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Optimizing UI in Jetpack Compose - engineerHub

Optimizing UI in Jetpack Compose - engineerHub

Presented in engineerHub online presentation. How to optimise UI performance while using Jetpack Compose.

Rivu Chakraborty

July 24, 2023

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  1. • India’s first GDE (Google Developer Expert) for Kotlin •

    More than decade in the Industry • Android Architect @ Viacom18 • Previously ◦ Byju’s ◦ Paytm ◦ Gojek ◦ Meesho • Author (wrote multiple Kotlin books) • Speaker • Community Person • YouTuber (?) 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social Who am I? 󰞦
  2. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What’s @Composable? @Composable fun BlueText() {

    Text( text = "https://www.youtube.com/@rivutalks", color = Color.Blue ) } fun BlueText($composer: Composer) { $composer.start(123) Text( text = "https://www.youtube.com/@rivutalks", color = Color.Blue ) $composer.end() }
  3. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What’s @Composable? @Composable fun RecompositionScreen(viewModel: RecompositionViewModel)

    { val recomposeState = viewModel.state Column { Text(text = "Recomposition count ${recomposeState.count}") Button(onClick = { viewModel.recompose() }) { Text(text = "Recompose") } } }
  4. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What’s @Composable? fun RecompositionScreen($composer: Composer, viewModel:

    MyViewModel) { $composer.start(123) val recomposeState = viewModel.state Column { Text(text = "Recomposition count ${recomposeState.count}") Button(onClick = { viewModel.recompose() }) { Text(text = "Recompose") } } $composer.end() }
  5. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What’s Composer? A calling context object,

    responsible for rendering (composing/recomposing) Composables. The implementation contains a data-structure closely related to Gap Buffer.
  6. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What’s Recomposition fun BlueText($composer: Composer) {

    $composer.start(123) Text( text = "https://www.youtube.com/@rivutalks", color = Color.Blue ) $composer.end()?.updateScope { nextComposer -> BlueText(nextComposer) } }
  7. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social An Overloaded Composable Function @Composable fun

    ProfileScreenOverloaded( profileData: ProfileData, postsList: List<Post>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { LazyVerticalGrid( modifier = modifier, columns = GridCells.Fixed(2) ) { item(span = { GridItemSpan(2) }) { Column { AsyncImage( model = profileData.profileImageUrl, contentDescription = profileData.name, modifier = Modifier .size(128.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) .clickable { //Handle Profile Photo Click }, ) Text( text = profileData.name, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h2, modifier = Modifier .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally), ) Text( text = profileData.location, style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1, modifier = Modifier .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally), ) Button( onClick = { /*Follow Button Action*/ }, modifier = Modifier .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) .background(Color.Black), ) { Text( text = "Follow ${profileData.name}", style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2, ) } Button( onClick = { /*Message Button Action*/ }, modifier = Modifier .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) .border(1.dp, color = Color.Black, shape = RoundedCornerShape(5.dp)), ) { Text( text = "Message", style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1, ) } } } items(postsList) { AsyncImage( model = profileData.profileImageUrl, contentDescription = profileData.name, modifier = Modifier .width(167.dp).height(220.dp) .clickable { //Handle Post Photo Click }, ) } } }
  8. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social Breaking it down @Composable fun ProfileScreen(

    profileData: ProfileData, postsList: List<Post>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { LazyVerticalGrid( modifier = modifier, columns = GridCells.Fixed(2) ) { item(span = { GridItemSpan(2) }) { ProfileSection(profileData) } items(postsList) { PostItem(post = it) } } }
  9. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social Breaking it down @Composable fun ProfileSection(

    profileData: ProfileData, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { Column(modifier = modifier, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { ProfilePhoto( profileImageUrl = profileData.profileImageUrl, contentDesc = profileData.name, profileId = profileData.profileId) Text( text = profileData.name, style = Typography.titleMedium, ) Text( text = profileData.location, style = Typography.bodyMedium, ) FollowButton( profileId = profileData.profileId, name = profileData.name) MessageButton(profileId = profileData.profileId) } }
  10. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What’s State? data class MoviesState( val

    query: String = emptyString(), val movies: List<Movie> = listOf(), val error: Throwable? = null, val isLoading: Boolean = false, val detail: MovieDetail? = null, val searchHistory: List<String> = emptyList(), val skipSplash: Boolean = false )
  11. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What’s State? data class MoviesState( val

    query: String = emptyString(), val movies: List<Movie> = listOf(), val error: Throwable? = null, val isLoading: Boolean = false, val detail: MovieDetail? = null, val searchHistory: List<String> = emptyList(), val skipSplash: Boolean = false ) val moviesState: MoviesState by stateLiveData.observeAsState(initialState())
  12. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social State Hoisting Having UI logic and

    UI element state in composables is a good approach if the state and logic are simple. You can leave your state internal to a composable or hoist as required.
  13. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social State Hoisting @Composable fun ShowList( state:

    ListState.Content, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onRefresh: () -> Unit = {}, ) { val swipeRefreshState = rememberPullRefreshState(refreshing = state.isRefreshing, onRefresh = onRefresh) Box(modifier = modifier.pullRefresh(swipeRefreshState)) { LazyColumn( modifier = Modifier.matchParentSize(), ) { ... } } }
  14. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social State Hoisting fun FormScreen(viewModel: FormViewModel) {

    val state = viewModel.state var addItemQuery by remember { mutableStateOf("") } LaunchedEffect(key1 = addItemQuery) { ... } Column { Text(text = "Add form items below") if (state is MyFormState.Content) { MyForm( state = state, onAddItem = { details -> addItemQuery = details }, onUpdateItem = { position, item -> viewModel.updateItem(position, item) }, shouldShowAddItem = true, ) } } }
  15. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social What are Side Effects? A side-effect

    is a change to the state of the app that happens outside the scope of a composable function. Due to composables' lifecycle and properties such as unpredictable recompositions, executing recompositions of composables in different orders, or recompositions that can be discarded, composables should ideally be side-effect free.
  16. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social LaunchedEffect @Composable fun FormScreen(viewModel: FormViewModel) {

    val state = viewModel.state var addItemQuery by remember { mutableStateOf("") } LaunchedEffect(key1 = addItemQuery) { if (addItemQuery.isBlank()) return@LaunchedEffect delay(500) viewModel.addItem( MyFormItem(addItemQuery) ) }
  17. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social DisposableEffect @Composable fun ListScreen(viewModel: ListViewModel) {

    val state = viewModel.myListState Log.d(LogTag, "ListScreen Composed") DisposableEffect(key1 = Unit) { val job = viewModel.loadItems() onDispose { job.cancel() } } ... }
  18. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social SideEffect @Composable fun rememberFirebaseAnalytics(user: User): FirebaseAnalytics

    { val analytics: FirebaseAnalytics = remember { FirebaseAnalytics() } SideEffect { analytics.setUserProperty("userType", user.userType) } return analytics }
  19. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social remember @Composable fun ShowList( state: ListState.Content,

    modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onRefresh: () -> Unit = {}, ) { val sortedItems = state.items.let { Log.d(LogTag, "Sorted") it.sortedBy { it.itemId }.toImmutableList() } ... }
  20. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social remember @Composable fun ShowList( state: ListState.Content,

    modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onRefresh: () -> Unit = {}, ) { Log.d(LogTag, "List Composed isRefreshing ${state.isRefreshing}") val sortedItems by remember(state.items) { mutableStateOf( state.items.let { Log.d(LogTag, "Sorted") it.sortedBy { it.itemId }.toImmutableList() } ) } ... }
  21. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social @Stable Stable is used to communicate

    some guarantees to the compose compiler about how a certain type or function will behave.
  22. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social @Immutable Immutable can be used to

    mark class as producing immutable instances. The immutability of the class is not validated and is a promise by the type that all publicly accessible properties and fields will not change after the instance is constructed. This is a stronger promise than val as it promises that the value will never change not only that values cannot be changed through a setter.
  23. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social @Stable @Stable data class MyListItem( val

    itemId: Int, val itemColor: Color, var backgroundColor: Color by mutableStateOf(Color.Blue) )
  24. 🌐https://www.rivu.dev/ youtube.com/@rivutalks @rivuchakraborty @rivu@androiddev.social ImmutableList @Composable fun ShowList( state: ListState.Content,

    modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onRefresh: () -> Unit = {}, ) { val sortedItems by remember(state.items) { mutableStateOf( state.items.let { Log.d(LogTag, "Sorted") it.sortedBy { it.itemId }.toImmutableList() } ) } ... }