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Managing Microservices with Istio Service Mesh

Rafik Harabi
September 02, 2020

Managing Microservices with Istio Service Mesh

Developing and managing hundreds (or maybe thousands) of microservices at scale is a challenge for both development and operations teams. We have seen over the last few years the appearance of new frameworks dedicated to delivering Cloud Native applications by providing a set of (out of the box) building blocks. Most of these frameworks integrate microservices concerns at the code level. Recently, we have seen the emergence of a new pattern known as sidecar or proxy promoting to push all these common concerns outside of the business code and provides them on the edge by integrating a new layer to the underlying platform called Service Mesh. Istio is one of the leading Service Mesh implementing sidecar pattern. We will go during the presentation throw the core concepts behind Istio, the capabilities that provide to manage, secure and observe microservices and how it gives a new breath for both developers and operations.

Rafik Harabi

September 02, 2020

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  1. About me • Prev. Solution Architect at INNOVSQUARE - Digital

    Transformation and Cloud Migration. • Currently, Technical Account Manager with Sysdig - Cloud Native Observability and Security • #Kubernetes #CloudNative are my daily routines. @rafik8_ https://fr.linkedin.com/in/rafikharabi
  2. Microservices challenges, deep dive Network Reliability Service have to handle

    the network facts: • Network latency / bandwidth • Transport cost • Topology and administration Fault Tolerance Service have to be able to handle outright failure and timeouts: • Avoid cascading failure • Circuit breaking • Retries Monitoring We have to: • monitor the delivered microservices and their interactions • Trace requests and identify potential hotspots Security We have to: • Secure communication between microservices • Service to service authentication and authorization
  3. 2011 NetFlix OSS first microservices patterns and libraries open-sourced 2013

    Spring Cloud Enterprise microservice framework for Java 2014 Docker Containerization 2015 Kubernetes Workload orchestration 2018 Istio Service mesh
  4. Microservices challenges Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 - N

    to N communications. - Distributed software interconnection and troubleshooting is hard. - Containers should stay thin and platform agnostic. - Upgrade of polyglot microservices is hard at scale.
  5. Microservices building blocks Challenge 1 Challenge 3 Configuration Service Service

    Registry / Discovery Circuit Breaker / Retry Rate Limiting API Gateway Load Balancing / Intelligent Routing Authentication & Authorization Monitoring Distributed tracing Event Driven Messaging (Async) Log Aggregation Audit
  6. Microservices building blocks Challenge 3 Business Value Configuration Service Service

    Registry / Discovery Circuit Breaker / Retry Rate Limiting Event Driven Messaging (Async) Audit Load Balancing / Intelligent Routing API Gateway Authentication & Authorization Monitoring Distributed tracing Log Aggregation } Business outcome
  7. Code oriented frameworks Challenge 3 Service A Service B Business

    logic Business logic Circuit Breaker Rate limiting Tracing Metrics Circuit Breaker Rate limiting Tracing Metrics
  8. Code oriented pattern Challenge 1 Challenge 3 Configuration Service Service

    Registry / Discovery Circuit Breaker/Retry Rate Limiting API Gateway Load Balancing / Intelligent Routing Authentication & Authorization Monitoring Distributed tracing Event Driven Messaging (Async) Log Aggregation Audit Business Service Foundation Monitoring and Observability Communication Business Values
  9. Code oriented solutions limits - Language oriented. - Error prone

    (implementation). - Hard to upgrade each microservice when system grow. - Add technical challenges and duties to development teams. - Different teams in the same organization may have different implementations. - Each team should maintien his implementation. Microservices challenges need to be solved uniformly
  10. Desired state - Keep microservice concerns separate from the business

    logic. - The network should be transparent to applications. - Developers should focus on delivering business capabilities and not implementing microservices common concerns. - Microservices interconnection should be language agnostic. - Easy to upgrade solution.
  11. Service Mesh Definition A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure

    layer for handling service-to-service communication. It’s responsible for the reliable delivery of requests through the complex topology of services that comprise a modern, cloud native application. buoyant.io
  12. Service Mesh The design Each service will have its own

    proxy service and all these proxy services together form the “Service Mesh”. All the requests to and from each service will go through the mesh proxies. Proxies are also known as sidecars.
  13. Sidecar pattern Service A Business logic Circuit Breaker Rate limiting

    Tracing Metrics Proxy Service B Business logic Circuit Breaker Rate limiting Tracing Metrics Proxy Injected Network concerns become transparent Service to service communication
  14. History of Istio - Envoy proxy (Istio data plane) created

    by Lyft and open-sourced in 2016. - Lyft, IBM and Google launch the project in May 2017. - First major version released in July 2018. - Current version 1.7
  15. Istio goal Develop an open technology that provides a uniform

    way to connect, secure, manage and monitor a network of microservices regardless of the platform source or vendor.
  16. Solution Istio Promises • Focus on business logic and spent

    less time with common concerns. • No change in the service code. • Central configuration management. • Easy to upgrade • Security
  17. Istio does: - Service discovery - Load Balancing & Intelligent

    Routing - Resiliency: Circuit Breaker & Retry - Rate Limiting - Authentication and Authorization - Service to Service mTLS - Policy enforcement - Observability - Monitoring metrics - Distributed tracing - Event Driven Asynchronous communication - Service Orchestration Istio does not:
  18. Sidecar pattern Challenge 1 Challenge 3 Configuration Service Service Registry

    / Discovery Circuit Breaker/Retry Rate Limiting API Gateway Authentication & Authorization Monitoring Distributed tracing Event Driven Messaging (Async) Log Aggregation Audit Business Service Foundation Monitoring and Observability Communication Business Values Load Balancing / Intelligent Routing Business Service Business Service
  19. Istio building blocks- Control Plane 1/2 Component Description Pilot Responsible

    for service discovery and for configuring the Envoy sidecar proxies Citadel Automated key and certificate management Mixer Istio-Policy: policy enforcement Istio-Telemetry: gather telemetry data Galley Configuration ingestion for istio components Ingress Gateway manage inbound connection to the service mesh Egress Gateway manage outbound connection from the service mesh
  20. Istio building blocks - Addons 1/2 Component Description Prometheus Metrics

    collection Grafana Monitoring dashboard Jaeger Distributed tracing Kiali Observability dashboard & Service Service Graph Service dependencies
  21. Install Istio • Installation Options: ◦ Helm 3 chart ◦

    Operator Install Using Helm: Prepare: export ISTIO_VERSION=1.7 curl -L https://git.io/getLatestIstio | sh - Check: istioctl verify-install Install: istioctl install --set profile=demo
  22. Enabling Service Mesh 1/4 • Istio provide 3 options: ◦

    Automatic sidecar injection: label namespace istioinjection=enabled ◦ Manual sidecar injection: istioctl kube-inject -f deployment.yaml ◦ Single pod sidecar injection: istioctl experimental add-to-mesh service
  23. Service Discovery Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Kubernetes provides

    service discovery, why do I need an extra layer ? Istio supports: - HTTP L7 filter - HTTP L7 routing (based on http headers and cookies) - First class HTTP/2 - gRPC support - Fine-grained traffic splitting
  24. Traffic Management / Splitting Challenge 1 Challenge 3 EDS: Endpoint

    Discovery Service CDS: Cluster Discovery Service RDS: Route Discovery Service LDS: Listener Discovery Service istioctl proxy-status istioctl proxy-config clusters -n namespace pod-id Product Page Proxy Details Proxy Pilot xDS Sync xDS Sync
  25. Traffic Splitting • Achieve affinity by using Cookie, Header, or

    Source IP. • Each service can have any number of versions (a.k.a. subsets). • Pilot translates high-level rules into low-level configurations and distributes this config to Envoy instances. • Pilot uses three types of configuration resources to manage traffic within its service mesh: Virtual Services, Destination Rules, and Service Entries.
  26. Traffic Splitting apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: service-a spec:

    host: service-a subsets: - name: v1 labels: version: version-1 - name: v2 labels: version: version-2 apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: service-a spec: hosts: - service-a http: - route: - destination: host: service-a subset: v1 weight: 80 - destination: host: service-a subset: v2 weight: 20
  27. Ingress Gateway Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Ingress Define

    access to services from the outside the service mesh:
  28. Ingress Gateway Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Gateway: defines

    a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh receiving incoming (Ingress) or outgoing (Egress) HTTP/TCP connections. VirtualService: defines a set of traffic routing rules to apply when a host (service) is addressed. DestinationRule: defines policies that apply to traffic intended for a service after routing has occurred.
  29. Ingress Gateway Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1

    kind: Gateway metadata: name: service-gateway spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - "service-name.my-domain.com" apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: service-public spec: hosts: - "*" gateways: - service-gateway http: - match: - uri: exact: /service-url route: - destination: host: service-a port: number: 9080 Service URL Target Kubernetes service Target service Port
  30. Egress Gateway Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Egress gateway

    controls outbound connection and managed authorization in a declarative way.
  31. Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Egress Gateway Challenge 1

    Challenge 2 Challenge 3 apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: ServiceEntry metadata: name: service-a-serviceentry spec: hosts: - my-external-service-dns servers: - port: number: 3306 name: tcp-mysql protocol: TCP location:MESH_EXTERNAL apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: Gateway metadata: name: istio-egressgateway spec: Selector: ` istio: egressgateway servers: - port: number: 3306 name: tcp-mysql protocol: TCP location:my-external-service-dns
  32. Fault Injection Inject faults to test the resiliency of your

    application: Delays: Delays are timing failures such us network latency or overloaded upstreams. Aborts: Aborts are crash failures such as HTTP error codes or TCP connection failures.
  33. Fault Injection apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: service-a-503 spec:

    hosts: - service-a http: - route: - destination: host: service-a fault: abort: percent: 20 httpStatus: 503 apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: service-a-delay-5 spec: hosts: - service-a http: - route: - destination: host: service-a fault: delay: percent: 100 fixedDelay: 5s Delay Abort
  34. Circuit Breaker Circuit breaking allows to write applications that limit

    the impact of failures, latency spikes, and other network effects.
  35. Circuit Breaker apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: service-a spec:

    host: service-a trafficPolicy: connectionPool: tcp: maxConnections: 1 http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 10 maxRequestsPerConnection: 2 outlierDetection: consecutiveErrors: 3 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 3m maxEjectionPercent: 100
  36. Retry strategy - Enable automatic retry when a temporary network

    issue occurs. - Timeout could be also specified.
  37. Retry strategy Enable automatic retry when a temporary network issue

    occurs. Timeout could be also specified. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: service-a spec: hosts: - service-a http: - route: - destination: host: service-a retries: attempts: 3 perTryTimeout: 2s
  38. Mutual TLS traffic is encrypted on transit between services: -

    Service Level - Namespace Level - Mesh Level apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: PeerAuthentication metadata: name: default namespace: my-namespace spec: mtls: mode:STRICT
  39. Service to Service Authorization apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: AuthorizationPolicy metadata: name:

    allow-read namespace: default spec: Selector: matchLabels: app: service-b action: Allow rules: - from: - source: principals: ["cluster.local/ns/default/sa/service-a"] to: - operation: methods: ["POST"] when: - key: request.headers[user-role] values: ["operator", "internal"]
  40. Dashboard Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 • Monitoring: Prometheus

    • Observability: Kiali • Tracing: Jaeger/Zipkin • Service graph: Kiali istioctl dashbord Usage: istioctl dashboard [flags] istioctl dashboard [command] Aliases: dashboard, dash, d Available Commands: controlz Open ControlZ web UI envoy Open Envoy admin web UI grafana Open Grafana web UI jaeger Open Jaeger web UI kiali Open Kiali web UI prometheus Open Prometheus web UI zipkin Open Zipkin web UI
  41. Debugging - using istioctl kubectl logs po/POD-ID -c istio-init -n

    namespace istioctl proxy-status istioctl proxy-config clusters -n namespace POD-ID istioctl proxy-config listeners -n namespace POD-ID
  42. Deep dive with istio - Workshops - IBM workshop: https://istio101.gitbook.io/lab/

    - Redhat interactive learn: https://learn.openshift.com/servicemesh - Redhat developer demos: https://github.com/redhat-developer-demos/istio-tutorial/ - Istio by example, Ray Tsang: https://github.com/saturnism/istio-by-example-java - Service Mesh Workshop, Rafik Harabi @SRECon Europe 2019: https://www.istioworkshop.io