the URI is done out of band from this protocol. A client can be configured with a DNS API URI, or it can discover the URI. This document defines a well-known URI path of "/.well-known/ dns-query" so that a discovery process that produces a domain name or domain name and port can be used to construct the DNS API URI. 24
(当然といえば当然) ➢“the response types are works in progress” ✓“application/dns-udpwireformat” が使えることは確定 ✓json based のもあったほうがいいよね、とはあるが、未定 ➢サンプルにある”application/simpledns+json” も規定されて いるわけではなくただの yet another media-type の例 25
The working group may define mechanisms for discovery of DOH servers similar to existing mechanisms for discovering other DNS servers if the chairs determine that there is both sufficient interest and working group consensus. ]] 30
doh も同じか・・・ DNS over TLSのスコープ The protocol described here works for queries and responses between stub clients and recursive servers. It might work equally between recursive clients and authoritative servers, but this application of the protocol is out of scope for the DNS PRIVate Exchange (DPRIVE) Working Group per its current charter. 42
this Working Group is to develop mechanisms that provide confidentiality between DNS Clients and Iterative Resolvers, but it may also later consider mechanisms that provide confidentiality between Iterative Resolvers and Authoritative Servers, or provide end-to-end confidentiality of DNS transactions. ✓DPRIVE の scope がそうであれば doh も DNSoTLS も同じか、 という感じ
library functions such as "getaddrinfo()" and "gethostbyname()", current implementations are known to open and close TCP connections for each DNS query. 44
A full performance evaluation is outside the scope of this specification. A more detailed analysis of the performance implications of DNS over TLS (and DNS over TCP) is discussed in [TDNS] and [RFC7766]. 47
DNS over DTLS alone cannot provide privacy for DNS messages in all circumstances, specifically when the DTLS record size is larger than the path MTU. In such situations, the DNS server will respond with a truncated response (see Section 5). 50