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Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s Build a...

Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s Build a Streaming Data Pipeline!

Check out the full demo code & docker-compose with which to run it: https://github.com/confluentinc/demo-scene/tree/master/mysql-debezium-ksql-elasticsearch

Have you ever thought that you needed to be a programmer to do stream processing and build streaming data pipelines? Think again! Apache Kafka is a distributed, scalable, and fault-tolerant streaming platform, providing low-latency pub-sub messaging coupled with native storage and stream processing capabilities. Integrating Kafka with RDBMS, NoSQL, and object stores is simple with Kafka Connect, which is part of Apache Kafka. KSQL is the open-source SQL streaming engine for Apache Kafka, and makes it possible to build stream processing applications at scale, written using a familiar SQL interface.

In this talk we’ll explain the architectural reasoning for Apache Kafka and the benefits of real-time integration, and we’ll build a streaming data pipeline using nothing but our bare hands, Kafka Connect, and KSQL.

Gasp as we filter events in real time! Be amazed at how we can enrich streams of data with data from RDBMS! Be astonished at the power of streaming aggregates for anomaly detection!

Robin Moffatt

July 24, 2018

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  1. Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s Build a

    Streaming Data Pipeline! @rmoff robin@confluent.io confluent.io/ksql
  2. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 2 • Developer Advocate @ Confluent • Working in data & analytics since 2001 • Oracle ACE Director & Dev Champion • Blogging : http://rmoff.net & http://cnfl.io/rmoff • Twitter: @rmoff • Geek stuff • Beer & Fried Breakfasts $ whoami https://speakerdeck.com/rmoff/
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 Confluent Open Source Reliable and scalable integration of Kafka with other systems – no coding required. { "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector", "connection.url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo?user=rmoff&password=foo", "table.whitelist": "sales,orders,customers" } https://docs.confluent.io/current/connect/ ✓ Centralized management and configuration ✓ Support for hundreds of technologies including RDBMS, Elasticsearch, HDFS, S3 ✓ Supports CDC ingest of events from RDBMS ✓ Preserves data schema Kafka Connect
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 SELECT userid, page, action FROM clickstream c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.userid = u.user_id 
 WHERE u.level = 'Platinum'; Joining, filtering, and aggregating streams of event data
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    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql KSQL for Anomaly Detection CREATE TABLE possible_fraud AS
 SELECT card_number, count(*)
 FROM authorization_attempts 
 GROUP BY card_number
 HAVING count(*) > 3; Identifying patterns or anomalies in real-time data, surfaced in milliseconds
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    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql KSQL for Real-Time Monitoring • Log data monitoring, tracking and alerting • syslog data • Sensor / IoT data CREATE STREAM SYSLOG_INVALID_USERS AS SELECT HOST, MESSAGE FROM SYSLOG WHERE MESSAGE LIKE '%Invalid user%'; http://cnfl.io/syslogs-filtering / http://cnfl.io/syslog-alerting
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    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql CREATE STREAM views_by_userid WITH (PARTITIONS=6, REPLICAS=5, VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO', TIMESTAMP='view_time') AS 
 SELECT * FROM clickstream PARTITION BY user_id; KSQL for Data Transformation Make simple derivations of existing topics from the command line
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    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 29 Producer API { "rating_id": 5313, "user_id": 3, "stars": 4, "route_id": 6975, "rating_time": 1519304105213, "channel": "web", "message": "worst. flight. ever. #neveragain" } POOR_RATINGS Filter all ratings where STARS<3 CREATE STREAM POOR_RATINGS AS SELECT * FROM ratings WHERE STARS <3
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    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 30 Do you think that’s a table you are querying?
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    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 31 The Table Stream Duality Account ID Balance 12345 €50 Account ID Amount 12345 + €50 12345 + €25 12345 -€60 Account ID Balance 12345 €75 Account ID Balance 12345 €15 Time Stream Table
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    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 32 The truth is the log. The database is a cache of a subset of the log. —Pat Helland Immutability Changes Everything http://cidrdb.org/cidr2015/Papers/CIDR15_Paper16.pdf Photo by Bobby Burch on Unsplash
  33. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 33 Kafka Connect Producer API { "rating_id": 5313, "user_id": 3, "stars": 4, "route_id": 6975, "rating_time": 1519304105213, "channel": "web", "message": "worst. flight. ever. #neveragain" } { "id": 3, "first_name": "Merilyn", "last_name": "Doughartie", "email": "mdoughartie1@dedecms.com", "gender": "Female", "club_status": "platinum", "comments": "none" } RATINGS_WITH_CUSTOMER_DATA Join each rating to customer data CREATE STREAM RATINGS_WITH_CUSTOMER_DATA AS SELECT * FROM RATINGS LEFT JOIN CUSTOMERS ON R.ID=C.ID;
  34. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 34 Kafka Connect Producer API { "rating_id": 5313, "user_id": 3, "stars": 4, "route_id": 6975, "rating_time": 1519304105213, "channel": "web", "message": "worst. flight. ever. #neveragain" } { "id": 3, "first_name": "Merilyn", "last_name": "Doughartie", "email": "mdoughartie1@dedecms.com", "gender": "Female", "club_status": "platinum", "comments": "none" } RATINGS_WITH_CUSTOMER_DATA Join each rating to customer data UNHAPPY_PLATINUM_CUSTOMERS Filter for just PLATINUM customers CREATE STREAM UNHAPPY_PLATINUM_CUSTOMERS AS SELECT * FROM RATINGS_WITH_CUSTOMER_DATA WHERE STARS < 3
  35. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 35 Kafka Connect Producer API { "rating_id": 5313, "user_id": 3, "stars": 4, "route_id": 6975, "rating_time": 1519304105213, "channel": "web", "message": "worst. flight. ever. #neveragain" } { "id": 3, "first_name": "Merilyn", "last_name": "Doughartie", "email": "mdoughartie1@dedecms.com", "gender": "Female", "club_status": "platinum", "comments": "none" } RATINGS_WITH_CUSTOMER_DATA Join each rating to customer data RATINGS_BY_CLUB_STATUS_1MIN Aggregate per-minute by CLUB_STATUS CREATE TABLE RATINGS_BY_CLUB_STATUS AS SELECT CLUB_STATUS, COUNT(*) FROM RATINGS_WITH_CUSTOMER_DATA WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 1 MINUTES) GROUP BY CLUB_STATUS;
  36. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 36 Confluent Open Source : Apache Kafka with a bunch of cool stuff! For free! Database Changes Log Events loT Data Web Events … CRM Data Warehouse Database Hadoop Data
 Integration … Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps Transformations Real-time Applications … Apache Open Source Confluent Open Source Confluent Enterprise Confluent Platform Confluent Platform Apache Kafka® Core | Connect API | Streams API Data Compatibility Schema Registry Monitoring & Administration Confluent Control Center | Security Operations Replicator | Auto Data Balancing Development and Connectivity Clients | Connectors | REST Proxy | CLI Apache Open Source Confluent Open Source Confluent Enterprise SQL Stream Processing KSQL
  37. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 37 Free Books! https://www.confluent.io/apache-kafka-stream-processing-book-bundle
  38. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 39 • Embrace the Anarchy : Apache Kafka's Role in Modern Data Architectures Recording & Slides • Look Ma, no Code! Building Streaming Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka and KSQL • Steps to Building a Streaming ETL Pipeline with Apache Kafka and KSQL Recording & Slides • https://www.confluent.io/blog/ksql-in-action-real-time-streaming-etl-from-oracle-transactional-data • https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/ Useful links
  39. @rmoff / Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s

    Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! http://cnfl.io/ksql 40 • CDC Spreadsheet • Blog: No More Silos: How to Integrate your Databases with Apache Kafka and CDC • #partner-engineering on Slack for questions • BD team (#partners / partners@confluent.io) can help with introductions on a given sales op Resources #EOF