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Living Standard

Remy Sharp
September 21, 2016

Living Standard

The web is a beautiful place. On the face of it: open to all. Complicated and yet still simple. Why do I still so strongly believe in the web? What’s different today that makes the web so much more exciting than ever? And how can we help to keep the web a welcome and open place?

Remy Sharp

September 21, 2016

More Decks by Remy Sharp

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    about ES6, but I changed it to…
  2. Arrow functions, but mostly because it looks cool: fn =

    () => …; Default param arguments: (ctx = document, s = ‘’) => ctx.querySelector(s); Property shorthand: return { nodes, length } Destructuring: const { nodes } = fn(‘span’);
  3. 3X more time on site 40% high re-engagement 3X lower

    data usage 70% greater conversion from homescreen https://bit.ly/flipkart-study
  4. “Push notifications allowed us to bring one of the most

    compelling capabilities from our native app to our mobile site. We see a direct 20% click through rate from push notifications…” http://bit.ly/pwa-study-btr – Beyond the Rack
  5. Reliable: control over the network Security: TLS/HTTPS, permissions Performance: fast,

    responsive (in all senses) Availability: homescreen, push notifications
  6. Service worker: network control, offline, li-fi HTTPS & HTTP2: security,

    performance, push Manifest: add to homescreen, icons, standalone, orientation Push notifications: re-engagement …more
  7. { "short_name": "My sweet app", "name": "This be the bees

    knees sweet app", "icons": [ { "src": "icon-144.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" } ], "start_url": "/?utm_source=web_app_manifest", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "background_color": "#ff0000", "theme_color": "#00ff00" } <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
  8. If I add this app to my home screen, it

    will work when I open it.
  9. If I add this app to my home screen, it

    must work when I open it.