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Catalog-Driven Workflows

Rich Signell
July 13, 2016

Catalog-Driven Workflows

SciPy 2016 Lightning Talk

Rich Signell

July 13, 2016

More Decks by Rich Signell


  1. Catalog-driven Workflows Rich Signell , USGS, Woods Hole, MA, USA

    Filipe Fernandes, SECOORA, Salvador, Brazil Kyle Wilcox, Axiom Data Science, Wickford, RI, USA SciPy 2016 2016-07-13 Lightning Talk
  2. 2015 Boston Light Swim, Aug 15, 7:00am since 1907, 8

    miles, no wet suit How cold will the water be?
  3. US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS® ) IOOS® Plan defines:

    • Global Component • Coastal Component  17 Federal Agencies  11 Regional Associations
  4. IOOS Core Principles • Adopt open standards & practices •

    Avoid customer-specific stovepipes • Standardized access services implemented at data providers 5 Customer Web access service Data Provider Observations Models