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Purely Python Imaging with Pymaging

Purely Python Imaging with Pymaging

A little over a year ago, frustration with the state of image processing in Python led me to start a project called pymaging. Pymaging is a pure Python image processing library that works on Python 2.x and 3.x. This talk will dive into why I started this project, how I dug into the problems, what I learned about image formats and my goals for the future of this project.

PyCon 2013

March 17, 2013

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    JONAS OBRIST github.com/ojii twitter.com/ojiidotch ojiidotch@gmail.com django CMS core developer DjangoCon Europe 2012 Organizer Python Enthusiast
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    NO IDEA ABOUT DIGITAL IMAGING Can't code C Can barely read C Had no idea how images work
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    GOALS OF PYIMAGING Pure Python solution for common* imaging tasks Easily installable Easy to use Easy to hack Easy to extend Support for Python 2 and 3
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    ORIGINS OF PYMAGING December 21st 2011 #django-cms on freenode "Installing PIL is hard" < o j i i > a n d I d o n ' t g e t h o w n o o n e c a m e u p w i t h a n a l t e r n a t i v e y e t < o j i i > i s t h a t r e a l l y T H A T h a r d ? < o j i i > a n d d o e s i t r e a l l y * N E E D * C ? < k e z a b e l l e > s o u n d s l i k e y o u ' r e v o l u n t e e r i n g ; ) < o j i i > h a h < o j i i > i w i s h i c o u l d < T r i b a a l > I t h i n k s o m e b o d y j u s t h a s t o d o i t
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    EARLY RESISTANCE "Not Fast Enough" < G o t e n X i a o > o j i i : t h e p r o b l e m i s t h a t p u r e P y t h o n r u n n i n g o n C P y t h o n i s n ' t f a s t e n o u g h < T r i b a a l > p y p y : ) < o j i i > p y p y !
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    EARLY APPROACH Porting PIL C code line-by-line Previous success with this approach PIL proofed to be too complicated
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    GLUING THINGS TOGETHER Different library maturities Different internal storage But working proof-of-concept end of January 2012
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    FORMATS Register through setuptools entry points Provide an encoder and/or decoder Separate from the main package
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    CORE Defines the internal data structure Defines the API Keeps track of installed formats Implements basic algorithms
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    HOW IMAGES ARE STORED INTERNALLY P i x e l A r r a y and friends Flat a r r a y . a r r a y of pixel data High-level API to manipulate pixels and the canvas
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    FORMATS PNG encoding/decoding JPG decoding (broken) BMP decoding PSD (by Mikhail Korobov)
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    APIS Resize/Crop (Thumbnailing) Affine transforms (thanks Craig de Stigter) Rotation Drawing Blit (merging)
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    PYTHON 3 Python 2.6 ~ 3.3 Not as hard as I thought Pymaging only handles bytes, not strings New libraries should really support 3!
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    FORMATS Level of documentation varies a lot! PNG is amazing! BMP is weird JPEG is complicated GIF is really close to being easy
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    PYPY IS AWESOME The primary "speed" strategy Very helpful developers They fix PyPy if you find slow parts
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    YOU'RE NOT THE FIRST Chances are somebody tried before Google! Build on others work
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    I NEED HELP You can most likely contribute Pick a format, implement it Pick a format, fix it Ask me for help
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    THANK YOU / QUESTIONS? github.com/ojii/pymaging github.com/ojii/pymaging-png github.com/ojii/pymaging-bmp github.com/ojii/pymaging-jpg twitter.com/ojiidotch ojiidotch@gmail.com github.com/ojii