▪ FAST!! ▪ Durable (configurable disk-write) ▪ Single-threaded ▪ Lots of fancy features (lists, hashes, sets) ▪ Very well documented ▪ Great perl module ▪ Not very scalable… master-slave possible
logs ▪ Primarily an interface - between sources (redis, files, pipes, …) and storage (elasticsearch, mongodb, email, …) ▪ Lots of very helpful filters (date, grok, geoip, …) ▪ Horizontally scalable ▪ Fantastic community “If a newbie has a bad time, it’s a bug”
on Lucene ▪ Very easy to set up ▪ Very horizontally scalable ▪ Written in Java… ▪ Great RESTful API ▪ Great perl module written by the developers themselves ▪ Needs BIG hardware (500 million events/day: 132GB RAM, 16 cores) ▪ Stability….. :-/