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PyCon Ireland 2013: Marconi: Queuing and Notification service for OpenStack

PyCon Ireland 2013: Marconi: Queuing and Notification service for OpenStack

(Via http://python.ie/pycon/2013/speakers/flavio_percoco/)
Speaker: Flavio Percoco

Marconi is a multi-tenant cloud queuing system written in Python as part of the OpenStack project. As every message bus, it’s main goals are: performance, availability, durability, fault-tolerance and scalability. Besides providing support for queuing and notification services through OpenStack, Marconi aims to ease the design of distributed systems and allow for asynchronous work distribution without creating yet another message broker.

This talk aims to give the audience as much information as possible about Marconi’s architecture, design, patterns, performance, issues it faced and how / why it was built from scratch.

PyCon Ireland

October 12, 2013

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  1. @flaper87 at PyConIE 2013 Who's this dude? @flaper87 (a.k.a, Flavio

    Percoco): Very proud Red Hatter, who's also part of the MongoDB Master team and has contributed to Open Source since... forever. One of those who thinks about programming when he's not programming. member of
  2. @flaper87 at PyConIE 2013 ROADMAP AMQP Backends support Per resource

    RBAC Cluster support Client libraries Kombu transport
  3. @flaper87 at PyConIE 2013 TAKEAWAYS Start small Respect YAGNI Not

    opinionated... at all Ship tests along with your app Off-load tasks to third-party apps.