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Building Block of Kubernetes

Building Block of Kubernetes

Chennai Kubernetes Meetup #1

This talk was about how the POD looks like and why we need to use the POD concept in Kubernetes

Rahulkrishnan R A

December 16, 2017

More Decks by Rahulkrishnan R A

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  1. - Containers are normal process - Process executed using two

    Linux kernel features - Cgroups - Namespace Containers Virtual Machines How containers looks like?
  2. Orchestration - Kubernetes • Horizontal scaling • Self-healing • Automated

    rollouts and rollbacks • Secret and configuration management • Automatic Binpacking • Batch execution
  3. Kubernetes Architecture Worker Node 1 Master Node CLI UI API

    Kubelet Kube-proxy Worker Node 2 Kubelet Kube-proxy Worker Node 3 Kubelet Kube-proxy Controller Manager Scheduler etcd
  4. Nginx v1 Mount Hostname PID Network IPC Nginx v2 Mount

    Hostname PID Network IPC Container 1 Container 2 Isolation using namespace Isolated Containers
  5. How POD looks like? Namespaces - Net - IPC ……

    Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Pause Container Init Container Post Start Pre Stop Main Readiness Liveness
  6. How to create pod? 1) kubectl run <name> --image=<Image name>

    --port=<port no to be exposed> Eg: $kubectl run nginx –image=nginx:latest –port=80 2) Using Manifest file kubectl create – f <pod definition file path > Eg: kubectl create –f pod.yaml Note : Always create POD with the help of controllers