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Analysis of Fermi LAT data - Hands-on Day 1

Analysis of Fermi LAT data - Hands-on Day 1

Introductory lecture on the analysis of Fermi LAT data. Day 1.

• Fermi LAT and how it works
• Fermi LAT science
• Overview of hands-on activities
• Data and software
• Hands-on: getting started with Fermi LAT data

These are the tutorials for the hands on, practical session on the analysis of *Fermi* Large Area Telescope (aka LAT) gamma-ray observations for the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on High Energy and Plasma Astrophysics in the CTA Era. The goal of this activity is to get you started on the analysis of Fermi LAT data while giving you a concrete overview of the steps involved.

Link for material: https://github.com/rsnemmen/Fermi-LAT-tutorial

Rodrigo Nemmen

May 27, 2017

More Decks by Rodrigo Nemmen

Other Decks in Research


  1. Analysis of Fermi LAT data Analysis of Fermi LAT data

    Rodrigo Nemmen IAG USP May 24, 25 2017 High energy school @ IAG USP Hands-on activity
  2. Day 1 activities Fermi LAT and how it works Fermi

    LAT science Overview of hands-on activities Data and software Hands-on: getting started with Fermi LAT data R. Nemmen, Fermi LAT hands-on talk by Julie McEnery this morning
  3. Ground-based: indirect detection via Cherenkov radiation Space-based: direct detection using

    techniques of particle physics Types of gamma-ray observatories R. Nemmen, Fermi LAT hands-on
  4. Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope: LSST for high-energy sky, 20 MeV

    - 300 GeV, whole sky every 3 hours Unique Capabilities for GeV astrophysics – Large effective area – Good angular resolution – Huge energy range – Wide field of view Large Area Telescope (LAT) Observes 20% of the sky at any instant, entire sky every 3 hrs 20 MeV - 300 GeV Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Observes entire unocculted sky Detects transients from 8 keV - 40 MeV International and interagency collaboration between NASA and DOE in the US and agencies in France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Sweden Mission Lifetime: 5 year requirement, 10 year goal R. Nemmen
  5. Dark Matter Terrestrial γ-ray Flashes Fermi Highlights and Discoveries GRBs

    Fermi Bubbles Novae SNRs & PWN Blazars Radio Galaxies LMC & SMC Starburst Galaxies γ-ray Binaries Globular Clusters Sun: flares & CR interactions Pulsars: isolated, binaries, & MSPs Unidentified Sources Galactic Extragalactic e+e- spectrum Slide: J. McEnery
  6. Bühler+15 Energies 100 MeV - 300 GeV Diffuse galactic gamma-ray

    emission 0 0 −30 30 −60 60 −90 90 −120 120 −150 150 −180 180 30 −30 60 −60 90 −90
  7. 0 0 −30 30 −60 60 −90 90 −120 120

    −150 150 −180 180 30 −30 60 −60 90 −90 90 Ackermann+15 Gamma-ray sky observed by Fermi LAT is dominated by blazars FSRQs: flat spectrum radio quasars BL Lac objects AGNs of unknown type non-blazar AGNs
  8. Overview of activities Day 1 Day 2 Introduction, overview Obtaining

    and exploring LAT data Inspecting the data: counts map Introduction: Basics of modeling Likelihood analysis of a blazar Create a SED Produce a light curve R. Nemmen, Fermi LAT hands-on
  9. All LAT data products are public Fermi Science Support Center

    https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/ssc/LAT/LATDataQuery.cgi Data formats: • FITS files • XML source models • text-based supporting files (more details in the hands-on) Fermi LAT data
  10. • Fermi ScienceTools: for general analysis • DS9: FITS file

    viewer • Enrico: helpful Python scripts for analysis (more details in the hands-on) All required software is pre-installed in the VM and ready to use Analysis software tools
  11. Please do not download large files during the tutorial or

    the WIFI network will overload We will distribute the software and data you need via USB sticks
  12. Github Twitter Web E-mail Bitbucket Facebook Blog figshare rodrigo.nemmen@iag.usp.br http://rodrigonemmen.com

    @nemmen rsnemmen http://facebook.com/rodrigonemmen nemmen http://astropython.blogspot.com http://bit.ly/2fax2cT