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Intro to Node.js (for .NET Developers)

Intro to Node.js (for .NET Developers)

Node.js is a compelling platform that is quickly spreading from startups to the enterprise. As a .NET developer, why should you learn Node.js and where do you start? You will come away from this talk with the evidence and tools you need to be a productive Node.js developer. We'll walk through creating, debugging, and deploying a Node.js project to Microsoft Azure using the Node.js Tools for Visual Studio. We'll also look at popular frameworks and modules, and other learning resources.

David Neal

March 28, 2015

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  1. Intro to Node.js (for .NET Developers) David Neal | reverentgeek.com

    | @reverentgeek var trustMe = { consumes: ["Bacon", "Caffeine"], hasBeard: true, knowsHowToComputer: true }
  2. Y2K

  3. Anything that can be written in JavaScript… …will eventually be

    written in JavaScript – Somebody with incredible powers of observation (e.g., search for “jslinux”)
  4. Why Node.js? •  Rapid innovation & delivery •  Developer happiness

    •  Attract & retain talent •  Performance “Why Node.js is Becoming the Go-To Technology in the Enterprise” – nearform.com
  5. •  2x faster development with fewer developers •  33% fewer

    lines of code •  40% fewer files •  2x improvement requests/sec •  35% decrease in avg response time
  6. •  Black Friday, 2013 •  Mobile platform •  < 1%

    CPU utilization •  200,000+ concurrent users
  7. NBC Universal •  ASP.NET to Node.js •  300 million page

    views/month •  Start render time: 8.8 to 1.3 seconds •  Page speed: 100+ to <10 seconds NBC News, Today.com, CNN…
  8. Who else is using Node.js? •  Dow Jones (WSJ) • 

    eBay •  Groupon •  LinkedIn •  Rdio •  Shutterstock •  The New York Times •  Uber •  Yammer •  Zendesk nodjs.org/industry
  9. Node.js Use Cases •  Single-page apps •  API server (REST,

    Hypermedia, etc.) •  Real-time, streaming, WebSockets •  Chat, IM, social media •  Dashboards •  Proxy service In other words… the INTERNET
  10. What’s our story? •  ASP.NET MVC, C# •  SQL Server

    + NHibernate •  JavaScript + JQuery
  11. What’s our story? •  JavaScript •  Recruiting •  Productive, less

    friction –  Testing –  Microservices –  RabbitMQ, riak, redis •  Cross-platform
  12. Installing Node.js 1.  http://nodejs.org 2.  Click big, green INSTALL 3. 

    Run installer – OR – Install using Chocolatey (http://chocolatey.org) C:\> choco install nodejs.install  
  13. Node.js Tools for Visual Studio Minimum requirements •  VS 2012

    Pro or VS 2013 Express •  Latest VS updates http://nodejstools.codeplex.com
  14. Deploying •  Don’t include node_modules folder •  …unless you create

    builds for specific targets •  Azure is super-easy •  Windows –  iisnode for web apps –  winser for services •  Linux – forever
  15. Recommended Toolbox Package What it do, yo lodash JavaScript utilities

    when JavaScript promise library async async/parallel execution request (or rest) http client gulp build engine, test runner socket.io sockets, real-time node-inspector Debugging mocha test framework chai TDD/BDD assertion library sinon spies, stubs, mocks
  16. Node frameworks MVC •  Express •  Meteor •  Sails • 

    Hapi API •  Restify •  LoopBack •  Autohost nodeframework.com nodewebmodules.com
  17. Edge.js •  Run .NET in-process •  …including F#, ADO.NET, Python,

    and Powershell •  Execute inline code, files, or assemblies •  Alternative to writing native modules in C •  .NET 4.5 or Mono 3.1
  18. What can Edge.js do? •  Leverage existing .NET investment • 

    SQL Server (or other DBs) •  TFS, SharePoint, Exchange, etc. •  Active Directory •  Hardware (e.g. camera, microphone, printer, win32) •  Video encoding, or other CPU-intensive work •  Powershell
  19. .NET + Node.js Integration •  Edge.js (possible migration strategy) • 

    request module to call .NET Web Services •  Messaging (e.g. RabbitMQ)
  20. Thank you! David Neal @ReverentGeek david@reverentgeek.com reverentgeek.com Demos + Resources

    bit.ly/node-demos Please rate me! h#p://spkr8.com/t/54801