Dentre tantas linguagens de programação existentes no mercado, por que Ruby tem atraído tanta gente? Nesse talk irei falar o que chamou minha atenção nessa nessa linguagem que tanto amamos.
1 into the calculator And I have pressed the plus button And I have entered 2 into the calculator And I have pressed the plus button And I have entered 3 into the calculator When I press the equal button Then the result should be 6 on the screen
250, 208) stack :margin => 10 do button "Start" do @time = @label.replace "Stop watch started at #@time" end button "Stop" do @label.replace "Stopped, ", strong("#{ - @time}"), " seconds elapsed." end @label = para "Press ", strong("start"), " to begin timing." end end
250, 208) stack :margin => 10 do button "Start" do @time = @label.replace "Stop watch started at #@time" end button "Stop" do @label.replace "Stopped, ", strong("#{ - @time}"), " seconds elapsed." end @label = para "Press ", strong("start"), " to begin timing." end end