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ATM Fraud detection with Kafka and KSQL

Robin Moffatt
December 10, 2018

ATM Fraud detection with Kafka and KSQL

Try it yourself! https://github.com/confluentinc/demo-scene/blob/master/ksql-atm-fraud-detection/ksql-atm-fraud-detection-README.adoc

Detecting fraudulent activity in real time can save a business significant amounts of money, but has traditionally been an area requiring a lot of complex programming and frameworks, particularly at scale. Using KSQL, it's possible to use just SQL to build scalable real-time applications.

In this talk, we'll look at what KSQL is, and how its ability to join streams of events can be used to detect possibly fraudulent activity based on a stream of ATM transactions. We'll also see how easy it is to integrate Kafka with other systems—both upstream and downstream—using Kafka Connect to stream from a database into Kafka, and from Kafka into Elasticsearch.

Robin Moffatt

December 10, 2018

More Decks by Robin Moffatt

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  1. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Spotting

    fraud in realtime hoto by Mirza Babic on Unsplash
  2. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff •

    Account id • Location • Amount • Inbound stream of ATM data https://github.com/rmoff/gess
  3. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Spot

    patterns within this stream Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds
  4. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Spot

    patterns within this stream Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Legit Legit
  5. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Ac.

    ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Spot patterns within this stream Legit Dodgy! Legit
  6. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Ac.

    ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Spot patterns within this stream Legit Dodgy! Legit
  7. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff •

    Account id • Location • Amount • Inbound stream of ATM data https://github.com/rmoff/gess
  8. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff KSQL

  9. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Customer

    details ATM fraud txns with customer details Elasticsearch Notification service 1. Spot fraud in stream of transactions 2.Enrich transaction events with customer data
  10. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff KSQL

    is the Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka
  11. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff KSQL

    for Real-Time Monitoring • Log data monitoring, tracking and alerting • syslog data • Sensor / IoT data CREATE STREAM SYSLOG_INVALID_USERS AS SELECT HOST, MESSAGE FROM SYSLOG WHERE MESSAGE LIKE '%Invalid user%'; http://cnfl.io/syslogs-filtering / http://cnfl.io/syslog-alerting
  12. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff KSQL

    for Streaming ETL CREATE STREAM vip_actions AS 
 SELECT userid, page, action FROM clickstream c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.userid = u.user_id 
 WHERE u.level = 'Platinum'; Joining, filtering, and aggregating streams of event data
  13. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff KSQL

    for Anomaly Detection CREATE TABLE possible_fraud AS
 SELECT card_number, count(*)
 FROM authorization_attempts 
 GROUP BY card_number
 HAVING count(*) > 3; Identifying patterns or anomalies in real-time data, surfaced in milliseconds
  14. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff CREATE

 SELECT * FROM pageviews_json; KSQL for Data Transformation Make simple derivations of existing topics from the command line
  15. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff KSQL

    in Development and Production Interactive KSQL
 for development and testing Headless KSQL
 for Production Desired KSQL queries have been identified REST “Hmm, let me try
 out this idea...”
  16. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Stream

    Stream joins Orders Shipments Which orders haven't shipped? order.id = shipment.order_id Leadtime shipment_ts - order_ts
  17. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Self-Join

    (Cartesian product) Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2
  18. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Ac.

    ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2 Self-Join (Cartesian product) ATM_TXNS T1 INNER JOIN ATM_TXNS T2 ON T1.ACCOUNT_ID = T2.ACCOUNT_ID
  19. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Self-Join

    (Cartesian product) FROM ATM_TXNS T1 INNER JOIN ATM_TXNS T2 WITHIN 10 MINUTES ON T1.ACCOUNT_ID = T2.ACCOUNT_ID Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2
  20. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Self-Join

    T1 Txn ID T2 Txn ID T1 Time T2 Time T1 ATM T2 ATM xxx116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:58:19 Midland Halifax 116d91d6-ef17 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 11:56:58 Halifax Midland xxx116d91d6-ef17 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:56:58 Midland Midland 116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 11:58:19 Halifax Halifax
  21. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Self-Join

    T1 Txn ID T2 Txn ID T1 Time T2 Time T1 ATM T2 ATM xxx116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:58:19 Midland Halifax 116d91d6-ef17 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 11:56:58 Halifax Midland xxx116d91d6-ef17 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:56:58 Midland Midland 116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 11:58:19 Halifax Halifax Self join on same txn IDs
  22. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Exclude

    joins on the same txn WHERE T1.TRANSACTION_ID != T2.TRANSACTION_ID T1 Txn ID T2 Txn ID T1 Time T2 Time T1 ATM T2 ATM xxx116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:58:19 Midland Halifax 116d91d6-ef17 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 11:56:58 Halifax Midland
  23. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Exclude

    joins on the same txn T1 Txn ID T2 Txn ID T1 Time T2 Time T1 ATM T2 ATM xxx116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:58:19 Midland Halifax 116d91d6-ef17 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 11:56:58 Halifax Midland Duplicate results (A:B / B:A)
  24. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Join

    Windows Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2 WITHIN 10 MINUTES WHERE T1.TRANSACTION_ID != T2.TRANSACTION_ID
  25. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Join

    Windows Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2 WITHIN 10 MINUTES WHERE T1.TRANSACTION_ID != T2.TRANSACTION_ID
  26. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Join

    Windows Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2 WITHIN 10 MINUTES WHERE T1.TRANSACTION_ID != T2.TRANSACTION_ID
  27. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Only

    join forward Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2 WITHIN (0 MINUTES, 10 MINUTES) WHERE T1.TRANSACTION_ID != T2.TRANSACTION_ID
  28. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Only

    join forward Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Ac. ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds T1 T2 WITHIN (0 MINUTES, 10 MINUTES) WHERE T1.TRANSACTION_ID != T2.TRANSACTION_ID
  29. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Only

    join forward T1 Txn ID T2 Txn ID T1 Time T2 Time T1 ATM T2 ATM xxx116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:58:19 Midland Halifax WITHIN (0 MINUTES, 10 MINUTES) Ignore events in the right-hand stream prior to those in the left
  30. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Only

    join forward T1 Txn ID T2 Txn ID T1 Time T2 Time T1 ATM T2 ATM xxx116d91d6-ef17 116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 11:58:19 Midland Halifax Legit Dodgy!
  31. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Calcuate

    distance between ATMs GEO_DISTANCE(TX1.location->lat, TX1.location->lon, TX2.location->lat, TX2.location->lon, 'KM') TX1 TX2
  32. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Calculate

  33. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Photo

  34. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff So

    speaking of time… ksql> PRINT 'atm_txns_gess' ; Format:JSON { "ROWTIME": 1544116309152, "ROWKEY": "null", "account_id": "a218", "timestamp": "2018-12-06 17:09:58 +0000", "atm": "HSBC", …} Kafka message timestamp 2018-12-06 17:11:49 Event time
  35. ksql> PRINT 'atm_txns_gess' ; Format:JSON { "ROWTIME": 1544116309152, "ROWKEY": "null",

    "account_id": "a218", "timestamp": "2018-12-06 17:09:58 +0000", CREATE STREAM ATM_TXNS_GESS (account_id VARCHAR, timestamp VARCHAR, … WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='atm_txns_gess', TIMESTAMP='timestamp', TIMESTAMP_FORMAT= 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss X'); "timestamp": "2018-12-06 17:09:58 +0000",
  36. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Customer

    details ATM fraud txns with customer details Elasticsearch Notification service 1. Enrich transaction events with customer data
  37. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Streaming

    Integration with Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers Kafka Connect Tasks Workers Sources syslog flat file CSV JSON MQTT
  38. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Streaming

    Integration with Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers Kafka Connect Tasks Workers Sinks Amazon S3 MQTT
  39. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Streaming

    Integration with Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers Kafka Connect Tasks Workers Sources Sinks Amazon S3 MQTT syslog flat file CSV JSON MQTT
  40. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Confluent

    Hub hub.confluent.io • One-stop place to discover and download : • Connectors • Transformations • Converters
  41. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Demo

    Time! Customer details Kafka Connect Debezium
  42. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Do

    you think that’s a table you are querying?
  43. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff The

    Table Stream Duality Account ID Balance 12345 €50 Account ID Amount 12345 + €50 12345 + €25 12345 -€60 Account ID Balance 12345 €75 Account ID Balance 12345 €15 Time Stream Table
  44. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff The

    truth is the log. The database is a cache of a subset of the log. —Pat Helland Immutability Changes Everything http://cidrdb.org/cidr2015/Papers/CIDR15_Paper16.pdf Photo by Bobby Burch on Unsplash
  45. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Ac.

    ID Transaction ID Time ATM A42 xxx116d91d6-ef17 11:56:58 Midland A42 116d91d6-ef17 11:58:19 Halifax A42 09c2f660-ef17 19:31:11 Lloyds Spot patterns within this stream Legit Dodgy! Legit
  46. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Ac.

    ID T1 Time ATM T2 Time ATM A42 11:56:58 Midland 11:58:19 Halifax Suspect Transactions Dodgy!
  47. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Name

    Phone Ac. ID T1 Time ATM T2 Time ATM Robin M 1234 567 A42 11:56:58 Midland 11:58:19 Halifax Suspect Transactions
  48. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Customer

    details ATM fraud txns with customer details Elasticsearch Notification service 1. Spot fraud in stream of transactions 2.Enrich transaction events with customer data
  49. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Customer

    details ATM fraud txns with customer details Elasticsearch Notification service 1. Spot fraud in stream of transactions 2.Enrich transaction events with customer data ATM_POSSIBLE_FRAUD_ENRICHED atm_txns_gess accounts
  50. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff What

    can we do with it? Photo by Joshua Rodriguez on Unsplash
  51. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Confluent

    Community Components Apache Kafka with a bunch of cool stuff! For free! Database Changes Log Events loT Data Web Events … CRM Data Warehouse Database Hadoop Data
 Integration … Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps Transformations Real-time Applications … Confluent Platform Confluent Platform Apache Kafka® Core | Connect API | Streams API Data Compatibility Schema Registry Monitoring & Administration Confluent Control Center | Security Operations Replicator | Auto Data Balancing Development and Connectivity Clients | Connectors | REST Proxy | CLI SQL Stream Processing KSQL Datacenter Public Cloud Confluent Cloud CONFLUENT FULLY-MANAGED CUSTOMER SELF-MANAGED
  52. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff Free

    Books! https://www.confluent.io/apache-kafka-stream-processing-book-bundle
  53. ATM Fraud Detection with Apache Kafka and KSQL @rmoff •

    CDC Spreadsheet • Blog: No More Silos: How to Integrate your Databases with Apache Kafka and CDC • #partner-engineering on Slack for questions • BD team (#partners / partners@confluent.io) can help with introductions on a given sales op Resources #EOF