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VS CodeでもGitKraken

VS CodeでもGitKraken

2022/7/16 に開催された「合同勉強会 in 大都会岡山 -2022 10th Anniversary Online-」の発表資料です




July 16, 2022

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  1. I am a GitKraken Ambassador, not a paid employee of

    GitKraken by Axosoft. 自己紹介 Ryo Sumasu @ryosms #okagit #今日のサブスレッド
  2. GitLens for VS Code l GitKrakenのGit Toolsの一つ l 元々は個人のプロジェクト l

    https://www.gitkraken.com/blog/gitkraken-acquires- gitlens-for-visual-studio-code l ライセンス体系 l GitLens / GitLens+ (Free / Pro / Teams / Enterprise) https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=eamodio.gitlens
  3. GitLens l OSSなVS Code拡張 l https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens l アカウント登録なしで利用可能 l VS

    CodeのGit機能を強化 l 既存のGit機能を置き換えるものではない
  4. GitLens+ (Free) l GitLens + GitKrakenによるカスタマイズ l For solo developer

    l Public Repos only l Worktrees l Visual File History l GitKraken commit graph - coming soon https://www.gitkraken.com/gitlens/plus-features
  5. GitLens+ (Paid) l GitLens+ (Free)の機能に追加して l Teamのライセンス管理 l Private Reposでも利用可能

    l Team collaboration features – coming soon l Support l 現在セール中! https://www.gitkraken.com/gitlens/pricing
  6. GitLens+ (Paid) l GitLens+ (Free)の機能に追加して l Teamのライセンス管理 l Private Reposでも利用可能

    l Team collaboration features – coming soon l Support l 現在セール中! https://www.gitkraken.com/gitlens/pricing
  7. Features l Current Line Blame l Git CodeLens l Status

    Bar Blame l Navigate Revision History
  8. I am a GitKraken Ambassador, not a paid employee of

    GitKraken by Axosoft. Use my referral URL to be entered to win a Nintendo Switch! www.gitkraken.com/invite/xKSqCHYi