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The geography of Bicycle Crashes in West Yorkshire

June 24, 2015

The geography of Bicycle Crashes in West Yorkshire

Presented at the University of Leeds' Centre for Spatail Analysis and Policy


June 24, 2015

More Decks by Robin

Other Decks in Research


  1. The geography of bicycle crashes A case study of West

    Yorkshire with some comments on data analytics Presented at the Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy, University of Leeds, 24th June 2015 Robin Lovelace University of Leeds r.lovelace@leeds.ac.uk
  2. Debate on BBC Leeds • Initial questions/premise to be challenged

    • Heckles • Supportive voices • Difficult to keep focus on evidence • For sound, see here: • https://audioboom.com/DrIanKellar
  3. Lots of hot air on social media • See, for

    example, https://twitter.com/robinlovelace/ status/604408777312460800 • But little evidence of any policy change… •
  4. Comments on data analysis • What is 'data analytics'? •

    How is it different from data analysis?
  5. Picking up on 'systematic' • Must be 'scalable' and reproducible.

    • Link on an online store for code: • http://www.sciencedirect.com/scien ce/article/pii/S136984781500039X • Attempts to reproduce...
  6. Is STATS19 Big Data? • A definition of Big Data:

    an umbrella term to capture new datasets that are difficult to analyse using established methods. (Lovelace et al., under review)
  7. Next steps • Linking road network with peoples' perceptions •

    Where is this? https://youtu.be/n884OXqG1Ro?t=15m10 s • How would you feel about this? • https://youtu.be/n884OXqG1Ro?t=3m • Plan: psychological experiment
  8. Identifying best practice • Now this is more like it,

    right? https://youtu.be/n884OXqG1Ro?t=2 0m36s •