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July 30, 2024

More Decks by Sakusakumura

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  1. 8 Alpaca Below is an instruction that describes a task,

    paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: {Instruction} ### Input: {Input} ### Response: {Output}
  2. 10 会話の終わりと</s> ### Instruction: ... ### Input: ... ### Response:

    ... </s> ### Instruction: ... ### Input: ... ### Response: ... ### Instruction: ... ### Input: ... ### Response: ...</s> Responseの後</s>を出力しない 場合がある??? ①と②を区別できるか? ① ② ・①はResponseの後</s>を出力 ・②はResponseの後</s>を出力せず Instructionが続く
  3. 11

  4. 13 Vicuna USER: {input} ASSISTANT: {output} USER: {input} ASSISTANT: {output}

    ... bilingual-gpt-neox ユーザー: {input} システム: {output} ユーザー: {input} システム: {output} ... RWKV raven USER: {input} ASSISTANT: {output} USER: {input} ASSISTANT: {output} ... ※Alpacaよりも混同しやすい
  5. 15 Llama 2 [INST] <<SYS>> {system prompt} <</SYS>> {input} [/INST]

    {output} [INST] {input} [/INST] {output}</s> ※Special tokenは<s>, </s>, <unk>のみ
  6. 16 Llama 2 ・システムとユーザ入力が明確に分離されている <<sys>> ... <</sys>> [INST] ... [/INST]

    ・改行を含む入出力に強い(囲まれているため) ・拡張性が少ない(ユーザー&アシスタントのみ) ・[INST]が複数トークンで分割されている →学習難易度の増加 ・どこで止まるのか不明瞭
  7. 17

  8. 18 Mistral Instruct v0.1-0.2 {system} [INST] {input} [/INST] {output} </s>

    [INST] {input} [/INST] {output} </s> [INST] {input} [/INST] {output} </s> ...
  9. 20

  10. 23

  11. 25 Gemma / Gemma 2 Positive: ・入出力が明確に分離されている ・改行を含む入出力に強い(囲まれているため) ・<end_of_turn>がストップワードのように機能する ・Special

    Tokenが1トークンとして扱われているため モデルが理解しやすい Negative: ・ロールが囲まれていないため、Llama 3よりも若干 不安定か?
  12. 27

  13. 28 Mistral Instruct v0.3 [INST] {input} [/INST] {output} [INST] {input}

    [/INST] {output} ... [INST], [/INST] → 1トークン [TOOL_CALLS], [AVAILABLE_TOOLS], [/AVAILABLE_TOOLS], [TOOL_RESULTS], [/TOOL_RESULTS] も追加されていて1トークンで処理できる
  14. 30

  15. 31 AInes v3 <s>{system instruction} [CONTEXT_START] <instruction>{Description of context section}</instruction>

    <character_information: {role1}>{description1}</character_information> <character_information: {role2}>{description2}</character_information> ... <background>{situation of this conversation}</background> [CONTEXT_END] [CHAT_START] <instruction>{description of chat section}</instruction> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> ... <final_turn_indicator> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> </final_turn_indicator> [CHAT_END]</s>
  16. 32 AInes v3 <s>{system instruction} [CONTEXT_START] <instruction>{Description of context section}</instruction>

    <character_information: {role1}>{description1}</character_information> <character_information: {role2}>{description2}</character_information> ... <background>{situation of this conversation}</background> [CONTEXT_END] [CHAT_START] <instruction>{description of chat section}</instruction> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> ... <final_turn_indicator> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> </final_turn_indicator> [CHAT_END]</s> 登場人物の説明 会話の状況指定 会話部分
  17. 33 AInes v3 [CONTEXT_START] <instruction>{このセクションの説明}</instruction> <character_information: {role1}>{description1}</character_information> <character_information: {role2}>{description2}</character_information> ...

    <background>{situation of this conversation}</background> [CONTEXT_END] ・Llama 3と同じ要領で、タグの役割と内容を明確に ・htmlのように内部に属性として名前を持たせる →様々なroleに柔軟に対応
  18. 34 AInes v3 [CHAT_START] <instruction>{description of chat section}</instruction> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline>

    <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> ... <final_turn_indicator> <voiceline: {role}>{content}</voiceline> </final_turn_indicator> [CHAT_END]</s> 書き言葉ではなく話し言葉なので「voiceline」を使用 (学習データ量の少なさにより、1トークンでは上手くいかなかった) 最後のターンを示す目印
  19. 36

  20. 38 AInes 今後の予定 指示チューニング済みモデルのファインチューニング →2023/07 基盤モデルのファインチューニング →2023/11 基盤モデルの追加学習&ファインチューニング →2024/11 ?

    追加学習の学習データ作成中です! 手が足りてないのでご協力をお願いします! 詳しくはスレッド『 Common Crawlを落としたい』へ