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BinDeps.jl を活用する

BinDeps.jl を活用する

Ryuichi Yamamoto

September 27, 2014

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  1. #JO%FQTKM׾⢪ֲ Using BinDeps @BinDeps.setup # 依存関係の定義 libfoo = library_dependency(“libfoo”) ...

    deps/build.jl •  ֶ׉׵ֻ♧殢知⽃ז倯岀דׅ •  BQUHFU ZVN CSFX SQN  QBDNBO瘝ծ㢳ֻךػح؛٦آ 盖椚خ٦ٕ׾؟ه٦ز •  傀㶷ךػح؛٦آ׾怒׷ꣲ׶ծ رؿ؋ؙز涸ז⽩韋 •  )JHIMFWFM MPXMFWFM⚕倯ך؎ ٝةؿؑ٦أָ֮׷ךָ葺ְה ֿ׹
  2. #JO%FQTKM⢪欽⢽ ػح؛٦آوط٦آٍ٦׾⢪ֲ㜥さ using BinDeps @BinDeps.setup libsndfile = library_dependency("libsndfile") provides(AptGet, "libsndfile1-dev",

    libsndfile) @BinDeps.install [:libsndfile => :libsndfile] ؝ٝذؗأزךⴱ劍⻉ ⣛㶷ꟼ⤘ך㹀纏 فٗغ؎تך㹀纏 ؎ٝأز٦ٕ AptGet, Yum, Homebrew, etc. build_highlevel.jl (Gistのリンク)
  3. #JO%FQTKM⢪欽⢽ ا٦أַ׵ؽٕسׅ׷㜥さ provides(SimpleBuild, (@build_steps begin GetSources(libsndfile) @build_steps begin ChangeDirectory(srcdir) `./configure

    --prefix=$prefix` `make` `make install` end end), libsndfile, os = :Unix) •  ؽٕسך؝وٝس ׾荈ⴓד剅ֻֿה ׮〳腉 build_lowlevel.jl (Gistのリンク)