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Server Components, Meta-Frameworks, Signals, Re...

Server Components, Meta-Frameworks, Signals, Resumability: What the heck?

The statement "Milk lasts longer than some JavaScript frameworks" perfectly captures the fast-paced nature of the frontend world.

However, certain underlying concepts are emerging as standard practices in modern frameworks. These concepts include Resumability, Server Components, Meta-Frameworks, and Signals.

In my talk, I will delve into these concepts and provide practical examples to illustrate their significance. This talk is especially valuable for those who are not full-time front-end developers, as it offers insights into the latest trends and updates in the field.

One thing is for sure. The milk that lasts longer than these new trends hasn’t been innovated yet.

Rainer Hahnekamp

November 09, 2023

More Decks by Rainer Hahnekamp

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  1. RainerHahnekamp About Me... Professional NgRx https://www.youtube.com/ @RainerHahnekamp https://www.ng-news.com https://github.com/softarc-consulting/sheriff •

    Rainer Hahnekamp ANGULARarchitects.io • Developer / Trainer / Speaker Modern Spring for Angular @RainerHahnekamp
  2. RainerHahnekamp Performance Options • Faster Execution • Smaller Bundle Sizes

    • Hydration Client Server Submit Cancel Only static Server Side Rendering & Hydration Interactive Browser Application Step 1: Server-Side Rendering Browser Application Application Step 2: Hydration Innovation Area
  3. RainerHahnekamp Client Server Submit Cancel Database Component Load/Send Data to

    Server Dependencies User Interaction "No Hydration": Remix
  4. RainerHahnekamp First Request App Interactive Static HTML User Action 1

    User Action 2 Server Client Non-Interactive Components Data Fetching Logic Non-Interactive Components Data Fetching Logic Non-Interactive Components Data Fetching Logic "No Hydration": Server Components
  5. RainerHahnekamp Resumability Server Client let a = 1; function status()

    { console.log(a++); } status() // 1 status() // 2
  6. RainerHahnekamp First Request App Interactive User Action 1 User Action

    2 Server Client Static HTML Action-specific Code Action-specific Code Static HTML "On Demand": Qwik