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Kotlin in Google IO 2017 FINAL CA.kt

Kotlin in Google IO 2017 FINAL CA.kt


June 15, 2017

More Decks by satorufujiwara

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  15. data class Money(val amount: Int, val currency: String) fun sumUp(money

    : Money?) { if (money != null) { sumOfAmount += money.amount } } fun sumUp(money : Money?) { money ?: return sumOfAmount += money.amount } fun sumUp(money : Money?) { sumOfAmount += money?.amount ?: 0 }
  16. data class Money(val amount: Int, val currency: String) fun sumUp(money

    : Money?) { if (money != null) { sumOfAmount += money.amount } } fun sumUp(money : Money?) { money ?: return sumOfAmount += money.amount } fun sumUp(money : Money?) { sumOfAmount += money?.amount ?: 0 } fun sumUp(money : Money?) { money?.run { sumOfAmount += amount } }
  17. companion object { private const val KEY_USER = “user” fun

    newInstance(user: User): UserFragment { val fragment = UserFragment() val args = Bundle() args.putParcelable(KEY_USER, user) fragment.argument = args return fragment } }
  18. companion object { private const val KEY_USER = “user” fun

    newInstance(user: User): UserFragment { val fragment = UserFragment() val args = Bundle() args.putParcelable(KEY_USER, user) fragment.argument = args return fragment } fun newInstance(user: User): UserFragment { val fragment = UserFragment() fragment.argument = Bundle().apply { putParcelable(KEY_USER, user) } return fragment } }
  19. companion object { private const val KEY_USER = “user” fun

    newInstance(user: User): UserFragment { val fragment = UserFragment() val args = Bundle() args.putParcelable(KEY_USER, user) fragment.argument = args return fragment } fun newInstance(user: User): UserFragment { val fragment = UserFragment() fragment.argument = Bundle().apply { putParcelable(KEY_USER, user) } return fragment } fun newInstance(user: User) = UserFragment().apply { arguments = Bundle().apply { putParcelable(KEY_USER, user) } } }
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  23. //Kotlin class ViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(private val creators: Map<Class<out ViewModel>, @JvmSuppressWildcards

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