 && b < 2) { // a = [6..INT_MAX] // b = [INT_MIN..1] if (Math.max(a, b) > 0) //2 {...} } return Math.max(a, a); //3 } 13
  9. Data-flow analysis void func(int x) // x: [-2147483648..2147483647] //1 {

    if (x > 3) { // x: [4..2147483647] //2 if (x < 10) { // x: [4..9] //3 } } else { // x: [-2147483648..3] //4 } } 14
  10. Symbolic execution int someMethod(int A, int B) { if (A

    == B) return 10 / (A - B); return 1; } 15
  11. SonarQube: who, what and why • Platform with open source

    code for continuous analysis and estimating the code quality • Contains a number of analyzers for various languages • Allows to integrate third-party analyzers • Clearly demonstrates quality of your project 17
  12. Story of creating PVS-Studio for Java • Java is a

    popular language • Wide implementation area of the language • We could use mechanisms from the C++ analyzer (data-flow analysis, method annotations) 22
  13. Spoon for getting a syntax tree and semantic model Spoon

    transforms the code in the metamodel: class TestClass { void test(int a, int b) { int x = (a + b) * 4; System.out.println(x); } } 24 Analyzer internals
  14. Data-flow analysis, method annotations - usage of mechanisms from the

    C++ analyzer using SWIG 25 Analyzer internals
  15. Diagnostic rule is a visitor with overloaded methods. Inside the

    methods the items that are of interest for us are traversed along the tree. 26 Analyzer internals
  16. Integer division private static boolean checkSentenceCapitalization(@NotNull String value) { List<String>

    words = StringUtil.split(value, " "); .... int capitalized = 1; .... return capitalized / words.size() < 0.2; // allow reasonable amount of // capitalized words } V6011 [CWE-682] The '0.2' literal of the 'double' type is compared to a value of the 'int' type. TitleCapitalizationInspection.java 169 IntelliJ IDEA 28
  17. Always false PVS-Studio: V6007 [CWE-570] Expression '"0".equals(text)' is always false.

    ConvertIntegerToDecimalPredicate.java 46 IntelliJ IDEA public boolean satisfiedBy(@NotNull PsiElement element) { .... @NonNls final String text = expression.getText().replaceAll("_", ""); if (text == null || text.length() < 2) { return false; } if ("0".equals(text) || "0L".equals(text) || "0l".equals(text)) { return false; } return text.charAt(0) == '0'; } 29
  18. Unexpected number of iterations public static String getXMLType(@WillNotClose InputStream in)

    throws IOException { .... String s; int count = 0; while (count < 4) { s = r.readLine(); if (s == null) { break; } Matcher m = tag.matcher(s); if (m.find()) { return m.group(1); } } .... } 30 SpotBugs V6007 [CWE-571] Expression 'count < 4' is always true. Util.java 394
  19. We can’t go on without Copy-Paste public class RuleDto {

    .... private final RuleDefinitionDto definition; private final RuleMetadataDto metadata; .... private void setUpdatedAtFromDefinition(@Nullable Long updatedAt) { if (updatedAt != null && updatedAt > definition.getUpdatedAt()) { setUpdatedAt(updatedAt); } } private void setUpdatedAtFromMetadata(@Nullable Long updatedAt) { if (updatedAt != null && updatedAt > definition.getUpdatedAt()) { setUpdatedAt(updatedAt); } } .... } 31 SonarQube V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'setUpdatedAtFromDefinition' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'setUpdatedAtFromMetadata'. Check lines: 396, 405. RuleDto.java 396
  20. Duplicates V6033 [CWE-462] An item with the same key 'JavaPunctuator.PLUSEQU'

    has already been added. Check lines: 104, 100. KindMaps.java 104 SonarJava private final Map<JavaPunctuator, Tree.Kind> assignmentOperators = Maps.newEnumMap(JavaPunctuator.class); public KindMaps() { .... assignmentOperators.put(JavaPunctuator.PLUSEQU, Tree.Kind.PLUS_ASSIGNMENT); .... assignmentOperators.put(JavaPunctuator.PLUSEQU, Tree.Kind.PLUS_ASSIGNMENT); .... } 32
  21. How to integrate static analysis in the process of software

    development • Each developer has a static analysis tool on his machine • Analysis of the entire code base during the night builds. When suspicious code is found - all guilty ones get mails. 33
  22. How to start using static analysis tools on large projects

    and not to lose heart 1. Check the project 2. Specify that all issued warnings are not interesting for us yet. Place the warnings in a special suppression file 3. Upload the file with markup in the version control system 4. Run the analyser and get warnings only for the newly written or modified code 5. PROFIT! 34
  23. Conclusions • Static analysis – additional methodology, not a «silver

    bullet» • Static analysis has to be used regularly • You can immediately start using the analysis and postpone fixing of old errors • Competition is a key to progress 35