Front-end Engineer / Web Designer / WordPress Plugin Developer.
Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
Worked at Leaner Technologies, Inc.
My interests include Ruby, RBS, and LLM, and I am developing RBS Goose, a tool f...
Engineering Manager(SRE/CRE/Security) at 家族アルバム みてね/FamilyAlbum, MIXI, Inc.
to C向けのFintechサービス B/43 ( を創っています
シリアルアントレプレナー / 連続起業家
ex フリマアプリ FRIL(現ラクマ)創業者兼CTO
Immigrant to beautiful Canada 🇨🇦
Open Source Software Developer @npmjs • JavaScript • UI/UX • CLI [he/him]
At Nulab we work hard (and play harder) to bring you the latest creative innovation in collaborative software apps.